The original intention in music, the mission in the story. Songs are linked with history, and songs are used to narrate history without forgetting the original intention. The classics cast the soul. Shanxi Legal News Linfen News To celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding

The original intention in the music, the mission in the story

Songs with history, narrating history with songs

Never forget the original intention, classics cast the soul

Shanxi Legal News Linfen News In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, the Anze County People's Procuratorate On June 29, a music party class with a unique "sound" aspect was held. This party class was taught by deputy prosecutor Xu Wenjie, who was in charge of daily work, and all party members and police officers attended and listened in the conference room on the fifth floor.

party class carried forward the excellent traditional Chinese culture with the voice of literature and art. The music party class kicked off in the chorus of the magnificent " March of the Volunteers ", and took the time as the axis to integrate "The East is Red" and " Battle Hymn of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army " Nine classic theme songs, including "Sing a Folk Song for the Party", "My Motherland and Me", "The Story of Spring", "Promise", "Roll Up Your Sleeves and Work Hard" and "Wanjiang", string together the "New Democratic Revolutionary Period" The content of the party class in four chapters, "the period of socialist revolution and construction, the new era of reform and opening up, and entering the new era" led the police officers to go through time and space journeys in the familiar theme and experience the Chinese Communists from generation to generation. Firm belief and unchanging original intention.

More than 30 party members at the scene waved party flags and sang loudly. Feel the history of the party in the jumping notes, and touch the power of faith in the immersion of art.

party member spoke: "It was the first time I took such a party class. The integration of music and party class knowledge impressed me deeply. It made me understand the history of the party better, love the party and our motherland more."

party member spoke: "The form of this party class is very special. It combines red songs and party history, allowing music and party classes to blend, history and reality to reflect each other; the speaker sings songs with party members and police officers. I think this kind of party class is more vivid and contagious. Party member

said: "It's shocking, very proud, and very passionate! This familiar red song seems to let us see the perseverance and arduous revolutionary process of the Chinese Communist Party, and deeply understand the strength of the motherland and the happiness of the people. It’s hard-won. I really want to listen to this kind of party class several more times.”

This music party class aims to further play the role of party building culture, enhance the centripetal force and cohesion of the party organization, and encourage party members and police officers to work together with higher morale. , contributing to improving the quality and efficiency of ADRA Procuratorial.

Let us listen to the sound of music together

The century-old glory in the red melody

Let us relive the classics in singing

Sing the era and sing the future

Editor: Hou Yuhan

Review: Di Hongsheng