Yesterday was the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland. The whole city was in a festive atmosphere, and naturally a cultural evening was also indispensable to add to the fun. Friends who missed Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, and William Chan's joint performance of "T

Yesterday (July 1) was the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to the motherland. The whole city was filled with a festive atmosphere, and naturally a cultural evening was also indispensable to add to the fun.

Hong Kong Commercial Daily broadcast the "Art Gala to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland" live on major social platforms last night. Shortly after the live broadcast started, it was pushed to the homepage of the Kuaishou platform and topped the hot search list!

The picture on the left is the homepage of the Kuaishou platform, and the picture on the right is the hot search list of Kuaishou.

Our newspaper’s live broadcast on the Weibo platform

Friends who missed Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, and William Chan’s joint performance of “The Chinese” last night, don’t feel bad. Keep watching and I will relive last night’s excitement with you!

Andy Lau, Nicholas Tse, William Chan

sang "The Chinese"

set off a wave of "memory killing"

Although the No. 8 typhoon signal was hoisted in Hong Kong last night, the "Art Gala to Celebrate the 25th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland" originally scheduled to be held at the Hung Hom Stadium was changed. It will be broadcast in a recorded format, and the invited guests no longer need to attend, but it will still not damage the enthusiasm of the online audience.

Last night's cultural evening was hosted by Wang Mingquan, Chen Bei'er, and Luk Haoming. They spoke Cantonese, Mandarin, and English, and some audience members expressed that they were very considerate.

The emcees of the party: Wang Mingquan, Chen Beier, Lu Haoming.

Jackie Chan, Andy Lau, Alan Tam, Nicholas Tse, William Chan, Chen Jieling, Luo Jiaying, Mok Warren, Yao Jue and other heavyweight singers and artists joined hands with the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra, Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Dance Company and other groups, nearly 700 people Performers gathered at the Coliseum to give a wonderful performance for the 25th anniversary of China's return to China.

The party kicked off with "My Motherland and Me", led by Hong Kong's two "male gods", Nicholas Tse and William Chan, singing "Same Roots and Same Heart/Cohesion of Every Light/Hong Kong." "My Family" will also perform on the same stage as the Hong Kong Table Tennis Association, Hong Kong Karate Association, Hong Kong Fancy Rope Skipping Association, and Kuok's Kung Fu Golden Dragon Lion Dance Troupe!

Andy Lau, who had attracted much attention before the party, then appeared and sang "Chinese" with Nicholas Tse and William Chan affectionately - "Holding hands, no distinction between you and me, walking forward with heads held high, let the world know that we are all Chinese...", A wave of "memory killings" was instantly set off.

Netizens shouted "blood boiling" and "tears filled"

Some netizens also noticed Andy Lau's condition. After all, Andy Lau, who is over 60 years old, is still a "Chinese boy" in the mouth of many fans, and he is still the same as before. "Handsome and charming, it really doesn't look like "The Sixtieth Year"" ↓

By the way, a "hot knowledge", Andy Lau's "The Chinese" was also released in 1997, the year when Hong Kong returned to the motherland. As can be seen in the MV of this song, Andy Lau climbed onto the Great Wall, wearing a Chinese white shirt, and sang loudly in the sea of ​​flags with Chinese flags written on them, making the audience feel proud.

In the audience, Andy Lau also performed a Cantonese version of "Pearl of the Orient" for his fans. Netizens expressed that was "so good" and was "ear-splitting"!

Brother Jackie Chan showed off his kung fu

Principal Tan led the singing of the film and television hit

Brother Jackie Chan, who was wearing a Tang suit and a red scarf, sang a patriotic song "China Power". During the performance, he also performed kung fu and drumming with the dancers to showcase Chinese culture Powerful and full of aura.

Principal Alan Tam led a group of new generation Hong Kong singers Li Xingni , Yong'er, JW Wang Hao'er, Ji Su Kong Shangzhi, etc. to sing "The Root of Love", "Love and Loyalty", "Dreams", "Dream Man" and many other Film and television hits, the audience traveled through the light and shadow of Hong Kong for 25 years in the performance of many golden songs and classic film clips.

Principal Tan, who can be called the "model worker" of this party, performed on stage three times, and finally led the singing of "Tomorrow Will Be Better". With the wonderful performances of the orchestra and dancers, the atmosphere of the whole place was really exciting!

Classics and modernity coexist

Showing the cultural integration of Hong Kong

As for last night’s cultural evening party, some audience members said that in addition to the singing performances by well-known singers, the evening party also incorporated many traditional cultural elements, which was very exciting. Feeling pleasantly surprised.

For example, Luo Jiaying made his first appearance in a long time, playing Coconut Hu and singing in the Cantonese opera unit "Cantonese Rhymes", which included the classic song "Autumn Moon over the Flat Lake", as well as the aforementioned Jackie Chan himself performing traditional Chinese kung fu, and The traditional dragon and lion dances, which are performed every major festival, also made a wonderful appearance.

Luo Jiaying shared the behind-the-scenes photos of the video on social platforms yesterday afternoon.

According to Guo Wenlong, the head coach of the Hong Kong Kung Fu Golden Dragon Lion Dance Troupe, they have a total of more than 60 team members participating in the performance, some of which are 25 lion dances, performing in the opening unit; and then there is a group called Xiaolong, which consists of 10 people , will come out and perform in the middle when Andy Lau sings.

The evening performance was also interspersed with documentaries on some major events in the 25 years since Hong Kong's return to the motherland, such as the Hong Kong team's best-ever performance in the Tokyo Olympics last year, and the expectations of local Hong Kong athletes for the National Games co-hosted by Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in 2025; The construction process of the Hong Kong Palace Museum was also demonstrated by performances of classical dance and guqin ...

Under the lively and joyful celebration party, Hong Kong, which has returned to the motherland 25 years ago, has opened a new chapter. Hong Kong under the new chapter of

will surely create more new achievements and brilliance. You and I under the Lion Rock will be the creators of miracles.

Friends who missed all the "famous scenes" of last night's party can scan the QR code to watch the live replay↓