For example, the movie "Furong Town" that made Liu Xiaoqing and Jiang Wen popular. Jiang Wen said in a later interview that director Xie Jin was a monument and it was he who prepared him to be a director.

When it comes to Xie Jin, everyone is familiar with it. After all, he is a leading figure in the history of Chinese film. Six of his films have won the " Hundred Flowers Award ", which is a unique achievement.

is like the movie "Furong Town" that made Liu Xiaoqing and Jiang Wen popular. Jiang Wen said in a later interview that director Xie Jin was a monument and it was he who prepared him to be a director.

Xie Jin himself has achieved various achievements many times. He is also an outstanding figure among the third generation of directors in China. His brilliant achievements in the film career are unsurpassed by anyone.

Xie Jin was born in 1923. His family came from a scholarly family, and he was expected to become a teacher.

However, Xie Jin did not study step by step. Perhaps it was fate, but Xie Jin fell in love with the film form of expression from the first time he came into contact with it.

He felt that it was so amazing that he could play out all the joys and sorrows of a person in just a few hours, so Xie Jin came up with the idea of ​​becoming a director.

However, Xie Jin’s family disagreed. Xie Jin’s parents were relatively conservative and could not accept their son studying a career that did not seem to be popular at the time.

Xie Jin certainly would not give up. After graduating from the college entrance examination, he entered Jiang'an National Drama School and from then on, a great film artist began to slowly take shape.

Xie Jin, who has achieved such great success in his career, is not so lucky in his family life.

Xie Jin and his wife Xu Dawen met in 1941. In that most difficult era in China, the two progressive young people fell in love at first sight.

Xie Jin had a bad temper when he was young and dared to do anything. Even though he knew there were spies in the school, he still said whatever he wanted.

He didn't take those Japanese lackeys seriously at all. When he saw them bullying other female classmates, Xie Jin was so angry that he went up and started fighting.

This may make others afraid of Xie Jin, but Xu Dawen doesn't think so. She was born into a scholarly family and has been reading and writing since she was a child.

Xu Dawen also has some boyish pride in her body. She is not like other girls who are coy and afraid of Xie Jin's violent temper.

She saw Xie Jin's kind heart beneath Xie Jin's violent behavior at a glance.

So she and Xie Jin often have a lot of resonance. She can understand what Xie Jin said and is also worried about this country.

Both are progressive young people. Xie Jin and Xu Dawen got closer and closer because of rehearsing progressive dramas, and their relationship became increasingly familiar.

On Xie Jin's 20th birthday, Xu Dawen attended Xie Jin's birthday party and was expelled from school and became a shame to the family.

But Xu Dawen did not regret it. She felt that it was very freeing for a group of boys and girls to eat and laugh together openly.

After learning that Xie Jin was arrested by the police, Xu Dawen bravely went to the police station to argue, and the police station who was wronged finally released him.

Later, Xu Dawen was sent to Chongqing by her family to join her uncle, and Xie Jin, who had already learned about his feelings, also left with him. After the two people experienced what happened in Jiang'an, their hearts became closer to each other.

In the autumn of 1946, Xie Jin was 23 years old and Xu Dawen was 20 years old. They recognized each other as the only love of their lives and entered the palace of marriage hand in hand.

Xie Jin's teacher Mr. Hong Shen was the witness of the wedding. Xie Jin respected that Xu Dawen's family was a traditional feudal family and brought a generous betrothal gift to marry her, which gave Xu Dawen enough respect.

After getting married, the two had a good relationship and lived a sweet life. Soon they gave birth to their daughter and eldest son Xie Yan.

Xie Jin also entered Datong Film and began his career as a director.

But at this time, Xie Jin and his wife had not thought that the blow from life was about to come and would last a lifetime.

In 1964, Xie Jin was severely criticized during that special period for directing " Stage Sisters ".

In fact, there is nothing wrong with the plot of this drama, but in that era, people were coaxed by the special atmosphere. The two heroines in the movie committed suicide one after another, and Xie Jin was also locked up in the bullpen for criticism.

If it was just a blow to career, it would be acceptable. Who knew that among the four children born to Xie Jin and Xu Dawen, except for the eldest son Xie Yan, one daughter and two sons had more or less intellectual problems.

The eldest daughter is just not as intelligent as others; the third child contracted asthma when he was 2 years old; the fourth child contracted acute hepatitis when he was 3 years old, and epilepsy when he was 7 years old. Serious illness plagued this child, and his intelligence Development therefore ceases.

Misfortune never comes singly. Xie Jin's parents were accustomed to being pampered and could not bear the humiliation of being criticized, so they passed away one after another.

This gave Xie Jin a big blow.

After surviving that period, most of the films produced by Xie Jin bear the true imprint of that period. The countless hardships brought Xie Jin unlimited sources of creation.

China's best movie "Furong Town" was produced at this time, and many actors such as Liu Xiaoqing, Jiang Wen, Tang Guoqiang became famous because of it.

