A 15-year-old girl burst into tears on the stage of "Super Speaker" and said, "Everyone should not blindly undergo plastic surgery." However, she changed her attitude after the show and said that she had never regretted it, which made netizens completely unfriendly. So why did sh

A 15-year-old girl burst into tears on the stage of " Super Speaker " and said, "Everyone should not blindly undergo plastic surgery." However, after the show, she changed her attitude and said that she had never regretted it, which made netizens lose all friendship. So Why did she say that? What is her current situation?

Zhou Chuna was born in 2006. She has an ordinary appearance but a wealthy family. She transferred to an international school when she was 13 years old. Although her family is rich, she has extremely low self-esteem inside. The classmates in

class gave Zhou Chuna nicknames, calling her black girl, buck-toothed girl, squinty eyes, etc. in front of her, which made her very sad.

When the class was assigned to clean, the male students in the class often assigned her the dirtiest and most tiring tasks, such as taking out the trash and mopping the floor, while assigning other students simple and easy tasks. This made her feel that it was all her fault for her appearance.

Zhou Chuna’s choice was to be patient and want to do more work to make her classmates like her.

But Zhou Chuna's thoughtful little thoughts did not win the appreciation of her classmates. She went home and told her parents.

Her mother said: " It's okay if you don't get good grades. You're not as good-looking as others. What use do you have? "

Zhou Chuna's academic performance is average, and Zhou's mother often compares her with others.

These words gave Zhou Chuna the hardest blow. She felt that her mother was right, so she attributed all the reasons to her appearance.

At this time, she came up with the idea of ​​plastic surgery.

When she told her parents about this idea, Zhou's mother directly said: "I will take you to the hospital wherever you want to be treated."

These words from her mother made Zhou Chuna more determined to have plastic surgery.

Zhou's father said he disagreed with his daughter's idea. His daughter was only 13 years old, and her thoughts and aesthetics had not yet been finalized. She should wait until after she turned 18.

But Zhou Chuna's brain was completely occupied by the idea of ​​becoming beautiful. She angrily yelled at Zhou's father: "If you don't let me go, I will sever the father-daughter relationship with you!".

Zhou's mother also said: "If she wants to have plastic surgery, let her go. Our family is not short of money." In this way, Zhou Chuna embarked on the road of plastic surgery under the leadership of her mother.

Normally, a 13-year-old child would be nervous and scared when going on the operating table, but Zhou Chuna was not only not afraid, but also full of expectations.

While taking the anesthesia, she picked up the mirror next to her and took one last look at her face. For her, this was saying goodbye to her face, saying goodbye to her original self, and saying goodbye to the injustice she suffered in the past.

The operation was very successful. She is much more beautiful than before after having her double eyelids removed.

After returning to school, the attitude of people around her changed completely. The boys who originally called her black girl or bucktooth girl changed their wording and started to like her.

When it was her turn to clean, some boys would even take the initiative to help, which made her even more determined to continue with plastic surgery.

After some time, she felt that her nose was too flat and did not match her eyes. She went to the plastic surgery hospital again, and this time her mother took her there again.

After her nose and eyes became more refined, she slowly began to dislike her other facial features.

Whenever she picked up the mirror and looked at herself, she always found something unsightly about her face, so she began to take the trouble to go in and out of the operating room, and back and forth between home and the plastic surgery hospital.

In two years, she had more than 300 surgeries, large and small, and almost regarded the hospital as her home.

She said during the recording of "Super Speaker": " I did 8 times on my eyes alone, and 6 times on my nose."

In addition, the forehead, hairline, cheekbones and other high-risk areas She also moved the parts.

Zhou Chuna's face became more and more delicate. After there was really no room for improvement on her face, she took aim at her body. Zhou Chuna, who felt that her figure was not perfect, went for full-body liposuction.

Zhou Chuna revealed that during a ten-hour full-face plastic surgery, too much anesthesia was used. After the operation, her mother could not wake her up no matter how she called her. She did not open her eyes until eight hours later.

This experience shocked her mother, but Zhou Chuna didn't care about it. After she woke up, she picked up the mirror as soon as possible and looked carefully to see if her face had improved.

Once, Zhou Chuna's rhinoplasty operation failed. Her nose became very ugly. She contacted many plastic surgery hospitals in Shanghai but could not repair it. After her plastic surgery failed, she stayed at home every day, unwilling to go out or speak. She had no choice but to cover herself tightly when she went to school, for fear of being seen by her classmates.

As Zhou Chuna had more and more plastic surgeries, her problems also began to increase. Due to the need for constant repairs, she gradually became inseparable from plastic surgery hospitals.

