The recently released "Strange and Beautiful" is said to be the second season of "Strange and Beautiful". Although I haven't watched the first season, it doesn't matter. Compared with the plot, I almost laughed to death from these lines. What kind of genius screenwriter wrote thi

I’m afraid it’s not a crosstalk actor who has traveled through time!

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such a funny drama. Even though the actors were speaking their lines seriously, I felt like I was listening to a stand-up comedy every minute.

If you don’t pick up something while walking, it will be lost.

King Qi’s second uncle came. When he heard the news, King Qi, who was listening to music, quickly asked people to put away all the things he had collected. He also said bluntly: costs money, but it costs lives only if a beauty loses her life.

Xia Yingchun should be muttering in her heart, why doesn't King Qi play his cards according to the routine?

After cleaning up, he was worried that his second uncle would also take his chime with him, so he changed the place to meet him, just because his second uncle said: If you don’t pick up something while walking, it will be considered lost.

In order to cry for poverty in front of his second uncle, he only served rice porridge and side dishes.

I have to say that these uncle and nephew are too cool. Old prince, in order to save money on feed, people use horses to drive carts, but he uses oxen to pull the cart, because the oxen only eat the grass on the roadside, and there is no need to spend money on feed.

These two uncles and nephews, I am afraid that the wealth of Qi State is due to their stinginess.

You want to be this consort, do you want to take advantage of my sister, and take advantage of me by the way? Is it disgusting or not? Do you want to vomit? Do you want to call me the emperor's brother?

King Qi's second uncle came to see him, no. Not for money, but to recruit a consort for his daughter, Princess Linghua.

However, Princess Linghua has a bad temper and has been annulled more than a dozen times. The King of Qi had no choice but to find Prime Minister Yan to find a solution.

Prime Minister Yan naturally knew that this was a bad job, so he proposed that there must be a consort with a lot of money. King Qi thought that Prime Minister Yan wanted to be his consort, so he furiously typed out to Prime Minister Yan: You want to be this consort, you Is this... you want to take advantage of my sister and take advantage of me? Is it disgusting or not? Do you want to vomit? Do you still want to call me the emperor brother?

After learning that Prime Minister Yan wanted ten thousand taels of gold, he put his hands on his hips and It was a scolding:

You came here to raise money for me. If you want money, can you be more rational? Are you asking for money? Ten thousand taels of gold? Besides, if you agree so quickly when you mention money, how can I trust you?

Prime Minister Yan was speechless and proposed a bet of 100,000 taels of gold.

King Qi had no choice but to agree.

Just like your mouth, a broken grass circle makes you talk about it in a big way, and you pray to it every day

Prime Minister Yan Ying made a grass circle with green grass, and gave it an auspicious name with Tian Wu, "Jilifu" Dedicate it to King Qi and tell him that praying to it every day will definitely find Princess Linghua's consort. Unexpectedly, King Qi was not fooled at all, and said with a look of disgust: Old Yan Ying, a broken grass circle makes you talk so much, and you still pray to it every day...

But at this time, King Qi didn't know yet, this broken grass circle has another There is meaning.

This happiness came too unprepared

Xia Yingchun had a false pregnancy. King Qi was kept in the dark and went to the North Palace happily. When he learned that Xia Yingchun was three months pregnant, he not only ordered people to prepare for prenatal education in advance, but also gave him a jingle along the way: The Queen of Beigong is happy, and I feel happy. I feel so good, so happy!

I have to say, I’m afraid there’s no other literary talent like this.

Is this broken string so self-sacrifice? Good break!

Empress Zhongli of the palace was imprisoned, and she was pregnant during the Spring Festival holiday. King Qi came to the West Palace . Empress Zheng offered to play a song for King Qi. The maid said: The string is broken!

King Qi: , are you so willing to sacrifice your life for justice when the string is broken? Good break!

Empress Zheng proposed to play chess again.

The palace lady said again: The chess pieces are lost and the chessboard is broken.

King Qi: This chess game has also followed the footsteps of Qin Xian and passed away.

The Queen of the West Palace was helpless, and King Qi complained again: Every time I come to the West Palace, I play with myself, and I can't interact...

Pull aside a piece of cloud, it is a piece of grassland, open a piece of cloud, it is a piece of grassland, I am like this It is riding a war horse heading for spring...

Xia Yingchun stunned the Empress of the West Palace and Xue Kun, and designed to attract the King of Qi.

King Qi thought that the Empress of the West Palace had changed her gender, and finally fell deeply in love with him. He came to the window happily, opened the window curtain, and saw his concubine lying on the bed with Xue Kun. He said angrily: I thought we were about to welcome him. It was the moment when the clouds were cleared to see the sun. Unexpectedly, when a cloud was cleared, it was a piece of grassland. When the cloud was cleared, it was a piece of grassland. I was riding a war horse heading for spring...

The two of them couldn't explain it to King Qi, so they had to run away. Zhongli insisted on justice, so the two groups of people confronted each other outside Zhengyang Palace. Zhongli's domineering power protected Xue Kun and the Empress of the West Palace.

King Qi was so frightened that he knelt down repeatedly and said aggrievedly: There is a first time and a second time for domestic violence. If you know your mistakes and can correct them, that is a lie...

"Domestic violence" is such a sad and serious word. , but when King Qi said it in a cowardly and strong tone, it was a bit funny.

You are so gratifying. I don’t dare to do it anymore. I was wronged, framed, and innocent. It rhymes. Do you think this is a triple rhyme?

Xia Yingchun conspired with Wei Wenbin to rebel. After the failure, he knelt in the hall and cried to himself is innocent.

At this time, King Qi was extremely sober. Not only did he give all the credit to Zhenggong Zhongli, he also showed no pity for Xia Yingchun. Knowing that Xia Yingchun not only had a false pregnancy but also had an affair with a military commander, she scolded Xia Yingchun: , you are so happy, I don’t dare to do it anymore, you were wrongly accused, you were framed, you are innocent, it rhymes, you are so Is it considered a third-in-command... You are also having an affair with a military commander, but that person is my brother-in-law. What's wrong? Are you trying not to let your wealth go to outsiders? It's really intolerable. My uncle can tolerate it, but my aunt can't. What are you doing, but if there is trouble in your own family, I will ruin your family for you... You have already found a new home, why are you here to endure the humiliation?

I have to say that this kind of King Qi is really sober and cute. No matter how charming she is, she may not be able to withstand this attack.

# drama shortage~are there any good TV dramas recently## Summer Film Appraisal Officer#