This year has been too heavy. July has just begun and there are already five people, and each of the deceased is a leader. Back then, Ni Kuang, Jin Yong, Huang Zhan, and Chua Lam were known as the "Four Great Talents of Hong Kong". Now the three of them have gone on the Yellow Cr

This year is too heavy. July has just begun, and there are already five people, and each of the deceased is a leader. The 87-year-old genius Ni Kuang eventually lost to illness and went to find his old friend Jin Yong.

Back then, Ni Kuang, Jin Yong, Huang Zhan, Cai Lam were known as the "Four Great Talents in Hong Kong". Now the three of them have gone on the Yellow Crane, leaving only Cai, the God of Cookery, in the world. Ni Kuang suffered from more than a dozen diseases and had been tortured by the diseases for thirty years. Now his death can be regarded as a kind of relief.

On the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland, the 41-year-old powerful actor Liu Boxun died suddenly due to myocardial infarction. His youngest daughter was only 1 year old before his death. Xu Jiaxing in "The Moon Is My Hometown", Wang Shouye in "Every Year Is Red", and Liu Boxun's classic roles are still vivid in my mind.

In addition, Luo Qirui, the director of the movie "The Thief of Time", died of a recurrence of heart disease at the age of 70. His lover was the well-known director Zhang Wanting . Director Luo single-handedly made famous Chow Yun-fat , Simon Yam and other superstars. Luo Qirui, who suddenly fell ill, died before he could be sent to the hospital, leaving endless regrets, but also left behind Many visual treasures for the world.

If July is full of pear blossoms and rain, then July is full of pain. In June 2022, many celebrities unfortunately passed away. Some of them died young due to illness; there were also several old artists who passed away this summer, which made netizens very regretful. Although they have left us forever, their works and spirit will forever be cherished memories in our hearts.

On June 8, 2022, the old artist Lan Tianye passed away, triggering condolences from many celebrities and netizens. Lan Tianye, formerly known as Wang Runsen, studied painting when he was a child. When he grew up, he became an excellent drama actor under the arrangement of the party. After TV dramas became popular, he became an excellent TV drama and movie actor, setting off a trend at that time.

Lan Tianye has many representative works, such as the drama "Beijingers", "Teahouse", the TV series " Fengshenbang" and so on. Lan Tianye played Wang Husheng in "Desire" and became the male god of a generation. After Lan Tianye retired, he did not give up his beloved artistic career. He began to serve as a drama director to promote Chinese culture.

At the same time, Lan Tianye also insisted on traditional Chinese painting creation. Due to his important contributions to China's literary and artistic undertakings, he won the Lifetime Achievement Award at the China Drama Awards and was the only artist to receive the July 1st Medal of . People who know and have worked with Lan Tianye say that Lan Tianye is the kindest elder and the most respectable teacher.

The actors in the drama all affectionately call Lan Tianye "Grandpa" and like to listen to his opinions on everything. As his student, Pu Cunxi respected him all his life. Shortly before his death, he posted a photo of giving his teacher a haircut. Photos; actress Sun Qian who worked with him immediately posted on Weibo to miss him.

Whether in work or life, Mr. Lan Tianye is worthy of the party and the people. He has made great contributions to China's literary and artistic undertakings with his talents and sweat. Although he has passed away now, he will always remain in everyone's hearts.

html On June 1, the well-known musician Chen Daoming passed away at the age of 66. When talking about Chen Daoming, many people may not be familiar with him and may even think of the old drama star Chen Daoming, but in fact he has many representative works and is a talented creator. Chen Daoming was a music director, lyricist, and musician during his lifetime, and he had collaborated with famous singers Liu Huan, Han Lei, Mao Ning, and others.

Chen Daoming witnessed the last glory of the record industry in the 1990s, and once served as Zhang Xinzhe's manager. When he passed away, Zhang Xinzhe also wrote with great nostalgia: "Old friend, have a good journey."Chen Daoming also made Zhang Liangying popular. It can be said that he has a keen eye for recognizing people. After his death, many people posted articles in memory of him. Chen Daoming was still very young when he passed away, and it is a pity to die young.

On June 8, The famous Sichuan opera master Xu Qianyun passed away at the age of 94. Before her death, Xu Qianyun had been uncomfortable because of her age, but she was unwilling to give up her career and persisted in high-intensity work.

Although there was a lot. People advised her to take a break, but she said: "I have been working all my life and I can't let go of my career, so just let me do it. "Perhaps because she was too exhausted from work, Xu Qianwen suddenly fell ill and had to end her work and was admitted to the hospital.

Xu Qianyun entered the industry at the age of 11, which is not too early in the drama industry, but she soon showed her strong Her talent quickly emerged. Her representative works include "The Story of the Colorful House" and "The Story of the Jade Hairpin".

Xu Qianyun created countless works throughout her life and made immortal contributions to the inheritance and promotion of Sichuan Opera culture. She is known as " Sichuan Opera." Queen " is one of the first representative heirs of Sichuan Opera, a national intangible cultural heritage project, and is very admired.

In addition to performing her own works seriously, Xu Qianyun is also committed to cultivating students and inheriting art. Until Xu Qianyun was ninety years old At that time, there was still an endless stream of students coming to her to learn opera. She was affectionately called "the master who can't close the door".

It is also regrettable that actor Ye Zhikang passed away on June 8 due to illness. He died at Shanghai Ruijin Hospital at the age of 78. Ye Zhikang was born in 1966 and graduated from Shanghai Theater Academy. He was a famous actor in the last century and starred in famous TV series such as "The Blue Files". Everyone's favorite.

Ye Zhikang not only has high attainments in art, he is also an outstanding engineer. Oriental Pearl TV Tower and other early buildings in Shanghai were built with Ye Zhikang's participation in the design in June. We have sent away several outstanding artists, and we are extremely sorry for their departure. Unexpectedly, July has just begun, and the pain will come one after another. It is true that these people have passed away, but their excellent works and... The immortal spirit will remain in our hearts forever and become the motivation to move forward