At the age of 15, at the age of youth, while other peers were studying hard in school, Zhou Chuna kept going back and forth between the plastic surgery hospital and home.

Due to constant plastic surgery, her face gradually began to look less like a 15-year-old, and her health became worse and worse day by day.

One day after having her eyes opened, Zhou Chuna came home. When she woke up the next day, she felt her face was wet. When she looked in the mirror, she found that what was flowing was not tears, but a stream of blood.

Zhou Chuna, who was worried that something might be wrong with her face, quickly found her cell phone to take photos while she was still conscious, and sent them to her surgeon.

did not expect that the other party just said lightly, "It doesn't matter, it will grow well on its own."

However, this was just the beginning. Since then, her body has had more and more problems.

Liposuction caused loose skin all over her body; during bone grinding surgery , nerve lines were touched, which made her unable to make exaggerated expressions on her face, and her eyes opened too wide, making her unable to close them at night.

In order to cure these problems, Zhou Chuna visited hospitals in Beijing and Shanghai, but the doctors' replies were always the same: "This is irreversible and there is no way to repair it."

At this time, she no longer cared.

Not only that, she has also developed a daily routine of sharing herself on social media.

In 2021, Zhou Chuna appeared on the stage of "Super Speaker". In the show, she told her story in tears, and expressed her regret about plastic surgery and missed her original face. Finally, she warned everyone not to take it easy. Make a change because of someone else’s words. After the

program was broadcast, netizens commented under the program, "I feel sorry for her experience", "It's very brave to say this" and "This girl is so inspirational".

But does she really regret it? After the show ended, Zhou Chuna immediately posted a video on social platforms. In the

video, she changed her words in the show and said that she was very satisfied with her current life and had never regretted it.

Facing the mobile phone camera, she admired her face with satisfaction, and said, " Since money can buy back confidence, why don't I get better? "

was so angry that the netizens who had loved her before called her a liar. .

In fact, when Zhou Chuna participated in the interview program "East and West", she had already said such remarks as "I will go to the plastic surgery hospital often in the future" and "I want to live to be old". When

was recording the "East Side West" program, Zhou Chuna talked about how she wanted to become more beautiful to protect herself.

Teacher Dolby said: "In addition to plastic surgery, strengthening one's own cognition is a better choice to protect oneself. "

But Zhou Chuna directly retorted: "The first thing you see when you just meet someone is definitely their face. ".

This left Teacher Dolby speechless.

Most people have plastic surgery in a natural and invisible direction, but Zhou Chuna claims to have plastic surgery to look like a Barbie doll.

In the show, when asked why she did this,

Zhou Chuna said: " I have plastic surgery so that people can see that I have spent money. If others can't see that I have had plastic surgery, then my money was not wasted. ?”

In April this year, Zhou Chuna was on the hot search again, but this time it was not because of plastic surgery.

The epidemic in Shanghai is serious. Many residents cannot eat vegetables. Some people can only survive on instant noodles and biscuits. While medical staff are still fighting everywhere, Zhou Chuna posted a large text on social platforms, complaining that the epidemic in Shanghai has made it impossible for her to take pictures. I couldn’t record the song for the show, so I included a few beautiful photos with the picture.

This statement caused controversy among many netizens.

Some netizens said: "Zhou Chuna is here again to gain popularity."

"Why does she only care about her own new drama? She can't see that medical staff are still fighting on the front line, and that some people can't even eat?"

also has People defended her and said: "She just said that the epidemic delayed things, and she didn't say anything wrong."

Zhou Chuna is still active on social media. Now she often posts some of her travels and daily life, or like As before, she never shied away from talking about her plastic surgery, and even shared her daily routine of plastic surgery. It can be seen that she is still in school, but she still participates in recording variety shows most of the time.

She has participated in variety shows such as "Inspur Official Account", "Mango Celebrity Project", and "After 0:00 AM". Her representative works include the song "Leap".

It is worth noting that Zhou Chuna’s mother appears very frequently in Zhou Chuna’s news. On Mother’s Day last month, she also tweeted to thank her mother for accompanying her in surgeries and reading. Although it is difficult for us to agree with Zhou Chuna's mother's educational philosophy, we can see that Zhou Chuna and her mother have a very good relationship.

In the program "East and West", Mr. Dolby said something:

"Appearance is only one type of human beauty. When you are treated unfairly, you can choose to exercise your other abilities, not just changing your appearance." .”

Everyone has a love for beauty. As a guiding light for their children, parents should guide their children’s love for beauty with correct values.

A person's achievement is not reflected by his appearance, but by his ability. As the old saying goes, there is poetry and calligraphy in one’s belly, and beauty on the outside is only temporary, but beauty on the inside is a lifelong treasure.