In the program "Fifty Kilometers to Taohuawu", 15 celebrities live together and experience social life in a group. Because there were so many people, Li Xueqin took the lead in suggesting that everyone should divide the work reasonably in advance to avoid some people rushing to w

Author: Zhang Yiao

Song Dandan was scolded again.

In the program " Fifty Kilometers Taohuawu ", 15 celebrities live together and experience social life in a group.

Because there were so many people, Li Xueqin was the first to suggest that everyone could reasonably divide the work in advance to avoid some people rushing to work and some people not doing any work at all.

Song Dandan suddenly asked her, who took the job?

and asked those who were willing to take jobs to raise their hands, but the young people at the scene did not dare to move at all. Song Dandan then pointed the finger at Li Xueqin for fabricating conflicts.

When discussing the event arrangements, Song Dandan suggested holding a bonfire party so that everyone could prepare a program. After noticing the displeasure of others, he angrily accused: "Why do you want you to sit here?"

In order to create a relaxed atmosphere and allow the newcomers to integrate as soon as possible, Song Dandan kept teasing the regular guests Li Xueqin and Wang Sulong. Say they are lazy, know nothing, and cannot accomplish anything.

The two people who were teased started with smiles, but later gave up managing their expressions completely and stopped making any resistance.

Many viewers saw this scene and called it embarrassing and uncomfortable.

In the eyes of young people, Song Dandan is nothing more than a strong leader in the workplace. Employees are reluctant but unable to clearly refuse due to their status.

Or the elders who use their seniority to impose their own ideas on the younger generation cannot be questioned.

"suffocating" has become Song Dandan's new label.


Li Xueqin and Wang Sulong only met powerful seniors in the workplace, but Song Dandan’s son Batu grew up under a suppressive education.

In the variety show " Yearning for Life", Song Dandan made no secret of her dislike of her son.

Seeing other people getting up early to make breakfast for everyone, she lectured her son in front of Huang Lei, Liu Xianhua and others: "I gave birth to a waste, and I can't do anything. Look at these people."

Her son thought She had to light a fire and boil eggs for her, but urban children were not very efficient at the work. Song Dandan saw this and ridiculed: "You are clumsy and can't do anything well."

also complained that the raised cigarette ashes stained his face, saying bluntly I need to go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to change my son.

When she heard that her son was going to build a chicken coop, her words were full of distrust for her son: "If you can build a chicken coop, then I have raised this son in vain."

When everyone gathered together, another He joked about the embarrassing things that happened when his son was young: "Batu never once made me happy to attend a parent-teacher meeting when he was a child."

When seeing his son's inflamed toes, his first reaction was not to care, but to complain about it: "You didn't chew it yourself, did you? You liked chewing your own feet when you were a child."

even asked his adult son to perform chewing feet for the big guys.

repeated it several times without any regard for his son's dignity. The emotion on Batu's face gradually changed from embarrassment to anger. The guests on the side didn't know how to react, so they had to laugh and fool around. After the broadcast of

, the relationship between mother and son caused great controversy.

Many viewers believe that Song Dandan is a typical "Chinese parent" who likes to belittle his children in front of outsiders and does not know how to consider their children's feelings.

This kind of suppression does not come from her subjective malice, but is a long-term habit without knowing it.

Therefore, another typical thing about her is that she is not forgiving on her words, but she is very proud of her son in her heart.

In a talk show, when asked if she would compare her son's grades with others, Song Dandan smiled and said: "There is no comparison, because everyone is better than him."

But when it came to her son's career, she immediately The conversation changed, "No one can compare to how relaxed he is when acting now... His feeling about life, no one who has performed after four years of college study can compare with him. He has a very good sense of humor."

His son wanted to enter the entertainment industry, so Song Dandan took him on various shows, gave him opportunities to appear, and spared no effort in publicity.

During the variety show competition, every time her son answered a question correctly, she would give a thumbs up and proudly show off to everyone: "My son is so awesome!"

Such a very different style of painting is largely related to Batu's biological father Ying Up to related.

Yingda has publicly made various remarks such as "Don't come to me if you get divorced", "I don't know if my youngest son is willing to share his father's love with another child", "My fate with Batu and his son has ended", etc. Causing damage to Batu again and again.

Song Dandan felt sorry for her son, and hoped that her son could get used to being hit and become stronger.

Therefore, has both mother's kindness and strictness, and wants to try her best to make up for the absence of her biological father when Batu was growing up.

And the way she chooses, including her hopes for her son, are all related to her soft but strong character.


Song Dandan’s character and behavior can be seen in her past marriage.

In 1987, Song Dandan had just ended her last marriage.

Due to the hasty separation of the two, she felt extremely insecure in her relationship. She longs to be loved and to have a home of her own without having to endure the pain of parting with her lover.

At this moment, she met Yingda and registered their marriage two years later.

Yingda was born into a prominent family in the Zhenghuang Banner of the Manchu people. He had a distinguished family background and was a young master who had nothing to do with his fortune. Song Dandan had to take care of everything.

Repair lights, locks, gas, toilets, cars, just roll up your sleeves and do it.

Even if Yingda has no job and sleeps at home all day long, Song Dandan doesn't mind at all. Her husband's grateful words, "Dandan, I will spend 1 cent on you today and pay you back 10,000 yuan tomorrow" instead prompted her to work harder to make money.

Song Dandan’s soft but strong character not only allows her to take charge of her own life, but also makes her willing to sacrifice herself unconditionally for her family.

At that time, CCTV invited her to star in the sketch " Lazy Guys Dating ", but in the traditional concept, sketches are not popular art. Her father-in-law Ying Ruocheng said "What are you doing? Taking it for fun?" Retreat.

finally got on stage under the persuasion of the staff.

