After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown

2020/12/1310:57:09 entertainment 164

The death of Kim Kidd is like a Kim Kidd movie.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

, the most controversial director in South Korea, planned to immigrate to Latvia due to previous disgraceful accusations in South Korea, and planned to obtain a green card by buying a house in the coastal city of Jurmala. However, he did not show up at the agreed time, friend So I went to visit him and learned of his death.

Jinkid died in Latvia on December 11 due to the new crown at the age of 59. It is only 9 days before his 60th birthday.

If Kim Kidd made a movie for his life, he would probably like the ending: a man who was full of controversy during his lifetime, was scolded by the Korean audience as a monster, and was abandoned by his wife and children. He was planning to escape but died. On the way to escape, he was bizarre, absurd, and unprepared. He suddenly died in such a remote place. If it were not for a friend's accidental visit, the world would not even know the news of his death. The ending of

's story with Kim Kidd as the protagonist is cruel and compassionate in the dark humor. It is reminiscent of his movie "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring", which has a rating of 8.5 on Douban and received the most praise in China.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

He is probably the most difficult film director to evaluate. Within the film, he has made 20 feature films in the past two decades, and almost every work has become a topical work. Won awards at the Cannes Film Festival, Berlin Film Festival, and Venice Film Festival for "The Samaritan Girl", "Empty Room" and "Arirang", becoming the first Korean film to win the honor of the world's three major international film festivals The director, but because the film reveals the reality too much, South Korean audiences are contemptuous. But he is an old friend of Chinese movies, and he almost made a movie in China.

In addition to the movie, he suffered from depression and social phobia. He was charged with the most disgraceful crimes by three actresses. After being acquitted by law, he divorced his wife. Finally, he was lonely and was admitted to the hospital in a foreign land. Two days later, died of the new crown...

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

in the "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Another Spring" in the Douban long review, the title ranked first is: "Everyone deserves forgiveness." I don't know whether this sentence can be applied to director Kim Kidd.

Then let the bastard be a bastard.

movie belongs to movie.

The spring of bad boy

The general direction of many lives is often determined by a few key moments.

On December 20, 1960, Kim Ki-deok was born in a small mountain village in Bonghua County, Gwangsangbuk-do, South Korea.

He lived in the shadow of his father when he was young, and the usual scolding was-"What can your kid grow up to be?"

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

Lived in such a fear, the young Kim Kidd usually only eats one chopstick for each dish, as if The stomach is very full, but in fact I often feel hungry, and sometimes I pull a cabbage from the vegetable field behind to eat. When

was a teenager, he liked the mud-built toilets in the countryside the most, because that was the only space he could hide from his father.

When anger is suppressed, young Kim Kidd will stuff a stone into the belly of a frog. Many years later, he will film this cruel plot into the most cruel movie of his life.

At that time, the whole family put their hope on his brother, so the family moved from Fenghua in Guangshangbuk-do in the south to Yishan near Seoul. One day his father suddenly said to Jin Ji-de, that you don't need to go to school because his brother's performance severely hit his father. The man

said to Jin Ji-de, "I don't think you are a learning material. Go to the factory to learn technology. That is also the way to be born." So Jin Ji De went to the factory upon graduation from elementary school. During this period,

decided that a key moment in Kim Kidd’s life should be painting. At this time, Kim Kidd had no movies in his life. He didn't see his first movie until he was 32 years old. in Paris.

Prior to this, Kim Kidd, who was less than 20 years old, worked in a junk car yard in South Korea. He was often harassed by small hooligans in the same neighborhood. He made a gun with factory materials. He wanted a gun, but in the end he still didn't. This kind of repressive and desperate scenes later appeared in his movies.

In 1990, Kim Kidd, who had completed his military service, went to Paris, France to study fine art and made a living by selling paintings. On the streets of Paris, he watched from a distance the glittering lights of Paris, magnificent. But for the 30-year-old Kim Kidd, that’sIn a faraway place, people in the romantic capital talked and laughed, and those happiness has nothing to do with him.

Until one day in 1992, another important moment in Kim Kidd’s life came.

