Last night, the movie "Life Events", produced by Han Yan, directed by Liu Jiangjiang and starring Zhu Yilong, exceeded the 500 million mark at the box office nearly a week after its release, ranking among the top 9 box office in the first half of 2022. According to statistics, th

Last night, the movie " Life Events", produced by Han Yan, directed by Liu Jiangjiang, and starring Zhu Yilong, exceeded the 500 million mark at the box office nearly a week after its release, ranking among the top 9 box office in the first half of 2022.

According to statistics, the top ten box office films in the first half of this year are:

1 " Changjin Lake Shuimen Bridge " 4.065 billion

2 " This Killer Is Not So Calm " 2.628 billion

3 "Miracle Stupid Kid" 1.378 billion

4 " Bears Return to Earth 》978 million

5 " Jurassic World 3" 819 million (now in theaters)

6 " Embracing You Through the Cold Winter " 665 million

7 " Sniper " 602 million

8 Four Seas" 543 million

9 "Life Events" 500 million (now in theaters)

10 "Anti-Corruption Storm 5: The Final Chapter" 481 million

The movie "Life Events" tells the story of a funeral of undertaker Mo Sanmei shortly after he was released from prison. While traveling, he met Wu Xiaowen, an orphan. Xiaowen's appearance unexpectedly changed his attitude towards career and life.

Liu Jiangjiang, the screenwriter and director of the film, went to various parts of the country to conduct on-site interviews during the script creation stage to restore the funeral industry in as detailed a manner as possible. After producer Han Yan joined the creative team, he guided and adjusted the relationship between the script and the characters, and made suggestions for scene selection and setting. He strived for a realistic texture in building the environment and shaping the emotions of the characters.

starring Zhu Yilong appeared in the movie with a crew cut. It is reported that this is the first time Zhu Yilong plays the image of a "street runner". He speaks Wuhan dialect, wears a floral shirt, and looks carefree. But deep down, he is a soft and sensitive person.

Currently, the film's rating on Douban is 7.4, with more than 110,000 viewers rating it.

editor: Guo Chaohao

pictures and texts are synthesized from Weibo, Douban and other