On the evening of June 29, "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousand Houses" is a contemporary rural drama "Happiness Comes to Ten Thousand Households" co-directed by Zheng Xiaolong, Liu Xuesong, and Yao Yuan, written by Zhao Dongling, Cao Ping serves as the producer, and starring Zhao Li

On the evening of June 29, " Happiness Comes to Ten Thousand Homes " was co-directed by Zheng Xiaolong , Liu Xuesong , Yao Yuan , Zhao Dongling screenwriter, Cao Ping served as the producer, Zhao Liying , Liu Wei , Tang Zeng starred in the contemporary rural drama "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Households", which premiered on Beijing Satellite TV and Oriental Satellite TV , and was simultaneously broadcast on Youku Video.

As a key project of the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television and a project funded by the Zhejiang Culture and Art Development Fund, the play is adapted from Chen Yuanbin 's novel "The Legend of Qiu Ju". It tells the story of a girl named He Xingfu's career and marriage, love and family relationships. A story of continuous growth under multiple tests.

He Xingfu married to Wanjiazhuang. At the wedding, his sister was humiliated by the "marriage". In such a hurry, He Xingfu injured Wan Chuanjia, the son of the village party secretary Wan Shantang. One wave after another, the village wanted to expropriate the cultivated land of He Xingfu's husband's family to build a health care product factory. He Xingfu bravely went to court with Wan Shan Tang and finally received reasonable compensation.

However, He Xingfu suffered from hemorrhage due to childbirth. Wanshan Tang organized villagers to donate blood at the critical moment and saved He Xingfu's life. He Xingfu was extremely grateful. Unexpectedly, the report letter she sent before attracted great attention from the disciplinary inspectors. Wan Shantang became angry because of this. He Xingfu immediately aroused the anger of the villagers. He Xingfu could not bear the pressure and finally chose to work in the city.

In urban life, He Xingfu and her husband have constant conflicts, and their marriage often has red lights. He Xingfu learned from the advanced steps in the city and planned to return to his hometown to open a B&B, which ignited the tourism industry in Wanjiazhuang. Unexpectedly, when a pollution case occurred at a health care product factory, Happiness once again put on his shirt and led the villagers to bravely fight against interest groups, winning the respect and support of the villagers. Wanshantang also took the initiative to step aside, and Xingfu was elected as the new leader of Wanjiazhuang.

On the first day after the show was aired, it was on the list of many hot searches, and its real-time ratings directly topped the all-network satellite TV ratings list. Beijing Satellite TV’s market share reached 3.2132%, and Dragon TV’s market share reached 3.0190%. On the contrary, "Happiness" "To Ten Thousand Homes" appears to be a bit sluggish on the Youku platform. The highest popularity value that day was only 4239, and the lowest popularity value was 3741, which is not as good as other online dramas. Although only 11,000 people expressed their interest in watching

on Douban, many netizens gave it five-star reviews, saying, "The plot is very realistic, the acting skills of all the members are online, and Liying's dialogue skills are great. I believe it will get better and better in the future. It's very inspiring." . "

" I watched two episodes last night. From a plot point of view, the rhythm is tight and there are many interesting points. The exciting points exploded as soon as He Xingfu hit the bench! The arrogant and domineering Wan Chuanjia knew that he was wrong! Secretary Wan who is showing off, the shrewd mother-in-law who is always following people's influence, the arrogant father-in-law, the honest but cowardly Qing Lai, the villagers with backward ideas, and the foul-mouthed aunt at the entrance of the village, all the living beings who have just entered Wanjiazhuang! The new daughter-in-law in the village, He Xingfu, is stubborn and stubborn, but she has become an "other" in the village. She has many conflicts and conflicts, which is very attractive! "

What do you think of Zhao Liying's new drama "Happiness to Ten Thousands of Houses"?