He passed by the movie theater, saw the movie poster, built Foster’s mouth with a butterfly, and walked in. In the biography, Kim Kidd said that he had never been to a movie theater before. He originally thought , Only well-educated people can watch and truly understand movies.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

Kim Kidd watched two movies in the Paris theater-"The Silent Lamb" and "New Bridge Lovers", one full of romantic cruelty, the other full of cruel romance, from then on, Kim Kidd had the dream of being a director. After Korea, impoverished, he began to learn to write movie scripts.

has to admit that Kim Kidd is a movie genius. He only went to elementary school and won the best screenplay award from the Ministry of Culture for three consecutive scripts.

finally in 1996, this bad boy ushered in his own spring.

The 36-year-old Kim Kidd raised money to film his first feature feature film "Alligator", and has since officially embarked on the road of professional director. This work is full of rough DV image quality, the lens is grainy, and the student work style is lively, but it also has a film that can't conceal the sharpness and talent of the film master.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

The male protagonist of the movie is Cao Jae-hyun. 22 years later, this king actor will appear in the most controversial storm in Kim’s life.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

It is from this unfamiliar film that Kim Ki-duk has gradually become the most famous and controversial director in South Korea. In Kim Ki-duk’s self-report, the one who made him drop out of school at a young age and often reprimanded him for what he could do in life Father, he regarded his famous son as his only pleasure, "Do you know Director Kim Kidd? He is my son, alas, that kid, I haven't beaten him well yet, and educate him..."

Of course people know Kim Kidd’s name.

Even among Chinese movie fans, the name Kim Kidd cannot be avoided. Even if you haven't actually watched any of his movies, you have probably heard the name. And in the age of many people's video studios, the bastards and beauties in his films, those cruel and curious, and Hong Kong films have filled countless people's rushed youth.

Kim Kidd is certainly not academic, but it is also the background of Ye Luzi that makes his film style unscrupulous. The wild way

comes to a large extent from-no one is restrained, because no one invests.

In Kim Kidd’s memory, only the film "Drifting Bathroom" received an investment of 500 million won. After that, the big investors basically did not invest in him, and the film was basically made with his own company’s money. , Or some small companies pooled in money to shoot.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

"They feel that they invested money in me, and they can't get any return because there is no audience to watch my movie."

In a sense, the fate of Kim Ki-duk, who is not seen in Korea, is largely It is closely linked to the fate of Korean movies-"If there is no support from the three government resources, I am afraid I will stop filming."

For a long time, Koreans didn’t understand what Kim Kidd was filming. Why did this director specialize in violent stories and unpleasant characters — the tramp in

's Crocodile, " Stowaways in "Beast City", dumb women and fugitives in "Drifting Room of Desire"... When

"Drifting of Desire Room" premiered in Venice, the audience directly vomited and fainted. Because he presented the emotional world of the Koreans too wild, the critics were as "unacceptable" as the audience.

But this is also the first time for Kim Kidd to enter overseas with his own movie and it is very popular.

In the rush of Korean movies, during the rapid development of Korean commercial genre films set off by "Life and Death", Kim Ki-duk became a new force and representative figure in the field of literary and artistic films in South Korea. With the spread of culture, the name Kim Kidd is also in the recessive spread of China, and has gradually become a Korean filmmaker that Chinese fans and literary youths are keen to pursue.

can even say that Kim Kidd is the Korean film director with the highest sinking degree in China.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

But before the new century, even among his sought-after Chinese fans, this was also a niche director who took the lead. In front of the director, there may not necessarily be the word art. What

changed everything was the bald operation that completely changed the Korean film industry.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

In 1999, many male filmmakers sat in the Seoul National Hall, Gwanghwamun and other places, even shaved their heads. Among them were Jiang Dikui, director of "The Spy", Lee Cangdong, who later filmed "Burning", , and Kim Kiduk.

is this collective voice that relieved the South Korean government-Korean films have entered a new era, and Kim Kidd’s work style has also begun to become soft and open.

In 2003, Kim Kidd launched a spiritual and Zen work "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring" that surprised everyone. This film was selected as one of the top ten best Korean films of the year, and represented South Korea in the 2004 Oscar for Best Foreign Language sheet.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

But Kim Ki-duk really won the international award in 2004, his work "Samaria Girl" once again went to Berlin, and finally won him the Silver Bear Award for Best Director.

