Are you hungry? Click on the right to follow us and we will send you the latest hardcore entertainment feast every day! On July 2, the fan group of CCTV host Ren Luyu posted a video, saying that he endured the pain and went on stage, wearing protective gear and insisted on record

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On July 2, the fans group of CCTV host Ren Luyu posted a video, saying that he endured the pain and went on stage, wearing protective gear and insisted on recording the July 1st party. Such professionalism is touching.

It is reported that Ren Luyu participated in the recording of the "Symphony Concert to Celebrate the 101st Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China." The party was successfully held in Beijing on July 1st and will be broadcast on CCTV1 and CCTV3 prime time on the evening of July 2nd.

The main color in the venue is dazzling Chinese red, coupled with golden lights, giving people a solemn and solemn feeling.

Before the party started, the staff set up the stage and then sat on chairs to rest. No other hosts were seen at the scene. However, Ren Luyu arrived at the performance venue early and was very punctual.

What is different from the past is that when Ren Luyu appeared this time, he had an extra pair of protective gear on his waist and abdomen. The vest-shaped protective gear was like armor. Perhaps in order to exercise his ability to walk independently, Ren Luyu did not ask assistants or staff to support him, but carefully placed his hands on his abdomen and walked slowly.

In fact, Ren Luyu suffered a serious injury a month ago. He should have had a good rest at home and worked hard to recover from his injury, but he still couldn't let go of work and didn't want to miss an important party.

For a host, appearance is very important. Even if Luyu wears protective gear, he cannot stand as tall and straight as before. Recording the program requires standing upright for a long time. He can only bear the sadness and pain behind it.

Ren Luyu also greeted the staff cordially before taking the stage, with a bright smile on his face. It's just that he lost a lot of weight after being injured, and his face looked a little haggard.

all say that "love can overcome all difficulties". No matter how painful the injured part is, as long as he can stand on the stage again, it seems that all the pain has disappeared.

From the live photos taken by the media, we can see that when Ren Luyu officially took the stage, he did not wear protective gear and still maintained the same dignified posture as before.

After netizens saw the video of Ren Luyu continuing to work despite being injured, they all praised him for being so dedicated and wished him a speedy recovery.

As the saying goes, "it takes a hundred days to break the muscles and bones." However, it has been less than a month since Ren Luyu was injured in the accident. Now he is insisting on recording the party, which makes people worry about his physical condition.

On June 10 last month, netizens revealed that Ren Luyu fell from the stage while recording a show and accidentally injured his back. He was then sent to the hospital for emergency CT scan for treatment. According to passers-by, Ren Luyu's spinal injury was serious and the situation was not very optimistic.

The audience said that after Ren Luyu was injured, he still insisted on finishing the recording of the program. In the end, he was forced to stop working by the doctor, and he went to the hospital for treatment.

At noon that day, Ren Luyu forwarded the news from the fan group to confirm the fact that he was injured. At the same time, he suspended all acting work to recuperate from illness.

Originally, everyone thought that Ren Luyu would return to the stage after two or three months of rest. Unexpectedly, he would make a comeback in just over half a month.

In recent years, many people have called Ren Luyu the "No. 1 Brother of CCTV". He has participated in the recording of large-scale programs such as the Spring Festival Gala and the Lantern Festival Gala many times. He is a senior in the industry with both political integrity and talent.

I hope he can take good care of his health and not be too pushy to avoid causing the disease. I wish Teacher Ren Luyu a speedy recovery and a happy family!

#Ren Luyu#, #CCTV host Ren Luyu was accidentally injured while recording a program#, #party#

Author: Zhizhi

Editor: Cherry

This article was originally created by Rice Bowl Entertainment. Welcome to pay attention and help you gain knowledge together!