Xie Jin is a person who is very strict with filming, strict with actors, and even stricter with himself, otherwise he would not have achieved such a great achievement.

This inevitably led to Xie Jin becoming busier and busier, leaving him with very little time to go home.

Xie Jin's two sons have low intelligence and don't understand what their father is doing when he goes out, so they wait at the door every day for their father to come home.

However, whenever Xie Jin is free to go home, he will take care of his two children personally. Xie Jin has a strong affection for the two children who cannot take care of themselves.

He also taught his eldest son Xie Yan more than once to take good care of his younger brother. He placed hope on his only normal eldest son.

Xie Yan did not live up to his father's expectations. He grew up smoothly and became a director. He also collaborated with Zhou Xun on the film " Daughter is Red ".

Xie Jin valued his eldest son very highly, and he felt indebted to his two younger sons, so he always left his love to his third and fourth sons and his solemnity to Xie Yan.

But Xie Jin didn't realize how much of a burden this put on Xie Yan.

Xie Yan listens to his father's words and takes great care of his younger brother. He takes his younger brother out for a walk every day.

Even after he got cancer, he thought that he would not cause trouble to his parents, take care of his own funeral affairs, and distribute the inheritance to his younger brother and parents, so he walked to the hospital by himself.

Xie Yan has never been married. He gave all his love to his parents and younger brother without thinking too much about himself. He is so sensible that it makes people feel heartbroken.

In the end, Xie Yan died of lung cancer at the age of 59. A week before his death, Xie Jin and Xu Dawen hurriedly got the news and rushed to the hospital to accompany their son every day.

And Xie Yan also put down his burden, just like when he was a child, asking his parents every day when they would come to see him.

The death of his eldest son Xie Yan brought a major blow to Xie Jin. Only then did he realize that he had usually neglected his eldest son.

This suddenly took away Xie Jin's energy, and he collapsed completely.

An old man in his eighties felt so depressed that he could not come back. Two months later, Xie Jin died in a hotel where his son Xie Yan once worked.

Xie Jin's funeral was held in a grand manner. Half of the celebrities in the film industry came to attend, and countless movie fans also spontaneously came to pay their respects.

Yes, we mourn because we have lost one of the best film masters.

At the memorial service, Liu Xiaoqing took out a bag of cash and asked Xu Dawen to accept it. She had tears in her eyes. Director Xie Jin is my lifelong benefactor.

Xu Dawen's first reaction was to refuse, but she couldn't resist Liu Xiaoqing's repeated insistence and accepted the money.

The money comforted Xu Dawen more, letting her know that even if her husband left, there were still so many friends around her to rely on, and her tense heart might be able to get some relief.

At this time, Xu Dawen was undoubtedly hit by multiple blows.

Xu Dawen had just completed heart bypass surgery at this time, but she encountered Song Zude and Liu Xinda spreading rumors on the Internet, taking advantage of the popularity and slandering Xie Jin.

She endured her grief and launched a legal lawsuit with the help of people from all walks of life to prove Xie Jin's innocence.

Xu Dawen is not an ordinary woman, she can also take charge of herself at critical moments. This can be seen from the fact that Xie Jin has been able to work outside with peace of mind for so many years.

If it weren't for Xu Dawen who took good care of the family and fully supported her husband's work behind the scenes, Xie Jin would not be able to fully take care of the family alone.

What's more, Xie Jin and Xu Dawen's family conditions are very special. The three children in the family are not of normal intelligence. It will take more efforts to take care of the family.

Xu Dawen has always been a strong woman. She truly loves her husband and tolerates his busyness.

When they were young, Xu Dawen and her husband Xie Jin had the same ideals, and their personalities were as bold as her husband's. Their union was a destiny-like happiness.

After getting married, Xu Dawen concentrated on being at home and taking care of all the family matters.

Being the wife behind a great man is very hard. Just like the TV series "The Meritorious Service" aired in recent years, Yu Qin, the wife of China's "father of the hydrogen bomb" Yu Min, is raising a family alone and taking care of a pair of children.

After Xie Jin's death, Xu Dawen's health improved slightly and she did many meaningful things: established the Xie Jin Film Art Foundation and the "Xie Jin Cup" Academy Award.

It is precisely because Xu Dawen understands her husband's film career that she wants to set up awards to encourage young talents and make China Pavilion films go further.

Xu Dawen's body is getting weaker and weaker, and she realizes that her time is running out. Her two sons and her husband have left one after another, and the only one she still can't let go of is her fourth child.

Fortunately, the eldest daughter offered to take care of her younger brother, and her son-in-law did not object, so Xu Dawen felt relieved.

Looking back on the years I have experienced with Xie Jin, I have gone through all the hardships and joys together. As long as I am with the person I love, no matter what, it will become a beautiful memory.

Finally, Xu Dawen died in 2016 at the age of 90.

Xie Jin and Xu Dawen have grown old. Even if the children they give birth to have defects, it has never affected their relationship.

This explains what is mutual love, which is the beautiful companionship and family affection that remains after the passion fades.

May the deceased rest in peace and the living be strong!