Today is the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China. This dazzling Pearl of the Orient is still shining brightly today. Hong Kong is a place that is both strange and familiar. Many people first learned about it through the influence of wonderful movies

Today is the day of celebration of the 25th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to . This bright oriental pearl is still shining brightly today.

Hong Kong is a place that is both strange and familiar. Many people first learned about it through the influence of wonderful movies and TV shows.

"What I Want in Life" is the theme song of the classic Hong Kong drama "Intolerance", sung by Chen Baiqiang . The lyrics are written all over the desolate awakening, teaching people to learn to cherish the present and not to be obsessed with it.

"There is no time to worry about warmth and cold. Looking back on how many autumns I have searched for, I lost it. I didn't expect it but it was in my hand. Whether I got it or not, I can't explain the gains and losses."

In the drama, the two brothers Ding Youjian and Ding Youkang turned against each other because of their different value orientations.

The extreme and greedy Ding Youkang ultimately paid a heavy price for his humanity being eroded step by step.

In recent years, after looking through some old Hong Kong dramas and old Hong Kong movies, I realized that they contain a vast universe that cannot be understood by a young and ignorant person.

" Rebuild Prosperity " stars Jianghua , who has played the role of "Golden Snake Man Xia Xueyi". The wonderful method of Feng Shui , the struggle between black and white, is cut into the negative role, unique and eternal style. When

is in decline, if you want to find a way to turn losses into profits and hope for a good salary every day, you need to correct your mindset first.

Healthy prosperity is not a paradise for speculators, but a grave. Bad people will reap their rewards, and good people will accumulate blessings.

What do you want in life? When you lose your dreams and get hesitant, you should calm down, learn from the pain, regain your strength, and create greater glory again.

wishes Hong Kong a better future, wishes the hesitant life to become stable, prosperous and share its prosperity.