Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News He Xiaoting In recent years, virtual collections in digital form have gradually entered the public eye, refreshing people's understanding of the traditional concept of "collection".

Qianjiang Evening News·Hourly News He Xiaoting

In recent years, virtual collections in digital form have gradually entered the public eye, refreshing people's understanding of the traditional concept of "collection". This Sunday at 10pm, "天天上" "New-tro Brothers" Wang Han, Sha Baoliang, Hu Haiquan, Qi Sijun, Zhang Yanqi, Wu Zelin, Ding Zhenzhen followed the Chinese collection The "Big Brother" Ma Weidu discussed the meaning of collection and personally experienced the mysterious creative process behind digital collections.

Ma Weidu shares antique knowledge

Collection experience tells the truth about life

Ma Weidu is one of the few collectors and antique connoisseurs in China. He has published many books on collection since 1992. In 1996, Ma Weidu founded China's first private museum. This "grand figure" in the collecting world made a surprise appearance in "Tian Tian Shang Shang". Facing a rare leader in the collecting world, the brothers asked Ma Weidu for knowledge about collecting. In the

program, Ma Wei not only introduced the audience to the antique trading market that was popular in the early years, but also personally demonstrated to the brothers how the "sleeve-flipping transaction" was conducted in the collection market. When Wang Han shared his experience of being cheated when buying antiques, Ma Weidu said with relief: "There is a difference between theoretical research and practical operation. Being cheated in the beginning is not only a normal phenomenon, but also a life experience."

talked about whether cultural relic collection is Although it is just an entertainment activity for the rich, Ma Weidu said that the significance of the collection lies not only in its own price, but also in the emotional connection between the collector and the collection. Every word is full of life philosophy, which makes people suddenly enlightened after listening to it.

Qi Sijun shocked the audience with the "cultural relics" unearthed in 1966

Wu Zelin's crush revealed that he loves watching "Tian Tian Shang Shang"

In this episode, the brothers each chose their favorite collections to become "street stall owners", and Ma Weidu was in charge, dividing them according to the categories of collections The two factions, the old and the new, hosted and participated in the exchange of private collections among the brothers. Before exchanging collections, the brothers introduced their "treasures" one after another: Wu Zelin said that his collection was closely related to a famous cartoonist, and Qi Sijun even claimed that his collection was a "cultural relic" unearthed in 1966, which aroused a group of brothers. of intense curiosity. In the end, Wu Zelin and Ding Zhen successfully exchanged. After discovering that Wu Zelin's collection was a junior high school classmate's album with Conan on the cover, Ding Zhen claimed that he had been deceived.

Wu Zelin then showed everyone how classmates recorded . The brothers accidentally discovered that a classmate filled in "Tian Tian Shang Shang" in the column of his favorite TV show. Wu Zelin shyly explained that this was actually his favorite in junior high school. Girl, everyone was amazed by the wonderful fate! And Qi Sijun's "antique" with a "long history" was finally accepted by Zhang Yanqi with satisfaction.

Geometric obscura analysis of character

Old and new brothers jointly create digital collections

In addition to the familiar physical collections, Ma Weidu and his brothers explored the extremely popular digital collections nowadays. In order for everyone to have a more intuitive experience of digital works, Fei Jun, a professor at the Digital Media Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, invited two members of the brotherhood to experience the "Emotional Geometry" obscura. This device will draw images based on the heart rate of the experiencer, and through the images The shape can determine the psychological state of the experiencer. Professor Fei Jun pointed out that both Hu Haiquan and Ding Zhen have moody and "sultry" personalities, which surprised the brothers. At the end of the

program, two teams of brothers, old and new, created two pieces of digital art with the theme of " Hunan TV in the metaverse". They decided to sell these two works in limited quantities, and all the proceeds from the sales would be invested in a charity fund to support public welfare undertakings. It is reported that these two works have been put on sale on the mango TV platform on June 28.

Watch "Tian Tian Shang Shang" this Sunday at 10 pm to see how the Tian Tian New-tro brothers show off their talents in the world of collections.

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