On June 30, Andy Lau's agency Hengtai Huanyu issued a statement stating that Andy Lau has never endorsed and has no plans to endorse "Zheng Jiushi Baijiu" and other related products represented by "Guizhou Tiandi Renren Liquor Co., Ltd.", and has not authorized any company, Indiv

On June 30, Andy Lau agency Hengtai Huanyu issued a statement stating that Andy Lau has never and has no plans to endorse "Zheng Jiushi Liquor" and other related products represented by " Guizhou Tiandi Renhe Liquor Co., Ltd. ", nor does he have any Authorize any company or individual to use Andy Lau's portrait and name on related products.

In the statement released this time, Hengtai Huanyu Company gave a detailed description of the infringement behavior of the wine industry. It is said that the promotional product packaging and related reports currently circulating on the Internet are false advertising and untrue news. Andy Lau's agency will investigate the above-mentioned infringement of Andy Lau's portrait rights and name rights and reserve the right to pursue legal action.

Andy Lau has been in the industry for 37 years and has sang many popular songs. Among them, the classic song "无情水" has become the memory of a generation. Andy Lau, who has always shown a positive image, is quite cautious in endorsing the product . In recent years, celebrity endorsement incidents have occurred frequently, and cases involving celebrities defending their rights abound. Jin Qiaoqiao , Li Xiang , Liu Yan and other 52 celebrities have previously taken unscrupulous merchants to court due to medical beauty endorsement incidents.

As a well-known superstar in the industry, Andy Lau is not the first to encounter "being endorsed". Many years ago, a certain water purifier product accidentally used his personal image. In addition to external publicity, Andy Lau serves as a product spokesperson. And in various landing activities, Andy Lau's unauthorized image photos were posted, causing damage to Andy Lau's personal image. In the end, Andy Lau sued him, seeking compensation of RMB 2.01 million. The company argued that there was no infringement, and even if it did occur, Andy would not suffer any loss, and believed that the amount of compensation requested by the other party was too high.

Such a weird business explanation is not limited to the above water purifier products. I have to say, why do these manufacturers who have not obtained authorization take such risks and choose to post photos of celebrities at will? Moreover, Andy Lau, a high-quality idol with amazing influence in the music industry and one of the "Four Kings", is the target of 's infringement of ? To put it bluntly, it is nothing more than the businessman making the decision in the first place to take advantage of the loopholes. Even at the beginning of the infringement, there is an element of "gambling". What are they betting on? In addition to betting that Andy Lau himself would not find out, or that if he found out, he would not pursue it for fear of trouble. He is still betting that even if there is a lawsuit, he can still make some quibbles and continue to delay the case.

As a product spokesperson, celebrities invisibly represent the production quality of the product, and also represent the safety and security of the product. Many consumers choose to buy and use products because of the reputation of celebrities. Therefore, the role of celebrities endorsing products on sales and quality is self-evident. As a well-known liquor advertiser, he printed Andy Lau on his own products without authorization from Andy Lau himself and his studio. To a certain extent, it was considered an infringement of Mr. Andy Lau's right of reputation, and the consequences would be disastrous.

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