Rainie Yang and Wilber Pan have always had a good relationship with each other. As long as the woman has time in other provinces, she will set up a game, and friends who play well will appear in the game, including Wilber Pan. She may have watched "Bad Laughter" starring them in

Rainie Yang and Wilber Pan This pair of old CPs have always had a good relationship. As long as the woman has time in other provinces, she will organize games, and friends who play well will appear in the games, including Pan Weibo, who may have watched their starring roles in the early days. " Bad Laughing Flower " also knocked CP~ Recently, the woman was on the hot search because she talked about her relationship with the old CP on the show (she said that the two are very good friends, and she even complained about filming with the man) The funny reaction of each other retching after the kiss scene was blocked), the program team also arranged the topics in advance.

Because this hot search appeared, some netizens also began to recall this couple in the old idol drama (although the drama is old, there is still a lot of discussion). If you pay attention to this pair, you should know that the man also invited Rainie Yang to his concert. (The man also called Rainie Yang when he appeared on " Shining Dad " a few years ago.) The interaction between the two on the stage was also generous. Although the man's popularity with the public has been average in recent years, his relationship in the fish circle is not the same. unaffected.

Because he rose to the top quickly and has indeed the ability to carry dramas, Ren Jialun has now become a thorn in the side of many male stars of his generation. After all, in the eyes of these people, Ren Jialun is not competitive in terms of appearance and height. Starting point It was also mediocre, but now it is prosperous, which is really enviable.

In this case, there are a lot of anti-explosion marketing campaigns by Ren Jialun on the Internet. Although these press releases are superficially saying that Ren Jialun loves his wife, takes care of his family, and is a good man, the fabricated stories are particularly offensive (for example, Well, these press releases say that when Ren Jialun was filming, a co-star who was wearing scantily clad clothes knocked on his door in the middle of the night. Not only did he sit still, but he also asked his wife to open the door), so the effect cannot be positive. From the perspective of some girlfriend fans, idols who promote their doting on their wives all the time are disqualified. From the perspective of film producers who are inspecting actors, who would want to find an actor who brings a family with him and lives with his wife in the crew hotel during filming?

What's more, Ren Jialun is very popular now, and the actresses he works with cannot be transparent. Since actresses are also in the spotlight, who would be willing to be spread rumors just because they collaborated with an actor? So the core of these articles that praise Ren Jialun is Trap him. Ren Jialun is currently having a lot of dramas. I hope he can study his acting skills diligently and live up to the trust of the market and the audience!

The first brother of the live broadcast has been in trouble during this period, so he has not come out, but capital never sleeps and waits for no one. The circle will follow the trend. Before, Jia Nailiang 's live broadcast career was doing very well. During the period when the first live broadcast brother disappeared, his traffic became even greater. There were even rumors that Jia Nailiang would replace the first live broadcast brother. The new live broadcast brother. This sentence actually makes some sense. Jia Nailiang has recently been working harder on live broadcasts to bring goods. Currently, the first live broadcast sister and the first brother have problems one after another and cannot live broadcast. This is a great opportunity for him to hit the head and occupy the market share.

The staff Jia Nailiang hired are all very professional in the field of live broadcasting, so quality control is also very strict in all aspects, so the audience has gained trust in him. Now his live broadcast room is very popular, and major brands are rushing to give him money. He also started the mode of working hard for three mothers, which is far more profitable than him in the TV series industry. And he is quite willing to spend money. Every ten minutes in his live broadcast room, he will draw a lottery to give away iPhone13, so there are always a lot of people flocking in.

A member of the boy band who became popular with the suspense drama has recently been on the hot search for calling a fan’s mobile phone. He is being targeted, and his opponents are systematically publicizing his dirty information. Everything is tied to the boy band members. Related to the film and television resources below. Not long ago, members of the boy band came into contact with a comic book drama. This drama is divided into several units, and the boy band members will play the leading role in one of the units, and their co-stars will be elegant actresses. Later, the boy band members were worried that they would be intercepted by other male artists after the news of their appearance in the drama was exposed, so they tried their best to suppress the news and try to cover up the pie.

Unexpectedly, the news about him starring in a comic book drama still spread. Some second-tier male artists in the industry were very dissatisfied when they found out, so they joined forces with members of the black boy band to make him lose this pie. They broke the news about the incident of a boy band member hitting a fan's mobile phone. Now the boy band member's team has gone out of public relations, and fans are also speaking for him online, trying to eliminate the negative impact of this incident.