In Venice in September of the same year, "Empty Room" was an exceptional shortlist and won the Best Director Silver Lion Award.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

These movies are full of the most fascinating elements of Kim Kidd's movies-the bold exposure of human desires and social reality, the image depiction of spiritual dilemmas, and those poem-like beautiful and cruel pictures, sick, weird, and so make People are fascinated.

"Empty Room" has no more than 200 lines in the two-hour film, among which, the heroine has only 3 lines from beginning to end. However, Kim Kidd made a weird and thrilling love through the pain of domestic violence in the silent picture.

In his own words, words are usually deceptive and meaningless.

That was also a golden age for Kim Kidd's movies. He even persuaded Zhang Dongjian, the idol star at the time, to star in his low-cost movie "Coastline". He also tailored the film "Breathe" for Zhang Zhen, shooting the self-salvation of prisoners on death row.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

In the whole film, Zhang Zhen didn't have a single line. He closed his mouth and completed all the performances. All emotions are done with a pair of eyes.

However, the low tide of Kim Kidd’s movies also began to come later. In the Korean film industry, people are willing to discuss the movies of Lee Cangdong, Park Chan-wook, Kim Ji-woon, and Hong Sang-soo, but they are ashamed to talk about Kim Kidd, even if he won numerous awards at the A-type international film festivals. The fragrance is still blooming inside the wall.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

is a Chinese filmmaker who welcomes this movie geek with open arms compared to the desertedness in Korea.

In the years to come, Kim Kidd will use up his last luck.

The autumn accused by three actresses

In 2012, Kim Kidd took "Arirang" to the Shanghai Film Festival and sang on stage.

Those few years were the lowest period of his life. He couldn't make a movie. The actress in the movie had an accident and the two assistants left. This was regarded as a betrayal by him. He fell into a solitary life and recorded it with "Arirang". His splitting and struggling personality. In this documentary that he completed entirely by himself, he repeatedly examined his distress and resentment for not being able to make a film, and at the same time expressed his unwillingness to repeat himself, and even more unwillingness to follow the investors’ wishes and take trash out to cheat. The obsession with money in the pockets of the audience.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

But also in 2012, he went to Venice with "Holy Death" and won the Golden Lion Award for his work which is by no means the best.

He has the courage and willfulness again-the next "Mobius", there is no line in the whole film, tells a story that challenges ethics, some people say that Kim Kidd is crazy.

However, in June 2013, he was nominated for the 70th Venice Film Festival with "Mobius".

But it was this movie that became the waterloo of Kim Kidd’s life.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

In 2018, the "MeToo" movement swept the world. On March 6th of that year, the Korean MBC TV current affairs program "PD Manual" exposed the Kim Kidd scandal. Three actresses appeared on the show as victims and explained that they were shootingThe situation of harassment and violation during the filming process.

was subsequently exposed, and he slapped the actress in public during filming.

In the end, Kim Kidd was convicted of no suspicion. He countered the three actresses for false accusations, causing a lot of trouble.

Afterwards, Kim Kidd was asked about this, but he was only sorry, but he did not apologize for slapped the actress. After the

incident, Cao Jae-hyun, another powerful Korean actor involved, has since faded out. I don't know if he regrets that, many years ago, he starred in the movie Kim Kidd called "The Crocodile" and has since become his queen actor.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

And Mobius is like a metaphor of fate, and those fate that seems to be changed by the movie are written in the different personalities of each person very early. Life can have a few chances to comeback, but the stain cannot be erased in a lifetime. Before that turmoil appeared, in 2015, Kim was also a judge at the Beijing Film Festival. His social phobia seemed to have healed automatically, and the whole person was in good spirits.

According to the memories of the film producer Fang Li, after his company moved to Qikeshu, every time Jin Ji-de came to Beijing to visit him for renewal, he always walked. When Jin Ji-de passed away, he recalled the past and said: "He always moved from Sanlitun If you walked to Qikeshu, you would have come from 798 Creative Park. I admired his physical fitness. He was as strong as a cow and walked like flying. How could he be overthrown by a disease? How could he leave like this?"

