In the Hollywood entertainment circle, some people thrive and become classics of an era, but some people do nothing and are forgotten as soon as they pass by. Yes, Bridget and Stallone got married in 1985. Stallone had just divorced at that time, and the two entered the marriage

In the Hollywood entertainment circle, some people have prospered and become classics of an era, but some people have done nothing and have been forgotten after passing by.

Brigitte Nielsen , most people don’t know who she is anymore, right? But when it comes to her ex-husband, people seem to suddenly realize: It turns out that she is the second ex-wife of tough guy Stallone .

Yes, Bridgett and Stallone got married in 1985. Stallone had just divorced at that time. The two people entered the marriage almost like lightning, each getting what he wanted.

Of course, Brigitte had been divorced once before that. Her first marriage was when she was 18 years old. She completely obeyed her parents' orders and started a family with a doctor.

html At the age of 218, I don’t understand love, so I certainly don’t understand how to run a family. The two of them were together for more than a year, and they divorced after giving birth to their son.

Obviously that marriage had a great impact on Brigitte. As soon as they got divorced, she left her hometown and went to the United States.

Brigitte has her own capital, her family is middle-class, and there is no shortage of money. And she is beautiful and has a good figure. Coupled with her experience as a mother, she is pure and lusty.

With a tall height of 185cm, Bridget has walked on the T stage, also worked as a human model , and soon entered the film and television industry, starting her life of unlimited entertainment.

In 1985, the 21-year-old Bridget became familiar in Hollywood with the movie "The Queen's Excalibur", and some celebrities began to become her fans.

Stallone here has already become famous, and his marriage has changed, so he has naturally become the suitor of many women. Moreover, for Hollywood's big dyers, it doesn't matter whether they get married or divorced. As long as there is a chance, most of them still like to have stories with celebrities.

In fact, the same is true for Brigitte. She is one of Stallone's suitors, but her purpose is very clear. If can pursue him, it will be good. If she cannot, she can't hang herself from a tree.

Therefore, Brigitte showed her favor to Stallone while seeking development with many possible male stars. , such as Schwarzenegger, Mark Gastineau, and even directors, etc. It's what's on her plate.

Perhaps Bridget was the lucky one. Stallone, who had just divorced, was quickly attracted to her. The two of them felt like they hit it off, so they quickly entered into marriage.

This flash marriage model is really nothing to Hollywood stars. After Brigitte got on the Stallone train, she also gained a lot of traffic and collaborated with her husband in many movies.

Obviously, in Hollywood, where faces are more important than connections, Bridget has her own place. At the same time, Stallone is developing rapidly and is more popular than before.

Obviously, this lightning marriage has brought certain benefits to both people.

However, Brigitte soon discovered that something was wrong. When she was about to start a big career, she was asked by Stallone to give up her career as a mannequin.

I don’t know if this is due to patriarchal thinking, but I definitely feel unhappy with Brigitte. With such a great figure, wouldn’t it be a pity not to seize the opportunity of her youth to make the most of it?

Of course, what makes Bridget feel most uncomfortable is that her own marriage is like a cage, and she seems to be locked in it after getting married.

Stallone's affection for Bridget is only shown when he needs it, and most of the time, he is either working or protecting himself.

According to Brigitte's later statement, Stallone seemed to have a mental phobia. He locked himself in a mansion in California , with five burly men around him.

Meanwhile, the mansion’s walls are up to 6 feet high and it even has an alarm system.

This momentum is absolutely high-end and heavily guarded. For those who don’t know, you might think you are in a movie. Could it be that Stallone has acted in too many movies and moved the plot back to his home?

"There is a lack of passionate love between us. He (Stallone) doesn't actually care about me. I only see his face and hear his voice. Other than that, I don't know anything about him." "

Brigitte also didn't expect that she thought she would marry a tough guy who could protect herself and be full of passion, but she didn't expect that it was not the case at all. She actually felt like she was "burying" herself in a hole. .

It’s okay for Stallone to be very vigilant about himself. He also asked Brigitte to be willing to live this kind of life. She couldn’t go out on the streets if she had nothing to do. When she wanted to go out, she had to get his approval.

How could young Brigitte endure such a life? Once she tried to get her husband to accompany her to a disco for a party, but Stallone didn't even look at her and just picked up the dumbbells and started practicing.

However, although Stallone could not give Brigitte passionate conjugal love, he was very generous in spending money. He gave Brigitte US$3,000 as pocket money every day.

That was in the 1980s, was 3,000 a day, and was 90,000 a month. This number was definitely a huge sum of money at the time.

But this is nothing to Stallone, because he has plenty of money.

But the problem is that Stallone doesn’t allow Brigitte to go out on the streets every day, so how can he spend so much money? didn’t have online shopping at that time, which made people really worried about Brigitte.

Under such circumstances, Brigitte couldn't bear it anymore and thought of divorce. But this proposal was first proposed by Stallone, and it just suited Brigitte's wishes.

No matter who brought it up, Brigitte was not polite anyway. She asked Stallone to pay her a breakup fee of up to 6 million US dollars and a house. It was regarded as compensation for her youth.

Stallone agreed generously, but he also attached a condition: Leave Hollywood as soon as you get the money, and don’t let me see it again, otherwise you will be careful not to lose your legs.

It's really exciting. Although the outside world doesn't know what happened between the two people, they obviously feel like they are grabbing each other's pigtails.

Bridget even picked up the money and ran away. After all, if you have money, where else can you go but to heaven?

As soon as Brigitte left, an excited Stallone was relieved at the press conference: "Thank God, Brigitte's dark cloud has finally drifted away."

How much hatred is this? A marriage that only lasted two years in total has left both parties so exhausted, which is really incomprehensible to the outside world.

However, in this marriage, Brigitte is considered a winner!

Although Stallone would throw some dirty water on her head at every turn, judging from the fact that she was able to stay away from Hollywood with a huge sum of money, and kept her promise and never went back, she definitely hurt Stallone badly.

Many years passed before Stallone got married again, but she had already been married and divorced and gave birth to multiple children. If this is life with passion, obviously Brigitte got it.