Reporter Shi Wenjing Since the word "fragmentation" was used to describe acting skills, it has gradually become a common vocabulary used by various celebrities to market new works. Also used to market celebrities' acting skills are new words such as "atmosphere," "story," "coldne

Reporter Shi Wenjing

Since the word "fragmentation" was used to describe acting skills, it has gradually become a common vocabulary used by various celebrities to market new works. Also used to market celebrities' acting skills are new words such as "atmosphere," "story," "coldness," "stubbornness," "intersecting crying scenes," and "progressive crying scenes." Conceptual and label-based marketing acting techniques are trouble-free and have clear goals. They can quickly hit hot searches and trigger discussions. Regardless of the nature of a star's acting skills, with the blessing of these new entries, it seems that they can also create an "unknown feeling" for their acting skills. atmosphere.

It seems that the acting skills of young stars can be labeled as "fragmented". The "sense of fragmentation" that has attracted recent attention includes "the feeling of fragmentation in the crying scene of Xiao Zhan " Jade Bones "", " Meng Ziyi brought Lei Chun's sense of fragmentation to life", " Wang Junkai Zhuang Wenjie shed tears" "The sense of fragmentation" "This is Nongyan's sense of fragmentation" " Chen Duling performed Lin Hangjing's sense of fragmentation" "Zheng Yecheng and Shen Yan shed tears of fragmentation" "I actually understood the sense of fragmentation in Huang Zitao" "Zhao Lusi "The crying scene in "Let's Try the World" felt broken," "Ren Jialun's crying scene felt broken," "Xu Zhengxi performed the Taifu's feeling of brokenness," etc. Many such topics have reached hundreds of millions of views.

Most of the marketing for "Broken Sense" is a scene where the character is "abused", mainly crying scenes. For example, in the trailer of "Jade Bones", the male protagonist played by Xiao Zhan sheds tears and says, "Will you be sad if I die?" When coupled with the label that the performance has a "strong sense of fragmentation", it is extremely popular. Create a hot topic of discussion.

Those who use new vocabulary to market their acting skills are all traffic stars. In most cases, they are marketing roles, marketing new dramas, and creating buzz for new works. Many dramas will market the leading actors when they first air, but if the leading actors, roles, and works are not topical, it is definitely right to cut a crying scene and follow the trend to market the "feeling of fragmentation". As a high-frequency word describing the acting skills of stars, "fragmentation" has been on the hot search all day long. Marketing the crying scene "fragmentation" is not risky, it can make the audience feel familiar, and it can also stir up topics. In most cases, the audience will not be serious about whether the star's performance really has the same beauty and depth as "shattering". The word is just a label and a marketing tool.

Before the popularity of "Fragmentation", the commonly used words in star acting marketing include "explosive acting", "explosive acting", "stellar acting", "performance that makes people break their defenses", "drama that throws faces", "who can you always trust" Acting skills" etc. The word "fragmentation" also brings up some new vocabulary in acting marketing, such as "fragility", "appeal", "story", "atmosphere", "coldness", "stubbornness", etc. Divided into crying scenes, there are "cross-cut crying scenes", "progressive crying scenes", "fairy crying scenes", "immersive crying scenes", "face-changing crying scenes", "disfigured crying scenes", etc. It's worse than the crying scenes of Qiong Yao opera actors. These words are rich and colorful, diversifying acting marketing, and popular stars can rely on these words. Popular stars use tricks to market their acting skills, and fans serve as praise groups. Through these words, they constantly reinforce their idols' "good acting skills" to passers-by. But in fact, if you watch a drama, you will find that most of these marketing are "false advertising". Many actors His performance is not worthy of such a vivid vocabulary.

There are so many dazzling new words for acting in marketing. Maybe they want to hedge against the negative words such as "facial paralyzing acting", "glaring acting", "exaggerated acting" and "jumping acting" in the audience's criticism, but when it comes to acting When some new words are coined for marketing, it will play the role of "there is no silver here" and expose the real needs of stars. It is said that what they lack is what they call it. Only stars without acting skills will work hard to market acting skills. There are all kinds of new words created, which makes the audience feel that the gold content of "acting skills" is getting lower and lower, and the water content is getting higher and higher. "I cried" does it mean that your acting skills are good?

The so-called crying scene, eye scene scene, expression scene, empathy ability, speaking your own lines, etc. are the basic skills of an actor, but they are praised as luxuries among young stars. Thinking about it on the other hand, without the blessing of these new words, many celebrities' acting skills and idol dramas would indeed have little topicality, and would lose some discussion value and attention.However, acting marketing is so crazy, and the list is slaughtered every day, it has formed a false "acting boom". Bad acting skills are promoted to the sky, which will lead to the collapse of the star's credibility over time, and the film and television industry that needs real acting skills will be injured.

A work, a role, and an actor's acting skills cannot be affected by these various words. The quality of the work and the actor's real acting skills are the cornerstone. I advise popular actors to play less with acting marketing, study more works, improve their acting skills, and enhance their acting skills with popular works, which will naturally gain recognition from the audience.