To be honest, I think the plot of "Tower of Babel" is a bit draggy. After watching more than ten episodes, I still feel confused and don't know who the real BOSS is behind it.

Cheng Lijun's husband anonymously reported to the police, saying that Cheng Lijun was not only related to the two floating corpse cases, but also related to the disappearance of Cui Shan, a model from her company.

Following this clue, the police discovered that Cui Shan had an improper relationship with Lin Zicui, Cheng Lijun's husband.

To be honest, I think the plot of " Babel " is a bit draggy. After watching more than ten episodes, I still feel confused and don't know who the real BOSS is behind it.

But I have a feeling more and more: Cheng Lijun is not simple. Her identity may not be as simple as a female entrepreneur or a richest woman as shown on the surface.

Everyone will only show what he wants you to see. In fact, if you taste Cheng Lijun carefully, you will find that there are too many doubts about her.

Jiang Yiran died, and many people blamed Fang Yitong. She thinks that if she hadn't gone to Jiang Yiran for help, Jiang Yiran would not have died at all.

In fact, her senior sister Cheng Lijun cannot shirk the responsibility for Jiang Yiran's sacrifice.

A girl walking her dog early in the morning discovered a "floating corpse" by the water. After calling the police, the police recovered it and found it was a plastic mannequin. But the mannequin had various wounds scratched by sharp knives.

Forensic doctor Jiang Yiran recognized that the appearance of the plastic mannequin was modeled after her senior sister Cheng Lijun. This made the police have to be more vigilant, because before the last victim was killed, a plastic model made one-to-one of the victim was found in the fish tank at home, and the wounds on the model were surprisingly consistent with the wounds on the victim.

Intern policeman Fang Yitong failed to complete the tasks assigned by his boss and could not contact Cheng Lijun, who ignored her at all. After learning that Jiang Yiran was Cheng Lijun's college junior sister, and that they had just attended a class reunion together not long ago, Fang Yitong wanted to ask Jiang Yiran for help in contacting Cheng Lijun.

Attention, Fang Yitong said this to Jiang Yiran:

Is it possible that you can help me connect so that I can communicate with her better.

Fang Yitong's purpose in finding Jiang Yiran was just to ask her to act as a middleman to help connect him, and he did not ask her to go directly to Cheng Lijun on his behalf.

Jiang Yiran must have called and conveyed his hope that she would cooperate with the police. It was probably Cheng Lijun who made the move to meet with Jiang Yiran. She hoped to express her attitude through Jiang Yiran.

The driver Cheng Lijun sent to pick up Jiang Yiran said this on the way:

The location of our Cheng General Office is relatively private because it is relatively private, so ordinary guests will not make appointments there.

Why did Jiang Yiran become an "unusual" guest? It stands to reason that Jiang Yiran is Cheng Lijun's college junior sister. They only officially met at an alumni meeting not long ago, and they are not very familiar with each other at all. Why should such a private and important place be displayed in front of Jiang Yiran?

I think there are three reasons.

First, as the driver said, the location of the club is very remote, and many places on the road are not covered by surveillance. It will be much more convenient for Cheng Lijun to take action in this area.

Secondly, as soon as the two met, Cheng Lijun introduced to her that the current location they were in was the "Tower of Babel", a big project in her hands. She intended to warn Jiang Yiran not to wade into this muddy water. She was Someone who has the ability to "reach the sky".

Third, she clearly told her attitude towards the police: she just refused to cooperate. She had enough confidence in her own security and believed that she would not be in danger.

This is the problem. It's unnatural for a woman to be so calm in the face of her own "fake corpse".

Lu Xiao said before about Yi Bing’s “fake corpse”:

This is a kind of death notice, which aims to put the victim into fear in advance. The murderer made a complete one-to-one fake corpse and added a torture effect, allowing the deceased to witness his own death state, which was a terrifying suggestion to the victim.

Cheng Lijun was actually indifferent to such a strong psychological suggestion. I think she either has a different mentality than ordinary people, or she has participated in this "game".

Even Lu Xiao, who was once a special forces soldier, felt that this visual effect was too cruel, but Cheng Lijun's performance was very bland, which had to make people suspicious.

While Cheng Lijun was driving back to the city, Jiang Yiran noticed an abnormal noise in the front trunk and suggested getting out of the car to have a look.

Why did she choose to get out of the car on a dark section of road with no vehicles in front or behind to check. Moreover, Jiang Yiran loudly stopped her from opening the trunk, but she insisted on opening it.

Before leaving the club, Jiang Yiran reminded her to bring some bodyguards, but she refused.

This is even more strange. A woman knows that there is a potential murderer who will be harmful to her. If she felt confident at the club, surrounded by special forces bodyguards, then where did she get the courage to drive a long way back to the city alone?

What’s even more incredible is that she dared to get out of the car on a dark road to check for something strange in the trunk.

This is not something a woman would dare to do unless she is sure that she is not in any danger.

When Jiang Yiran was holding back the gangster, she knew that relying on Jiang Yiran alone might be in danger, but after she got in the car, she stepped on the accelerator and drove away without any hesitation, completely disregarding her friend's life or death.

No matter how you look at it, Jiang Yiran is an outsider in this case, and he was involved by some mistake. So why did the murderer attack Jiang Yiran so cruelly? If the murderer's target is Cheng Lijun, there is no need for the murderer to kill Jiang Yiran since Cheng Lijun has escaped.

The only possibility is that during the fight, Jiang Yiran pulled off the murderer's mask and saw clearly the murderer's appearance, so she had to die.

Therefore, whether it was indirect or direct, Cheng Lijun had something to do with Jiang Yiran's death.

After Lin Zicui reported the crime anonymously, when the police visited Cui Shan’s roommate, Cui Shan’s roommate said: Cui Shan hooked up with the husband of the current boss Cheng Lijun. This is an open secret in their group. However, their boss did not take any measures against Cui Shan. Instead, he let it go and even treated her better than before. He recommended her to take the leading role in many performances.

was robbed of her husband by an employee of her company, but she treated her employees better than before? This is also very abnormal. Unless you hold back a big move later.

This roommate also revealed that since Boss Cheng found out about Cui Shan and Lin Zicui, Cui Shan seems to have changed. His condition is getting worse and worse. Whether it is rehearsals or life, he is often in a state of dissociation. .

This is even more strange. Why does a person's spirit suddenly deteriorate? Unless she was extremely stimulated or experienced some major changes.

With Cheng Lijun’s background and abilities, she can easily accomplish this.

The characters in "Tower of Babel" seem to all have a side. Cui Shan has it, Yu Sheng has it, Cheng Lijun and Lin Zicui have it, and even Fang Yitong is no exception.

There is a saying that goes, "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself." Since you have done evil, sooner or later there will be flaws.