On June 27, the "Pico Wang Feng@VR Fantasy Music Drifting" entertainment event was officially announced and will be broadcast exclusively on Pico at 20:00 on July 2. Wang Feng's online performance will use VR technology to create a "borderless" interactive field + "suspended" rea

On June 27, the "Pico Wang Feng@VR Fantasy Music Drifting" entertainment event was officially announced and will be broadcast exclusively on Pico at 20:00 on July 2. This Wang Feng online performance will use VR technology to create a "borderless" interactive field + "suspended" real-life stage with the theme of "Global Camping". Here, you can watch the live entertainment event from five perspectives; here, you can take off all your burdens and have close contact with your favorite idols + an immersive stage experience.

"Borderless" interactive field + "suspended" real-life stage, "global camping" enjoy two-way interaction and listen to rafting stories

This VR enjoyment will be created through the real scene of the scene, allowing the audience to experience the 8 wonders as travelers At the same time, five 3D cameras and multi-dimensional 8K live broadcasts are set up, allowing users to switch perspectives freely and experience the charm of the VR rock stage in an all-round way.

Not only that, there is also a very interesting barrage interactive session in this fun party. The audience can share their own stories through barrage and have a two-way dialogue with Wang Feng, truly enjoying music and emotions in the VR world. communication collision. Previously, Pico's official Weibo also launched the "Urban Drifting Story Project" activity to collect relevant stories from netizens and users. The exciting content will have the opportunity to appear on the big screen at the singing and chat meeting, and be seen and shared by Wang Feng.

Musician Wang Feng compared life to a drifting bottle and talked about meeting VR again five years later.

Before the live broadcast of this fun party, Pico conducted an interview with Wang Feng about the theme of this VR fun party, fantasy music drifting. , Wang Feng has his own understanding: "Everyone is actually drifting in his life", "He is like a drifting bottle, you yourself have not moved, but the world is changing, and you are actually drifting too." Wang Feng once did a VR live broadcast at the Beijing concert in 2017. When asked about his expectations for this music event, he bluntly said that he was "very interested". He said that from 2017 to 22, five years have passed. No matter in terms of technology, sound quality, image quality, etc., the VR field has achieved rapid development. I believe that in this music event, Pico and Wang Fengfeng will bring you an unforgettable music live experience.

When talking about the song list for this fun party, Wang Feng chose to leave everyone with a suspense: "As long as you think about it, you will have it." Which song do you most want to hear Wang Feng sing at the VR Enjoyment Club? The answer will be announced at 20:00 on July 2, so stay tuned!

Pico official also opened an exclusive channel for H5 reservations during this VR enjoyment event! Click on the H5 link http://www.weiyunco.com/item/wangfeng/main.php, generate your own exclusive ticket and share it with your circle of friends, and you will have the opportunity to participate in the lottery. The lucky ones can get Wang Feng’s signed photo and Pico Neo3! If you feel tempted, take action quickly!