Just like all male stars want to play the role of "Boss", female stars in the film and television industry also dream of playing the role of "Princess". As a character who was loved by thousands of people in ancient times, it is naturally a great test for the acting skills of act

Just like all male stars want to play the role of "tyrannical president", female stars in the film and television industry also dream of playing the role of "princess". As a character who was loved by thousands of people in ancient times, it is naturally a great test for the acting skills of actresses.

If you act too maturely, you will lose the innocence of the princess; but if you want to act charmingly, you may use too much force. However, there are still actresses in the entertainment industry who are born for the role of "princess". Today, the editor will let you compare which of these actresses who bring the "princess" to life has the best acting skills. Woolen cloth?

Tenth place: Qi Wei "Beauty's Scheming" Princess Guantao: Bad and Beautiful

The TV series "Beauty's Scheming" is actually an earlier drama about palace power and intrigue, Qi Wei was still a newcomer at the time She played the role of Princess Guantao, the daughter of Dou Yifang in this drama.

Although the main plot of this drama still revolves around Ruby Linplayed by Dou Yifang, Qi Wei's role is not many, but she only appeared in a few episodes, and Guan Tao's various confusing operations are still left to everyone. Made a deep impression.

In the play, although Guan Tao is the daughter of the extremely smart and beautiful Dou Yifang, she has indeed inherited her mother's beauty perfectly. Even among the many beauties competing for beauty in the play, Guan Tao's beauty is unmatched.

But the fly in the ointment is that she inherited her mother's beauty but not her mother's IQ and strategy . In the play, anyone can use and manipulate Guantao at will. Even in the end, Guantao even teamed up with his brothers to plot against his biological mother.

Qi Wei perfectly interprets Guan Tao's domineering, coquettish and arrogant character in the play. While watching the play, the audience lamented her beauty but also hated her ignorance and domineeringness.

Especially Qi Wei’s appearance has a sense of arrogance that prevents strangers from entering, which perfectly fits the character of Guan Tao in the play. Coupled with her arrogance, domineering and self-righteousness as a princess, this character is portrayed very brilliantly.

So, this is why Qi Wei, as a newcomer to the film and television industry, still had no sense of disobedience when acted opposite many high-quality actors in the drama.

The Guantao characters created by Qi Wei have rich and three-dimensional personalities, which make people love and hate them, and are unforgettable.

Ninth place: Bai Bing " myth " Princess Yushu: good at singing and dancing

Speaking of Bai Bing, she is really a beautiful actress with both acting skills and appearance. She has also appeared in many roles since her debut. Known for countless classic roles. Among them, the most well-known one is the classic TV series "Myth" in 2010, starring with the popular niche Hu Ge.

Speaking of "Myth", this is almost an unsurpassed classic in the hearts of countless people in the 80s and 90s. Before it, there were Jackie Chan and Kim Hee Sun 's combination of strength and softness. After Hu Ge and Bai Bing’s good looks, this drama has always received particularly good reviews.

Among them, the one that is most remembered by everyone is the Princess Yushu played by Bai Bing. She was stunningly beautiful in white clothes, coupled with her flexible and charming dancing posture, not only amazed Yi Xiaochuan in that era. , and also amazed us in front of the TV.

Princess Yushu in the play is an ill-fated woman. For the sake of her family and country, she had no choice but to leave her hometown and marry the cruel and tyrannical Qin Shi Huang. However, in this turbulent and chaotic world, he met the man he wanted to entrust his life to, General Meng Yi.

So she was born at the wrong time and had unparalleled beauty. From the moment Yushu was born, her tragic life was doomed.. And Bai Bing grasped Yu Shu's sense of fragmentation very well, and his eyes were full of love when he met the one he loved.

Facing the injustice of fate and world, and the helplessness of family and country, Bai Bing fully embodied it. used her beautiful dancing posture and tender eyes to perfectly tell the audience the life of a tragic beauty in troubled times. .

So at that time, some people still said that a teardrop on the ice is like a star in the sky. When it comes to Yu Shu, there is no one else but Bai Bing.

