Sodagreen member A Gong’s sexual orientation exposed. Netizen: I finally admitted it!

A rainbow flag hangs in Ah Gong's room

The Taiwanese band "Soda Green" consists of 6 members, Wu Qingfeng, Shi Junwei, Xie Xinyi, Gong Yuqi, Liu Jiakai, and He Jingyang. Among the 5 male members who have passed their thirties, Only Wu Qingfeng and A Gong have not married, and the news that their relationship has been in an empty window has begun to make everyone doubt their orientation, but there has been no conclusive evidence that the two are gay.

However, recently, Soda Green member A Gong is suspected of revealing his same-sex orientation. On the dating software "Men Looking for Men", he boldly used his own photo sticker "Looking for Love", which was discovered by netizens and then exposed. According to the information that can be searched in the software Judging from the fact that both the age and the title are amazingly consistent with Gong, is Gong really going to blow himself up? Homosexuality, but despite his vehement denial, the media could not give more strong proof. Now that A Gongyao is gay, he can't help but refute it, "Finally admit it"! Netizens asked: "Is Wu Qingfeng going to blow himself up too?"

From Wu Qingfeng's unique voice, and his all-female girlfriends, if not gay, then he is too heterosexual, male friends have not seen exposure, female Friends have announced a bunch of them. I wonder if Rainie Yang, who is the number one close friend, knows anything about her real emotional world?