It’s hard to settle, Reyza failed to win the Best Actress of Magnolia, and lost to Tong Yao. Hot search

The 27th Shanghai TV Festival Magnolia Awards Gala arrived as scheduled, and many TV actors gathered to witness the historic moment. The competition for this year's Magnolia Awards is very fierce, and many of the shortlisted actors and works are very good and indistinguishable. In the end, Tong Yao won the Best Actress for " Thirty Only ", and Yu Hewei won the Best Actor for " Awakening Age ". And and have become the hearts of netizens. Let's take a look.

Tong Yao won the Best Actress with "Thirty Only", but was ridiculed by the crowd. Looking back at the shortlisted female stars, Yan Ni , Ni Ni , Reyizha, Tan Songyun , the most popular in the early stage was Reyizha, but Reyizha did not win the award, and many netizens praised him Uneven.

Tong Yao was ridiculed by the group, saying that she relied on capital to be the best, and some netizens said it was outrageous.

When Tong Yao posted her acceptance speech, "There must be a lot of luck in winning the award, but what really makes me feel lucky is that I can create characters with different styles together with so many excellent colleagues to help the development of China's drama industry. The award is only On behalf of the past, I will turn the page after tonight." "Even so, Tucao still occupies the first place.

The splash played by Reyizha in "Shan Hai Qing" has always been talked about by the public, and even praised Reyizha as worthy of this award, and also gained great attention with this TV series In this TV series, Reyizha contributed the most tears, and it is hard to feel that he was defeated now.

Especially in the previous voting on the Internet, Reyizha was expected by everyone with high votes, and Tong Yao was far behind. There are even some Netizens said that Reyizha is bound to win the heroine award, and she is naturally dissatisfied with such a result.

For a while, Reyizha did not get the best actress on the hot search. This shows how much he loves the role of "Splash" played by Reyizha in "Shan Hai Qing", although Reyizha has never been on the social platform. It happened, but many fans still poured into the comment area to cheer her on.

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