Since then, Song Dandan became famous overnight and became a well-known queen of sketches. While her career was rising, she did not forget to benefit her husband and recommended Yingda to the crew of and Wang Shuo.

The two directors hit it off and began preparing for the sitcom " I Love My Family ". It was also at this time that Yingda met screenwriter Liang Zuo and his sister Liang Huan.

The husband directed it and his wife starred in it. It was a hit in the ratings and it seems to be a good story.

But later, the legend turned into a joke.

Yingda's scandal with Liang Huan was widely spread outside, but she and Song Dandan were quarreling and violent all day long inside.

Maybe it was the depression of not being loved, maybe it was because of his strong nature, Song Dandan cheated on her, and she rushed to tell the media about it in a high profile before Yingda did.

htmlThe 18-year marriage ended.

On the surface, he dares to love and hate, and he will leave as soon as possible, but in fact, Song Dandan is crying all day long, and even wants to give all the money to Yingda, "As long as he can come back, stay with me and my son, and live a good life."

But in the future, the passage of time and Yingda's actions completely exhausted Song Dandan's love, leaving only hatred.

Under the premise that both of them had started a new family, she directly wrote out the details of her marriage to Yingda without consulting Yingda.

"It was the most difficult time for me. I rented a bedroom and a living room in the Asian Games Village with my I thought of selling my private life to make some money."

was so angry that Yingda scolded her for being "exhibitionist."

When Yingda tried to portray a good father image in front of the media, Song Dandan posted a Weibo detailing how he ignored Batu and angrily accused him of not being a human being.

’s strong character protected Song Dandan from being bullied to some extent, but it also inevitably hurt herself.

Talking about this marriage many years later, she reflected:

"I was always so domineering, so energetic, eager to show off my abilities to everyone. Yingda once complained, 'You make me feel like I have done nothing.' , but I didn’t take it to heart.”

When she forced herself to support everything and protect her family, the love behind her had already slipped away unknowingly.


Throughout his career over the years, Song Dandan has relied on the soft and sensitive side of his character to carefully figure out the roles in film and television dramas, creating characters that are deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

also relied on the strong and unyielding side of his character to overcome the ups and downs and the storms.

For those who have been with it for a long time, Song Dandan’s goodness cannot be ignored.

is like Batu. He understands that his mother is a very good person and has high demands on herself, so he will unknowingly use this as a standard to demand his son.

Although it made him embarrassed and depressed at certain moments, he also learned how to become a better person.

But for those who meet by chance, Song Dandan's competitiveness and strength are undoubtedly the thorn on the cactus.

participated in " Sisters Over Flowers ", and other people had to call Lin Chiling second aunt. Even in private, they were not allowed to call her sister, otherwise they would be fined.

This made Lin Chiling, who was extremely sensitive to age at the time, very uncomfortable.

In " Ace vs. Ace ", in order to win the game, Song Dandan completely ignored the rules of the program and cheated many times. When the other party made a mistake, the program team was asked to punish him three times in a row.

The guests at the scene were embarrassed and helpless, so they had to complete the program with a smiling face.

When it comes to " strange talk about ", faced with the debate question "Everyone in the parent group is praising the teacher, should I follow the trend?" Song Dandan made it clear from the beginning that he will definitely follow the trend.

Opposition debater Mao Dong gave an example from his own experience. He called his father to ask, and his father's answer was: "I won't follow the trend because it's not decent."

In the debate, different positions have different views. This is common sense. But Song Dandan blurted out: "His father is really not that good... Not only do I dislike you, I also dislike your father."

was so offended to other parents that the audience accused him of being rude and having low emotional intelligence.

Over the years, Song Dandan's character has repeatedly become a hot topic of discussion. Most of the outside voices are criticism, complaints, and even rising to Internet violence .

But even after hearing so many scoldings, she still repeatedly stepped on the minefield of the audience and others.

Because she doesn't care.

"When I was young, I always liked to please others, and I always tried my best to make myself meet the standards of men. My mantra was 'Am I good enough?'

I am very self-centered now. If you feel comfortable staying with me, just stay. No." You can leave if you feel comfortable, I won't hold you back, I just say "walk slowly and see you off"

In the ups and downs of the entertainment industry for more than 30 years, I have experienced the peak of being surrounded by long guns and short guns, and also experienced the times when no one cares. At the lowest point, Song Dandan no longer valued fame and fortune outside of her body.

She became more and more lazy to lie and to please, letting the camera magnify her true character.

Of course, Song Dandan also knows very well that she can be so willful and live her life without looking at other people's faces, all because of her proud achievements and wonderful resume accumulated in the past.

Just like Cai Kangyong introduced her: "Her life experience, her unique perspective on life, she does not need to prepare anything, just sit here and express herself, it is enough."

What's terrible is that she takes it seriously. .


Song Dandan's softness allows her to retain her childlike innocence and kindness, but because she has no malice, her strong logic often hurts people without knowing it.

From the perspective of a variety show, she doesn't hide anything and dares to say anything, which is best used to stir up topics.

From the perspective of the program guest, she has no sense of boundaries and repeatedly offends others, but is forgiven by young people because of her seniority and status.

But nowadays, it is no longer an era when "I have eaten more salt than you have eaten rice" can conquer everything.

The younger generation of viewers will not tolerate her unconditionally.

The childhood filters he once accumulated through classic works are also being worn away by the collapse of word-of-mouth.


"Fifty Kilometers Peach Blossom Wu" Season 2

"Longing for Life" Season 1

"Interview with Yang Lan" Exclusive interview with Song Dandan

"The Depth of Happiness" written by Song Dandan

"Sisters Over Flowers" Season 2

"Ace "The Ace" Season 5

"Qi Pa Shuo" Season 7