Eighth place: Wu Qian " Chootianji " Princess Luoluo: Cheerful and naughty

When mentioning Wu Qian, the first thing that everyone thinks of must be her enigmatic love life, but it cannot be denied that Wu Qian's acting skills are among the new generation's It is considered to be among the best among actors. Among them, the one that impressed everyone the most is the costume drama "The Legend of the Destiny", which was co-produced with Lu Han and .

Wu Qian plays a very clever and lively demon princess " Luoluo" in the play. This little princess is a typical darling in the play. , and Wu Qian has always been His character design and personality are all naughty, cute, lively and clever.

So Luo Luo in this drama can be regarded as her true character, and Wu Qian’s appearance in the drama is also very outstanding. Bonus points . She changed the boring look of the heroines in previous costume dramas who were either dressed in black or in white.

put on a fancy and novel skirt and matched it with a red beauty and unique blush. immediately embodied the cleverness of Princess Luoluo.

So in this drama where almost all the cast members are ridiculed for their acting and appearance, Wu Qian is considered a breath of fresh air, and almost no one says that her acting and appearance are not good.

One of the reasons why everyone likes her even more is that compared to the male and female protagonists, they suffer great hatred for the right path and the common people. Bai Luoheng is always optimistic and confident, always unrestrained, and always does whatever he wants. It makes everyone watching the show shine and feel very relaxed.

Therefore, Wu Qian's Bai Luoheng and "Princess Luoluo" are definitely a highlight in this irresistible film "Zhetian Ji" .

Seventh place: Jia Qing " The Complete Biography of the Eight Immortals: The Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea " Princess Yancai: Amazing as a Heavenly Person

Everyone must have heard a poem, that is, "The rosy clouds are green, the white dew is frost, the so-called beauty, On the other side of the water. " And this beautiful lady on the other side of the water has appeared in the editor's childhood, that is the princess of the East China Sea in the TV series "Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea", Yancai.

Jia Qing also contributed countless wonderful acting skills in the play. The colorful princess she played stunned everyone as soon as she appeared. is even more beautiful than He Xiangu, who is famous for her beauty among the Eight Immortals.

This drama mainly focuses on the process of gathering the Eight Immortals and the relationship between Yancai and Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals. Princess Yancai, as the Dragon Girl of the East China Sea, fell in love with Han Xiangzi, one of the Eight Immortals.

And Han Xiangzi’s mission is to cross the East China Sea, collect spiritual medicine, and save all people.Yancai wanted to prevent the Eight Immortals from gathering and crossing the river, but in the process, Yancai and Han Xiangzi developed feelings. During this period of inability to be together, Jia Qing and Guo Jinan showed the audience two different characters. Individuals face the longing for love and the entanglement with mission.

Especially Yancai, played by Jia Qing, from being confident and free in the early stage to giving up everything for love later, Jia Qing fully interprets the character's daring to love and hate, and the whole character is very three-dimensional and full.

Especially the final ending is that the two people have gone through hardships, but in the end they are still not together. even made countless viewers shed tears. Even the editor secretly wiped his tears in bed when he saw the finale.

This shows the success of the Yancai Princess that Jia Qing has created for us. Although Jia Qing does not appear in TV series anymore, the Yancai she plays is still the most beautiful goddess princess in our childhood.

Sixth place: Peng Xiaoran " East Palace " The Ninth Princess of the Western Zhou Dynasty: The red dress is so stunning

In recent years, when the role of a princess in a costume drama is mentioned, almost everyone's first reaction is the TV series that was so popular back then. "Xiao Feng" played by Peng Xiaoran in "East Palace".

As the most beautiful ninth princess of the Western Zhou Dynasty in the desert, she has been loved by thousands of people since she was a child. has had parents who love her and a master who dotes on her since she was born, so she has almost no worries.

Until she met a man who changed her life, Gu Xiaowu. When they first met, Xiaofeng was only a teenager, but Peng Xiaoran, who was already in her twenties, controlled the demeanor and movement of a girl very well, including the purity and freedom in her eyes.

Later, when he knew what his beloved had done to him, he saw that his beloved was also ruthlessly hurt by him. The purity in 's eyes disappeared, but Xiaofeng, who was always kind, did not turn black or take revenge.

She was determined to end it all with her own death, and Xiaofeng's leap into the Forgotten River became Peng Xiaoran's most classic scene in this drama. 's poignant and decisive eyes, even without any words, are enough to express the despair and pain in her heart at this moment.

