Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate

2020/06/2221:44:27 entertainment 2983

The variety show "Sisters Riding the Wind and Waves" recently held by Mango Channel is being held in full swing. Every sister in the show has attracted attention because of this show. Almost every sister has it. In terms of topicality, this time Wang Zhi among the sisters was on the hot search because of this variety show, and Wang Zhi, who had not received attention for a long time, was once again pushed to the forefront.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

Many people may not know that Wang Zhi is already married and have children. As a female star, Wang Zhi has always been very low-key, even getting married and having children, Wang Zhi As an actress, she once worked with Shen Teng and Ma Li in the movie "Charlotte Annoyance". This movie was really popular at the time, with a box office of billions. It also made Wang Zhi, who played "Qiuya" in the movie, be The audience knows that even if Wang Zhi is on the show now, many people's first reaction when seeing her is still Qiuya.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

This time Wang Zhi participated in "Sisters Riding the Wind and Waves". The performance of Wang Zhi in the first issue was quite average. Among more than 30 sisters, Wang Zhi was rated as the lowest rated This also made Wang Zhi more shocked. However, Wang Zhi’s husband, You Yi, wrote to support his wife at the first time. In addition to cheering on Wang Zhi, You Yi also showed off his affection. Xiao Tianmi also appeared on the hot search. This is the first time that netizens have paid attention to Wang Zhi's private life.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

From the group photo of Wang Zhi and her husband You Yi, it can be seen that the relationship between the couple is really good. Although You Yi looks a little too mature, but Wang Zhi looks young and girlish. The Wang Zhi in the photo is still as beautiful as the "Qiu Ya" in the movie. He is wearing a sky blue tight knit sweater and carrying a chain bag. He looks very feminine.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

It can be seen that the two people usually live together in a special way, and they often enjoy food together. Although Wang Zhi has been low-key in the entertainment industry, he is still very happy in life, and his husband Wang Zhi's married life is very affectionate. The picture of Wang Zhi still has long black hair, looks gentle and pleasant, wearing a tight black sweater, although the clothes are simple and low-key, but it does not affect Wang Zhi's beauty.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

Wang Zhi in life is like a girl next door. She is well maintained and looks very thin. Although the clothes are simple and casual, and the makeup is very refreshing. Light makeup, but Wang Zhi wears a particularly beautiful feeling. Wang Zhi in the photo is wearing a pure black loose T-shirt. The loose-fitting short sleeves are also longer. The lower body is matched with pure white shorts. The shorts show Wang Zhi’s Long legs and good figure, with a pair of small flat shoes, the gentle and beautiful look is indeed very attractive.

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

Wang Zhi and husband You Yi also have a cute little daughter, Xiaomi. The little guy looks super cute and inherits the advantages of his mother Wang Zhi. The features are exquisite like a baby, with a yellow head Xiao Mi's soft and long hair makes Xiaomi look more lovely, bright skin with big eyes, wearing a tender pink round neck sweater, she is completely a little Qiuya, not too cute~

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

Wang Zhi became a mother? Husband posted a message to cheer for Wang Zhi’s variety show, the two are too affectionate - DayDayNews

Wang Zhi’s figure is also quite good. Although she has become a mother, Wang Zhi’s figure is still full of girlishness. In these two photos, Wang Zhi is wearing sexy and heavy work. It looks quite fashionable. The ultra-short dresses are decorated with bright silver tassels, and the shining tassels are lightly and refreshingly dotted on the entire skirt, which makes Wang Zhi more feminine, and Sexy, Wang Zhi also wears a black large-profile suit jacket outside. The black suit jacket is draped on his body. With Wang Zhi's retro red lips, it is really beautiful and extremely elegant.

The original text picture comes from the network

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