"A Date with a Zombie" is a series launched by ATV in 1998. The show was imaginative and became very popular once it was broadcast, allowing the audience to experience an unprecedented adventure in a fantasy land.

"My Date with a Zombie" (hereinafter referred to as "Zombie") is a series launched by ATV in 1998. The drama was imaginative and became very popular once it was broadcast, allowing the audience to experience an unprecedented experience in a fantasy land. Adventure journey. The heroine Ma Xiaoling has also become the most well-known role of Wan Qiwen. Through her real and natural performance, she became one of the impressive female protagonists in many Hong Kong dramas in the 1990s. To this day, many fans of the drama are still discussing Ma Xiaoling, imitating her outfit in the drama, her gestures to catch monsters, and chanting after her, "All those who face the battle are arrayed at the front."

In the TV series "I Have a Date with a Zombie" broadcast in 1998, Wan Qiwen played the role of Ma Xiaoling.

" I have a date with a zombie "

Ma Xiaoling - the 41st generation descendant of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan. She does not dare to love because the Ma family's ancestral motto is not to shed tears for a man. People who are not familiar with her will think that she is greedy for money, competitive, hates evil, and speaks harshly. In fact, she is cold on the outside but hot on the inside, hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, and values ​​love and justice. Deep in her heart, she desperately longs for love and freedom, and firmly believes that her destiny can be created by her own hands.

Co-stars: Yin Tianzhao, Christine Yang

Broadcasting platform: Hong Kong Asia Television

First broadcast time: November 1998

Plot summary: There are three parts in this series, which tells the story of the male protagonist Kuang Guohua who was bitten by the zombie king and became a general. The story of an immortal zombie who later transformed into a Hong Kong policeman under the pseudonym Kuang Tianyou and worked with the exorcist Ma Siu-ling to save the human world.

Related awards:

1999 Asia Television Best Actress - "I Have a Date with a Zombie" Ma Xiaoling

1999 Asia Television's Top Ten Most Popular Artists

Classic dialogue:

It turns out that time is meaningless, even if it can make you live forever So what if you don't die, a lonely life is more uncomfortable than death. On the contrary, a brief encounter makes you die without regrets.

I received an invitation while I was on vacation, and I fantasized about

while reading the script. In "Zombie", Ma Xiaoling is a female ghost hunter who lives in modern society. She is brave, kind, upright, and never procrastinates in doing things. On weekdays, she can also work to make money and know how to dress up. Although she is not a perfect character, she can see everything clearly.

In that era, the focus of dramas was always on men. Because of Wan Qiwen's sweet and gentle appearance and gentle personality, the characters who found her seemed to lack some personality. Ma Xiaoling was the exception among the exceptions. She remembered that she was on vacation when she suddenly received a call from her company. "On the phone, the producer shouted anxiously, 'We're in a hurry, please come back quickly.' I said, 'I'm on vacation, and I can't go back until it's over.' The other person said, 'Then finish it quickly, and come back soon.'" After urging Wan Qiwen to return to Hong Kong, Dangjie received a stack of scripts and story outlines, and hurriedly entered the role.

Wan Qiwen’s first impression of Ma Xiaoling is that her character is three-dimensional. This is an advanced drama. In addition to science fiction and thriller plots, it also has fashion elements: "I am sure this is a very challenging role, and it is different from those I have played before. They were all different. In addition, no one had ever filmed this subject before. I thought it was very interesting. I didn’t know how it would be filmed and what special effects would be used. I just fantasized about it when I first started filming. It's a laugh scene

The biggest similarity between Wan Qiwen and Ma Xiaoling is that "both have a sweet appearance, but are extremely determined on the inside." No matter how much the outside world obstructs them or how others discourage them, they cannot change what they like and what they are willing to stick to. Inner recognition. Because of this, she showed everyone her determination to play Ma Xiaoling.

The biggest similarity between Wan Qiwen and Ma Xiaoling is that they both have a sweet appearance, but they are very determined on the inside. (Left: Wan Qiwen, right: Yin Tianzhao)

Ma Xiaoling has a capable style of work. To be like her, the biggest problem Wan Qiwen encounters is the tone and way of speaking. "I used to have the habit of trailing sounds when speaking, such as 'No'" This kind of thing, when I play Ma Xiaoling, I have to cut off these ending sounds.I told the director at that time that as long as there was any trace of me, you would stop and start over. When we first started filming, it was really non-stop. "In the play, Ma Xiaoling's most iconic Taoist gestures were just a few flat pictures at first. "I don't know exactly how to place my fingers, but this movement is very important to me because I have to be confident and coherent. I acted it out, and later I kept gesturing even in my dreams. "

At that time, Wan Qiwen knew that she had to get into the role quickly without any delay. So she began to practice her movements in front of the mirror every day, reciting awkward lines. In her memory, she was very embarrassed when she first started filming: " I have to keep talking to the air, fighting to the air, and making gestures to summon the dragon in public and with many people watching on the street. The people next to me were squatting on the ground and laughing non-stop. The colleague who was lighting the lights was laughing so hard that his hands were shaking. He thought my serious look was quite silly, and I couldn't help but be amused by them. Later, I protested to them, ‘I’m acting and you’re laughing, how can I act like this? ’ After everyone got used to it, they gradually got on the right track. "

I was so exhausted for her that I cried both on and off the screen.

After the broadcast of "Zombie", the response was very good. ATV struck while the iron was hot and filmed two sequels.

And Ma Xiaoling has too many differences with Wan Qiwen. Same, "Before Ma Xiaoling, many female characters were relatively single. For example, Lan Fengping (the character in " I Have a Date with Spring ") had a fixed image of being pitiful, gentle and gentle, but Ma Xiaoling is very rich. , she reacts differently to every problem she encounters, has her own thoughts, and has a thorough understanding of the world. "Wan Qiwen dare not say how much acting talent she has, but she wants to make the role a part of herself, rather than forcing herself to become that role.

Therefore, when she played Ma Xiaoling, she was "fully devoted" and spent several times empty-handed. Himself, "The character is alive. Why do people feel that Ma Xiaoling is around me? It's because this character has grown up on me. Many times after I played her, my whole body was shaking." Sometimes she encountered setbacks and low points, crying on and off the screen, and her heart was broken when she cried. At that time, we mostly shot night scenes. After work at night, I drove home and cried while driving. Then I can no longer think about what I shot today, because there will be new scenes to face tomorrow. "

After filming "I Have a Date with a Zombie", Wan Qiwen also learned to be strong and brave from Ma Xiaoling.

After getting closer to Ma Xiaoling step by step, Wan Qiwen really gained something from the role: "I used to be I won't refuse others, even if I don't feel like it in my heart, but on the surface I can do anything and I'm embarrassed to say 'no'. But after finishing this drama, I feel that my style and attitude in doing things are more direct, I have to persist when I should, and I no longer have the tail end when I speak, and I am no longer sloppy. Friends around me think that I have become stronger, and I have become clearer about what I want. If I can, I will do it, and if I can’t, I will say ‘no’. "Wan Qiwen is very grateful to Ma Xiaoling. This role has made her stronger and braver than when she first debuted.

Beijing News reporter Zhou Huixiaowan

chief editor Wu Dongni

proofreader Zhao Lin