The R&B artist, 55, was convicted last September in New York of racketeering and sex trafficking crimes.

  1. 30 years in jail
  2. sex abuse

The RB artist, 55, was convicted last September in New York of racketeering and sex trafficking crimes.

  1. be convicted of
  2. racketeering [ˌrækəˈtɪrɪŋ] racketeering
  3. sex traffic sex trafficking

He had faced years of allegations and the judge on Wednesday said he had an "indifference to human suffering." Kelly, say he will appeal.

  1. appeal [əˈpiːl] appeal

Ahead of his sentencing, a handful of women took the stand to confront Kelly.

  1. ahead of before...
  2. a handful of; a handful; a handful
  3. take the stand to testify in court
  4. confront [kənˈfrʌnt] Confront with (someone)

A woman identified only as Angela called the singer a Pied Piper who "grew in wickedness" with every new victim, while others who were not named testified he had broken their spirits.

  1. be identified as Made; identified as..., identified as...
  2. Pied Piper A person who makes promises but never fulfills them and a person who intentionally misleads others to make money.
  3. wickedness Evil; immoral
  4. testify Testify
  5. spirits Spirit; mind

"I literally wished I would die because of how you made me feel," said one.

  1. literally ()literally because of

Dressed in prison khakis and dark glasses, Kelly declined to make a statement of his own and did not react as the verdict was handed down.

  1. be dressed in wear...clothes
  2. khakis khaki
  3. decline to refuse...
  4. hand down issue, announce (decision)

US District Judge Ann Donnelly said the celebrity had used sex as a weapon, forcing his victims to do unspeakable things and saddling some with sex transmitted diseases.

  1. celebrity [səˈlebrəti]Celebrity
  2. unspeakable
  3. saddle with forcing (someone) to bear
  4. transmit infection

"You taught them that love is enslavement and violence," she said.

  1. enslavement enslavement; restraint; restraint

The court heard how Kelly - known for hit songs like I Believe I Can Fly and Ignition - used his influence to lure women and children into sexual abuse over two decades.

  1. known for
  2. hit songs 热歌
  3. lure into tempt