Because she forgot her passport at home, her original plan was delayed. Ma Yili, who has always been strong, cried bitterly at the airport. There was a time after the divorce when she felt her life was completely out of control. The smallest thing can send her to emotional extrem

Because she forgot her passport at home, the original plan was delayed. Ma Yili , who has always been strong, cried bitterly at the airport.

For a while after the divorce, she felt that her life was completely out of control. The smallest thing can send her to emotional extremes. In the most severe cases, I couldn't even get out of bed.

She never thought that she would become like this. This was completely inconsistent with the image of the tough and decent Commander Ma in her heart.

In her career, she is meticulous and very principled. Although there have been rumors in the circle that she is difficult to cooperate with, she feels that it is because others are not serious enough.

In life, she feels that she has fallen behind in almost everything. She supports her husband in educating their children and handling household chores in an orderly manner.

But after the age of 40, she suddenly didn’t like her former self very much. I feel that striving for perfection is not cute at all. It crushes oneself and hurts others.

So after the age of 40, she began to encourage women that there is no need to push themselves so hard and to learn to show weakness.

Many people say that Ma Yili's words are inconsistent. In the past, she told women to be strong and independent, but now she tells women to learn to show weakness and let themselves go.

In fact, it may not be a contradiction, but the experience has made her grow.

A strong person may not necessarily be a strong person. "The Doctrine of the Mean" says that when water is low, it becomes the sea, and when people are low, they become kings.

If a person always acts too strong and capable, it is actually because he is too eager to be respected and recognized by others and dare not accept his own imperfections. In the eyes of ordinary people, they will find you difficult to get along with and want to escape from your control.

In fact, people like Ma Yili, who do not allow others to make mistakes and always want to control everything, turn their armor into shackles.

Now, Ma Yili no longer runs away from her vulnerability. She wants to lose her rigidity and embrace her own truth and shortcomings. Only by lowering yourself can you elevate your life. Only when you learn to bow your head can you do everything possible.

I hope we can all learn to show weakness appropriately. Showing weakness itself is a kind of wisdom, a kind of strength, a kind of wisdom to ask for help from others, and a kind of power to inspire goodwill in others.