On June 30, the 2022 graduation ceremony of the Central Academy of Drama was held in a combination of online and offline methods. Graduates of the class of 2022, including Yi Yang Qianxi, Li Landi, Hu Xianxu, and Luo Yizhou, all attended the graduation ceremony.

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All-Media Reporter Lu Hang

On June 30, the Central Academy of Drama 2022 graduation ceremony was held, through a combination of online and offline methods. Yi Yang Qianxi, Li Landi, Hu Xianxu, Luo Yizhou and other graduates of the class of 2022 attended the graduation ceremony.

中文字幕List of some undergraduate graduates in the class of 2022

Some fresh graduates also posted live broadcast screenshots on social platforms. Among the 711 people on the Tencent conference member list, "Yi Yang Qianxi (Central Academy of Drama/Performance Department)" stands out In the column. Yi Yang Qianxi appeared in the live broadcast and said that his biggest feeling about graduation was that it was very sudden. "It feels like we graduated in the blink of an eye. I feel that four years of college passed very quickly."

In 2018, Yi Yang Qianxi graduated professionally The top-ranked student was admitted to the Department of Performance of Chinese Drama in and spoke as a representative at the freshman entrance ceremony. Now four years have passed, Yi Yang Qianxi has grown into a leading figure among contemporary young actors. The box office of his individual starring role has exceeded 10 billion with the two movies " Changjin Lake: Shuimen Bridge " and "Miracle Stupid Kid". Became the youngest billionaire in Chinese film history.

Yi Yang Qianxi

In the live broadcast of the graduation ceremony, Luo Yizhou's name appeared on the list of outstanding graduates of Beijing in 2022. He was rated as one of the three best students in Beijing, as well as an outstanding graduate of Beijing and an outstanding graduate of Chinese Opera. The play "White Snake" in which Luo Yizhou participated in college appeared in major drama performances. He also won the National Professional Art School Performance Award for his role as Xu Xian.

At the graduation ceremony, Luo Yizhou spoke as the graduate representative. He said: "As the youngest cultural and entertainment workers, we must not only have light in our eyes and strong feet, but also have confidence in our hearts." He also said: "We must use profound knowledge to Cultural accomplishment, excellent works will win praise from everyone in the future." He also expressed his gratitude to his alma mater and teachers. (For more news and information, please follow Yangcheng Pai pai.ycwb.com)

source | Yangcheng Evening News·Yangcheng Pai

editor | Shao Ziheng