There are many "grandma-level" actors in the entertainment industry, such as Lu Zhong, Cao Cuifen, and Yan Minqiu. Although their acting skills are good, their appearance is not outstanding. But the six "grandma-level" actors we are going to talk about today are different. When t

There are many "grandma-level" actors in the entertainment industry, such as Lu Zhong, Cao Cuifen, Yan Minqiu. Although their acting skills are good, their looks are not outstanding..

But the six "grandma-level" actors we are going to talk about today are different.

When they were young, all of them had amazing looks, and they were all typical beauties.

In no particular order------

1, Wang Fuli 73-year-old

Old actor Wang Fuli was influenced by his father who loved Peking Opera to study in drama school since he was a child. After

, she successfully played the role of "rural sister-in-law" and won the reputation of "the best sister-in-law in the world".

Wang Fuli has won no less than 20 awards of various sizes since she debuted on stage as a teenager.

In his later years, he played the role of Mrs. Xing in "A Dream of Red Mansions", and his acting skills can be seen in the play.

When talking about Wang Fuli, viewers who know her will think of popular works such as "Water Guerrilla", "Legend of Tianyun Mountain", "Sunrise " and "Cotai Strip". However, she has kept a low profile throughout her life and is only interested in acting.

This year, Wang Fuli also made a guest appearance in "老bestfriend". Although her face was wrinkled, her eyes were firm, she analyzed the role thoroughly, and her acting skills have been maintained.

In the eyes of others, Wang Fuli in his later years was so elegant and temperamental.

is actually not much different from his early self. His eyes are bright and his neat teeth look clean and cheerful.

In the era when there were no filters, Wang Fuli could make the audience shine.

definitely has a lot to do with her acting skills. Not only is she beautiful and hard-working, she is also a good actress.

Time is gone forever. I hope that today’s Grandma Wang Fuli is in good health and that aging gracefully is the greatest respect for age.

2, Ren Yexiang 61-year-old

Ren Yexiang is a real Hunan girl. Her representative works include "The Ordinary World", " Long Live Youth " and so on.

She always exudes a simple and natural atmosphere, which is very rare among actresses at that time.

Most of the characters played by Ren Yexiang are rural youths, and they have been recognized by the public for their enthusiastic and simple acting skills.

She pursues real, natural, life-like and personalized performances, and her acting skills are real.

later became seriously ill and was unable to continue filming and left the entertainment industry. Now his face is full of wrinkles.

In his early years, Ren Yexiang had very good looks, with fair skin and bright eyes.

has long, bright black hair and is deliciously beautiful, a typical beauty.

In the early dramas, the simple and natural atmosphere exuded by Ren Yexiang was very rare among actresses at that time. Perhaps this was the real charm.

In addition, she liked singing since she was a child. In middle school, she was an amateur actor in the chorus of Changsha Song and Dance Troupe.

After graduation, he entered the China Children's Art Theater and became a children's drama actor.

3, Xiang Mei 85-year-old

Xiang Mei played the role of the queen of the Wuji Kingdom in the 1986 CCTV TV series "Journey to the West", which left a deep impression on the audience.

Liuye has curved eyebrows and big eyes. Even in her old age, she can still see her elegant temperament. She speaks in a calm and calm manner, and she is a person with a cultural background at first glance.

In 2006, Xiang Mei starred in " The Old Man's Story". A series of humorous stories that made people laugh and laugh made the audience get to know her again. She is a very enlightened old lady.

You must know that in the early years, Xiang Mei relied on her masterpiece "Red Detachment of Women", which set a record of 600 million moviegoers.

It can be seen that the acting skills are not ordinary, and the subsequent films can be charming or cold, but in short they are beautiful.

In her early years, Xiangmei had a foreign image and fair skin. She was in the era when film and television for workers, peasants and soldiers were in full swing.

She failed to interpret the image of workers, peasants and soldiers. However, Xiang Mei had successfully played the role of mother in movies and TV shows, which gave her some comfort.

Nowadays, Grandma Xiangmei has entered her old age. Her body is still strong. Although her wrinkles are obvious, her temperament is still there. She is as kind as the grandma in the painting.

4, Lengmei 68-year-old

Lengmei is a mainland Chinese film actress who was born in an ordinary cadre family in Beijing.

has been fond of literature and art since childhood and was an amateur literary and art propagandist in the army. Later, he attracted attention because of his outstanding acting skills.

has appeared in film and television works such as "Not One Person's Story", "The Trill of Life", "Bitter Love" and "The Golden Deer".

originally had a promising acting career, but she retired from acting after participating in the TV series "Xu Beihong" in 1984. After

's appearance in her later years was exposed, netizens were in an uproar. The former beauty has not escaped the erosion of time, but she still has delicate skin and is much younger than her peers.

5, Jiang Lili 68 years old

Jiang Lili has made guest appearances in " Women Without Regrets ", " New Beijing Smoke and Clouds ", "Invincible County Magistrate", " My Fair Princess 3" and other dramas, playing the role of "Unruly" The mother-in-law, the evil queen, has a remarkable acting ability.

But it can be seen from Jiang Lili's old age that she was definitely a beauty in her early years.

's skin is white and rosy, her eyes are bright, and her smile is still sweet.

In the early years, some netizens said that Jiang Lili had a beautiful, generous and classic temperament.

is also a woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. Her appearance leaves people with a gentle and demure impression.

had a tumor operation due to illness in his later period, and his acting career was mediocre.

After arriving in the United States, she cooperated with friends to open a cultural communication company.

But now every time I think about Jiang Lili, I can still vaguely remember her beauty in her early years, whether it was ancient costumes or family dramas.

6, Gui Yalei 78-year-old

In 1966, she won the Best Actress at the 4th Taiwan Golden Horse Film Awards for her role as Lu Yiping in the Qiong Yao drama "Misty Rain".

In his later years, he won the Best Supporting Actress at the 29th Popular Film Hundred Flowers Award for " Cloud Water Ballad".

Gui Yalei spent more than 40 years acting from the pure girl in Qiong Yao drama to the Empress Dowager Dou in Han Wu dynasty.

has created more than a hundred classic roles and is good at playing various types of women.

In addition to wonderfully interpreting other people's lives, she is also perfectly interpreting her own life.

Not every actor can play other people's lives well, and not every actor can enjoy thousands of favors year after year.

But she did it. Now that all her glory has been washed away, she is still elegant and calm.

Gui Yalei's eyes are very distinctive, she shed tears for a second in the early Qiong Yao drama.

In addition to Liu Xuehua , the second tearful queen is Gui Yalei. The difference is that Gui Yalei is more beautiful.

She can play the role of a cold beauty or an innocent lady, and her roles are versatile.

will not be stereotyped by one drama. The fact that won the championship in the preliminary contest of "Miss China" shows how beautiful she was when she was young.

Gui Yalei is 78 years old this year. She has dedicated her life to movies. Now she can finally enjoy her old age, occasionally go out to relax, and truly be a free person.

Above are the young photos of 6 "grandma-level" actors, each one more beautiful than the other.

Only flowers last forever, and everyone cannot escape the wasted time.

Who is your favorite?

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