In this drama, in addition to Peng Xiaoran's superb acting skills, she also stunned everyone with her desert red dress . Her fair skin and fiery red dress echo each other in the desert, and her clear and beautiful eyes are unparalleled.

Especially when you look at Peng Xiaoran riding towards you on horseback, it seems as if the dry desert is filled with flaming red flowers all over the mountains and plains. So many times, it is not the actors who make the script, but the script who makes the actors.

For example, Peng Xiaoran is a typical example.

Fifth place: Zhao Liying "The War of Shushan" Princess Wuxin: Domineering

Zhao Liying is actually one of the best in acting among the 85 flowers now. Almost any TV series she stars in are all conscientious dramas. Over the years, Zhao Liying has also played many classic roles for us, and basically every one of them is a "big hit".

However, over the years, there have indeed been several dramas that have received less than satisfactory reviews. The first one to bear the brunt is the TV series "War of Shushan" co-starred by Zhao Liying, Nicky Wu, and William Chan.

Actually, we cannot say that the reason why this drama is not popular is because of the poor acting skills of the three. On the contrary, all three of them contributed very outstanding acting skills in this drama. But one of the main reasons why it is not popular is that compared to Zhao Liying's other dramas, this drama is not attractive enough and the plot is relatively cliché.

But there is a saying that the Yu Wuxin played by Zhao Liying in the play is the green-robed daughter of the villain Liying Shenzong, but she is both good and evil. approached the male protagonist Ding Yin under the arrangement and design of his father. He did whatever it took to achieve his goal, but in the process, he fell in love with Ding Yin.

From then on, she fell into the dilemma of family mission and love, and Zhao Liying also performed this extremely complex emotional entanglement very brilliantly in the play. Especially Zhao Liying, with a very sweet face, can also perfectly switch between the domineering heroine and the romantic heroine.

And it can be said that this drama is actually the most beautiful drama in Zhao Liying's career. Zhao Liying has mastered the looks of the well-behaved peasant daughter-in-law and the domineering and darkened young clan leader. Moreover, she also contributed many exotic styles to the drama for the first time, both of which are eye-catching.

It is a pity that this drama did not become as popular as Zhao Liying's other dramas, but Zhao Liying's acting skills cannot be denied.

Fourth place: Liu Shishi "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3" Princess Long Kui: Classical temperament

Liu Shishi has brought us countless classic works over the years since her debut. From Ruoxi who traveled to ancient times to the dashing Tuoba Yuer, each one is very memorable.

But the most memorable role of Liu Shishi is the subjugated princess "Long Kui" in the classic fairy tale TV series "Legend of Sword and Fairy 3" many years ago. In fact, Liu Shishi is one of the few actresses with a cool temperament in the industry, especially after dressing up in ancient costumes, she almost looks like she stepped out of a painting, without any sense of disobedience.

The nightshade in the play actually does not live in the same dynasty as the male and female protagonists. She is just locked in the sword soul and waiting for the reincarnation of her brother because of her obsession. When Liu Shishi handled this role, although she also lived in an ancient background, she still interpreted a different sense of the times.

Especially this drama requires Liu Shishi to play two roles, switching between red clothes and blue clothes, domineering and gentle. Liu Shishi grasped the character's personality traits very well.

It is worth mentioning that there is a scene in the play that recalls the life of Solanum Solanum and her brother in the palace when they were children. At that time, Princess Solanum Solanum was the darling of thousands of people, and her eyes were full of innocence and innocence.

When facing the destruction of the country and the family, when Solanum Solanum decided to sacrifice herself and jump into the sword-making furnace, her decisive eyes were the best in the whole drama.

This is why, after so many years, Liu Shishi’s Nightshade Nightshade always has a place in our hearts..

Third place: Li Qin " The Legend of Chu Qiao " Princess Yuanchun: Beautiful and powerful

Speaking of which of these princesses is the worst, the editor thinks that except for Yuanchun played by Li Qin There is no other person besides him. No matter how miserable other princesses are, they still love their lover and family and will always stand with them.

But Yuan Chun never received true love from beginning to end, and not only that, he was also bullied. After being heartbroken and despairing, she originally thought that her brother still loved her, but she didn’t expect that her brother still thought about the heroine after he fell into a coma.