Fang Li said that he had talked about two or three film plans with Kim Kidd, and encouraged Kim Kidd to make a film in China that is suitable for China and has a literary style. "I told him that China has a lot of your fans. Why don’t you make a movie for Chinese movie audiences, you just have to shoot it, and we will carry the rest.”

In Fang Li’s view, Jin Ji-de is a man of temperament, his living habits are simple, and he never likes the delicacy of mountains and seafood , The favorite restaurants are food stalls and small shops with simple folk customs. "Getting along with him is very casual. He doesn't pretend and doesn't have any director's "faner"."

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

Fang Li said that Jin Jide had also encountered "big fools" in China, and some investors brag to him and said they would give him Shooting a big movie, but often after meeting, there is no following: "Kim Kidd is a very simple and real person, and he is especially easy to trust others."

But the movie was not shot after all. Kim Kidd, who has no movies to shoot, finally enters winter in his life.

After that turmoil, Kim Kidd’s wife and daughter could no longer stand the strange eyes of living all the year round and left him.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

He was alone and unable to live peacefully in his own country. He decided to leave South Korea and restart his life in a remote foreign land. However, an epidemic suddenly came, and there was no way back.

spring, summer, autumn and winter, there will never be another spring

Jin Jide loved traveling very much during his lifetime. Last year, some netizens posted a set of photos of encountering him. In the photo of

, Jin Jide has grey hair, wrinkles on his face, prominent small belly, and looks a little old.

fans who have met Kim Kidd said that he always seems to be alone and lonely.

His movies have suffered many reputations, and his life has suffered many controversies.

Regarding life, he himself said, "For me, life is harming me, hurting him, and being killed."

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

He said that he uses filming to fight against the world, and he hopes that his film can make those who feel weak inside. Get comforted, face and accept yourself.

Now that he is dead, he still has mixed reputations. Jun Yangjun, executive chairman of the Busan International Film Festival, posted a message on social media to mourn him, writing: “From a friend, I heard a shocking news that Director Kim Ki-duk moved from Kazakhstan to Latvia, but he was on his birthday. He passed away due to the new crown a week ago," he also wrote: "After two days of hospitalization, I left in a hurry. It is an irreparable loss to the Korean film industry. It is very sad. May the deceased rest in peace."

Latvia stated that according to the wishes of the survivors, the remains of Kim Kidd can be returned to South Korea, or the ashes can be transported after cremation. From the perspective of technology and epidemic prevention, there is no problem, but the procedure for moving the remains is more complicated. Therefore, it is most likely to transport ashes to South Korea.

If this is the case, the Korean director who was still planning to escape at the last moments of his lifetime would eventually return to his homeland. The controversial director

has shown indifferent evaluations throughout his life, and laughed and scolded. When he came to China to teach, he said that the film was not learned, but made.

But this arrogant man may not be so free and easy. He once said: Those who hate me and deny me will scramble to watch my movies with another attitude after my death. In the

movie "Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter, Another Spring", there is a scene in which a child monk grabs a frog and paints it on his body. Kim Kidd said, "That’s what I did when I was a kid. I painted on the back of the frog. The color, put it on the table and observe it, I think it is very beautiful".

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

And at the end of the movie, the old monk ignited the fire and passed away. At the end, the little monk has grown up to play in the mountains, and can't wait to stuff stones into the mouths of small fish, snakes and frogs.

Spring, summer, autumn and winter, life cycle. Human nature is no different.

Jin Jide said, but people are not ugly, nor are they bad, people themselves are like that.

In his youth, Kim Kidd was the little monk. It was "the chaotic world, the time of innocence". He was depressed and full of vigor, his face was full of youthful light, he didn't know his future destiny, let alone think of himself. Will die in a foreign land at the end of 2020.

After the scandal, South Korea’s most controversial director Kim Ki-duk finally died of the new crown - DayDayNews

Everything is possible. Everything is definite.

Migratory birds flew south and Wanhe returned to the sea. The films he made proved that he had existed. Only spring, summer, autumn and winter, another spring without Kim Kidd.

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