When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said: "This is the money

2024/07/0100:12:33 entertainment 1215

"Big Sister"

Ying Cai'er When she refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Xiang Tai was probably smiling secretly.

When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule.

That year, she went to Taiwan to promote the movie. When she was resting in her room, a secretary suddenly came and knocked on her door. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money to Ying Cai'er and said: "This is the money our boss wants to give you."

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er exposed herself to the unspoken rules

Ying Cai'er was a little dumbfounded at the time, but she still refused the money that did not belong to her money and asked the secretary to return it.

After the secretary left, she shed tears in the room and called her mother. Unexpectedly, she received her mother's approval.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er revealed that she was cheated by an unspoken rule

After saying this, the guest on the side added: "I didn't give in for money, I fought with money to the end." After hearing this, Ying Cai'er joked: "Maybe the bag of money is not big enough."

Ying Caier, who dares to directly say NO to unwritten rules, also dares to resolutely defend her rights when she encounters unfair treatment.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier revealed that she was caught in an unspoken rule

One year, she was invited to go to South Korea to record a program. It was winter in South Korea at that time, and the recording venue for the program was set outdoors. Guests participating in the recording include artists from China and South Korea. The attitude of the Korean producers of

is biased. They frequently arrange dangerous clown-like interactive games for Chinese guests such as jumping into the sea and entering the water, while Korean guests watch "eating melons" from the sidelines.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er posted

Ying Cai'er naturally had to jump into the sea, but faced with such an "unfair" arrangement by the Korean program team and after confirming that the communication was ineffective, she directly got mad at the Korean program team on the spot and chose to stop recording and return to the hotel.

After returning to the hotel, Ying Cai'er sent a Weibo request for help to the director of Zhejiang Satellite TV, the Chinese person in charge of the program, through social platforms, but it was deleted a few hours later.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier

Later, an insider claimed that after Ying Caier stopped recording, unidentified people surrounded her hotel and asked her to delete her Weibo, but we donโ€™t know whether this is true or not. Although

stopped recording that day, Ying Caier still showed up the next day to continue the program recording, bringing the program to a complete conclusion.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier

Regarding the unpleasantness of this trip to South Korea, fellow host Chen Huan once posted an article related to Ying Caier on the social platform, saying: "I have never seen anyone as 'strong' as you. Woman, I wish you peace and happiness. "

Ying Cai'er, who is so upright and strong, was arrested for hiding drugs in 2004, which caused an uproar and almost ruined her entire future. What happened?

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

did not mention the report

Xiao Xiangtai

After being accused of drug abuse and acquitted, Ying Caier finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In November 2004, after a party with friends, Ying Cai'er was taking a friend's car home in the early morning when she was intercepted by the police. At that time, Ying Cai'er was suspected of being a thief and tried to secretly throw away a small bag of powder on her body, but was discovered by the police and stopped.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

The media broke the news

The police then separately questioned the four people in the car. The remaining three people left one after another after being found to have nothing to do with the incident. Ying Cai'er was arrested on charges of drug possession.

After Ying Cai'er's accident, Xiang Tai and the "China Stars" of her company came forward to protect her, and even spent a lot of money to hire well-known lawyers to fight her lawsuit.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Xiang Tai

When reporters asked about the matter, Xiang Tai said: "What happened to her? I don't know. She is suspected of hiding drugs? Who told you? I don't know if it is true. I have nothing to say. ."

"China Star" also stated that Ying Caier was only invited by the police to assist in the investigation.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Johnnie To scolded Cherrie Ying

At the same time, director Johnnie To, who has collaborated with Cherrie Ying twice, directly denounced the behavior of hiding drugs, saying, "The new generation is really unsatisfactory. They should reflect on it and stop bringing bad habits to the whole world. Society is simply tainting the entertainment industry!"

But soon after, Johnnie To changed his mind and said that he was just doing volunteer work or social services, not drug trafficking, so he just took it as a lesson and just behave well in the future.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Johnnie To

's attitude has changed so drastically that it has led to speculation that perhaps Xiang Tai has changed his mind and is trying to protect Ying Cai'er. After seventeen urine tests in six months, Ying Cai'er proved that she had not taken drugs and was released without charge.

Mrs. Xiang spent both money and effort to "get" her, which shows that she valued this girl very much. So why did Ying Cai'er capture her heart?

In the 1990s, Hong Kong was ruled by the Xiang brothers, and Yongsheng Film Company, established by Xiang Huaqiang, was even more popular.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Xiang Huaqiang

And Xiang Huaqiang's wife, Xiang Tai, has been choosing a daughter-in-law for her son Xiang Zuo. But it is naturally not easy to enter a wealthy family, but there is one person who falls under Xiang Tai's eye, and this person is Ying Cai'er.

Ying Cai'er's original name is Ding Wen, and her family immigrated to the United States since she was a child. The soil and water support the people. She grew up in the United States and has grown into a carefree "optimist". As she grows older, her appearance becomes increasingly outstanding and she becomes "famous for her beauty."

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er's early years

When she was seventeen years old, Ying Cai'er participated in an American beauty pageant and won second place. After winning the award, she went to Hong Kong for vacation and met "China Star" who was recruiting new people. After learning the news, Cai'er Ying joined the competition without hesitation.

It was precisely because of this competition that she was favored by Xiang Tai, signed a contract successfully, and even mentioned her stage name.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er

After hanging on the big tree of Xiang Tai, Ying Cai'er as a newcomer has been rising all the way. At the beginning, she partnered with Andy Lau and starred in " The Full Time Killer " directed by Johnnie To. This kind of "ascension" can be compared with the "first sister" Cecilia Cheung at that time.

