gangster little black movie name

The name of the black gangster movie is "Double Mama", directed by Andy Chukwu, a Nigerian film. This is a comedy movie about a little black boy who "aspires" to become a terrorist. When he sees this theme, he will smile instantly, and the amusing breath has already come to his face.

In "Double Mama", Arusi is a young boy full of dreams and aspirations. He is mischievous and refuses to obey the social norms imposed on him by the adults around him. ). The name was chosen because Arusi firmly believes that if you want to be successful in life, you must first have a strong name (there is absolutely nothing wrong with that reason).

Arusi's school teacher worked hard to make him obedient, refusing to call him by his new name. Arusi asked his mother to help with this problem, and the teacher later accepted to call him "Obama", but when the teacher asked about Arusi's future dreams, Arusi said he wanted to be a terrorist! No frying pan yet.

Throughout the movie, Arusi is set in the background that his father betrayed his mother because his mother was very rough and had a very strong attitude and also had a strong body. Arusi's mother sometimes provokes others in the village, and uses her huge body to bully others. She can carry an adult man and drag it for a long distance, and then the person being carried is helpless and unable to resist, but Waving arms means meaning.

Arusi let loose his daily freedom. One day he found a laser pointer in the bushes of the village. He thought about it and came up with a self-satisfying plan to scare the residents, thinking that this plan could make him a terrorist .From time to time, he would find some neighbors and aim at them with a laser, making them think they were being targeted by a gun. The atmosphere became frightened and anxious, and the frightened villagers wanted to flee. At the end of the film, he declares that this is just the beginning of his career as a terrorist Obama .

The ending of the movie is also funny, and the little kid also claims to be a professional terrorist. After watching the whole thing, I thought about this nonsense idea of ​​the director and found it quite ironic, but in a peaceful area and environment, who would be fooled by such a "laser".