The impact of the destruction of the country and the family coupled with the betrayal of his beloved caused Yuan Chun to completely go dark. However, even though he went dark, he still did not get a good result and ended in tragedy.

In fact, the role of Yuan Chun is very difficult to control in the play. In the early stage, Yuan Chun was lively, cute and devoted to one person . After turning into a black character, he has to act ruthlessly and decisively. Li Qin controls this very well in the play.

Li Qin, who has been Kun Opera since she was a child, also gives full play to her advantages as a Kun Opera actor in the play. Her noble temperament as a princess and her broken beauty even after suffering humiliation made her The character Yuan Chun makes everyone believe in him.

Although after the blackening in the later stage, various operations will make everyone hate it, but after thinking about it, they feel that it is excusable. Li Qin is really excellent at being able to show the two sides of this character to the audience.

Second place: Liu Yifei "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1" Nanzhao Princess: Ancient Costume Ceiling

Recently, the editor has been attracted by Liu Yifei's newly released TV series " Meng Hua Lu ". Liu Yifei is worthy of being a fairy-level figure. , for her beautiful smile and superb acting skills in the play, was hotly discussed by everyone, and was even highly praised by everyone as "people will fall in love with Liu Yifei countless times in different periods."

I recall that the last time Liu Yifei filmed a TV series was before she became an adult. The most impressive one is the unforgettable princess of Nanzhao Kingdom, Zhao Ling'er, in "Legend of Sword and Fairy 1".

Zhao Linger can be said to be the most loved character after Xiao Longnu. On the one hand, Liu Yifei has an outstanding appearance, pure and agile, like an elf who is not stained by dust.

On the other hand, Liu Yifei, who was still a minor at that time, had already grasped the character's personality and characteristics very well. , especially from her inexperience in the world in the early days of Nanzhao to her sacrifice of life for the sake of the common people in the later period, she completely transformed the character Zhao Ling'er. Stand perfectly.

later, in order to prevent his beloved brother Xiaoyao from seeing his scary snake tail, used the method taught by the saint aunt to drop blood on the snake's tail and disappear. He also hid his pregnant belly and hid the little girl in love. The mentality is perfectly displayed.

But later on, she sacrificed herself for the sake of the world , and proved to the audience that she was not a love-minded heroine. She was also a princess of Nanzhao whose mission was to save the world, and she was also a descendant of Nuwa.

Liu Yifei, who was still underage at the time, performed this role very well. Until now, no one else except Liu Yifei has mentioned Zhao Ling'er.

No. 1: Zhou Xun, "Daming Palace Ci" Princess Taiping: breathtaking and eccentric

This "Daming Palace Ci" is actually a work by Zhou Xun when he was a girl. Zhou Xun was twenty at that time How many years old, Even the simplest accessories and clothing can show Zhou Xun's aura, purity and beauty back then.

In the play, she plays Princess Taiping. As the daughter of a generation of queens, she naturally carries a different mission from ordinary princesses. But Zhou Xun is different from the Princess Taiping played by others, who is full of bitterness and hatred from beginning to end.

Because of her petite figure and very delicate facial features, Zhou Xun played Princess Taiping very delicately, cutely and cutely. Zhou Xun's acting skills back then were also very outstanding, and she was rated as "the liveliest Princess Taiping in history".

What's more worth mentioning is that although Princess Taiping has relatively few scenes, her relationship with her consort, Xue Shao, is the most impressive scene in the entire TV series.

Especially the first encounter between Taiping and Xue Shao during the Lantern Festival. Under the lights and people coming and going, Xiao Taiping was discovered by Xue Shao and took off his mask. This scene is the most amazing scene in the whole play.

Although there were very few love scenes after that, it was just such a glimpse of . Zhou Xun won the Golden Eagle Festival's Most Popular Actress Award for her role as Princess Taiping in this drama, which shows that everyone recognizes her.

Although Zhou Xun now has the classic "Ruyi's Royal Love in the Palace" and "Red Sorghum" as his representative works, when everyone mentions Princess Taiping, their first reaction is to think of Zhou Xun.


In summary, these actresses have performed the role of princess very brilliantly. I wonder who is the best princess in your heart?