And after Ying Caier appeared, Cecilia Cheung became a thing of the past.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Cecilia Cheung

Xiang Tai, who had an uneven bowl of water, spent all kinds of resources on Ying Cai'er. Even in the movie " Himalaya Star ", she directly filled the supporting role of Ying Cai'er, surpassing the protagonist Cecilia Cheung. This treatment is simply More of a protagonist than a protagonist.

But it's not as good as for no reason. Xiang Tai promoted Ying Cai'er to the position of the company's first sister, probably just to make this girl his daughter-in-law.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Xiang Zuo and Ying Cai'er

Ying Cai'er, who knew that she was supported by Xiang Tai, did not refuse. She tried to date Xiang Zuo, and the two even went to see Jordan Chan's concert together.

However, there was no spark between them, and the scandal started out of nowhere and ended out of nowhere.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier

Although they did not form a good relationship, Xiang Tai still liked this strong girl very much, so she helped her in everything. When Cai'er Ying refused to be unspoken, she became even more convinced that she had chosen the right person.

After her relationship with Xiang Zuo ended without any illness, Ying Caier did not intend to leave her emotional world empty.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Cherrie Ying, Christine Lu

Not long after, she got together with the wealthy businessman Christine Lu. The intimate scene between the two was even photographed by the media, which made entertainment headlines the next day.

Who would have thought that Cherrie Ying would turn around and get involved with Edison Chen , but the two of them spoke the same words, calling each other "just friends."

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Edison Chen and Cai'er Ying

In 2005, Cai'er Ying and Sun Yaowei fell in love due to drama, and the two were photographed playing sweetly together many times.

thought that they would admit their relationship soon after being photographed many times. Unexpectedly, not long after, Sun Yaowei said on the show that he was single, and the ending of the two was obvious.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er, Sun Yaowu

You are making trouble, I am laughing

In 2007, Ying Cai'er was photographed spending a good night at Chen Xiaochun's house. After this suspected scandal was exposed, Ying Cai'er quickly admitted that it was true.

But the outside world is not optimistic about this relationship, because Chen Xiaochun's ex-girlfriend is Cecilia Cheung, and he is nearly 16 years older than Cai'er Ying. In addition, Cai'er Ying's previous love history, the outside world can't help but make the outside world boo.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Jordan Chan, Cecilia Cheung

Ying Cai'er also said at the beginning that Jordan Chan was not her favorite type, but with in-depth understanding, she truly understood that Jordan Chan was different from the " pheasant brother " inside.

Despite the heated discussions from the outside world, her relationship with Jordan Chan has been steadily warming up. Cai'er Ying once said that if Jordan Chan didn't marry her within two years, she would forcefully marry him.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

The wedding of Chen Xiaochun and Ying Cai'er

In 2010, Chen Xiaochun rushed into Ying Cai'er's house with more than 30 friends, knelt down and proposed. Later, with the blessings of Xiang Huaqiang and Chen Lan, the two tied the knot, and the "Chinese Star" was also given A million-dollar gift to bless you.

In the program " Wife's Romantic Travel ", several guests gathered at a table to play truth or dare. The question Ying Cai'er got was "Have you seen your husband's mobile phone?" At that time, she said bluntly "See Pass".

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier participated in the program

and said of herself: "When I want to prove something, I will...".

The guests on the side asked: "Will your husband be angry?" Cai'er Ying said: "He doesn't know now."

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Other guests asked Cai'er Ying

In fact, many years ago, Cai'er Ying had peeked at each other's private parts when she first dated Jordan Chan. Cell phone, and found an ambiguous message from another girl, which said: "Why are you missing?"

Regarding this kind of ambiguous message, Ying Cai'er said that she must have an attitude to make the other party feel that this person's wife is not easy to deal with.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er replied

In fact, in their marriage, there was also a suspected "mistress", so Ying Cai'er was forced to warn the other party on social platforms.

sternly stated that if the other party dared to send some strange photos or send text messages to Jordan Chan, she would expose the other party's name and phone number on social platforms.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Cai'er Ying

In addition, Cai'er Ying also forwarded a Weibo post by an actress saying that she and Jordan Chan were "brothers and sisters", saying bluntly: "Those who call themselves brothers and sisters indiscriminately do not seem to respect the families of married people, right? Respect yourself!"

Although Jordan Chan loved Cai'er Ying, it was the repeated "interludes" that made Cai'er Ying feel insecure.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er posted

so much that she even installed the location on Jordan Chan's mobile phone. The reason for persuading the other party was that she was afraid that Jordan Chan's mobile phone would be missing. If it disappeared, it would be very troublesome.

Chen Xiaochun once said that he likes girls who laugh very much, and when Ying Cai'er laughs, it will bring hope, so he has identified Ying Cai'er in this life.

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Cai'er's family of four

After being with Ying Cai'er, he has indeed changed a lot. He is no longer as cold as before, but has become more energetic. He no longer hangs out in nightclubs and spends more time with his family.

After getting married, the two also had two lovely sons Jasper and Hoho. On the tenth anniversary of their marriage, Jordan Chan still confessed affectionately on social platforms, "Thank you for following me to this day."

When Cai'er Ying refused the temptation of a big bag of money, Mrs. Xiang was probably smiling secretly. When Ying Cai'er was eighteen years old, she once narrowly encountered an unspoken rule. Then he directly stuffed a bag of money into Ying Cai'er and said:

Ying Caier's family of four

Later, in an interview, Ying Caier talked about her marriage to Jordan Chan, saying that the marriage was a good one because the two complement each other and they are very different, so marriage is true love.

Later, reporters asked Cai'er Ying if she would worry about Jordan Chan cheating. She said bluntly: "Who is worried about whom? I am so beautiful."

Now Cai'er Ying and Jordan Chan live happily and contentedly. Maybe marriage does not require two people to be similar, it is just that difference. Only then can we create a happy marriage.

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