On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta

2024/06/2914:45:32 entertainment 1550

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On July 15, singer Geng Weihua posted his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala stage many times and is a popular artist among the public. His masterpieces "Mother", "Love Mom", "Green Uniform", "Song of the Soldiers", etc. are all familiar classics to this day.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

However, for such a well-known artist, he does have a down-to-earth appearance in private.

Judging from the latest video footage, Geng Weihua is riding the high-speed train. He wrote in the text: "Family members, my tongue is a bit long, don't be afraid." The reason why he said this is not unreasonable.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

The 51-year-old Geng Weihua was wearing a white suit that day. He maintained a very good figure, full of energy, strong appearance, and his rosy face did not look old at all.

He loudly asked the conductor what to eat for lunch. After learning about the potato beef set meal, he smiled with satisfaction.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

After returning to the carriage, Geng Weihua suddenly became addicted to singing and sang loudly in the carriage. I saw him opening his mouth wide and sticking out his tongue while practicing his voice, with an exaggerated expression.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

While walking in the carriage, he made rhythmic music from his belly, completely ignoring that he was in public and immersed himself in the world of music.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

In addition to his rich facial expressions, Geng Weihua also has rich gestures and movements, which makes him look particularly professional.

Looking through the comment area, some people said: "There is a stage everywhere."

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

Some people think that Geng Weihua should also pay attention to the situation when practicing singing, and should be quieter in public places. Such an act of letting himself go is really unsightly.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

In addition, judging from Geng Weihua’s position, he is currently in Beijing, and enthusiastic netizens also reminded him to wear a mask.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

In addition to career and life, Geng Weihua's relationship is also a hot topic among the public. At that time, when his career was on the rise, he got married to his loyal fan Zheng Jia. The woman was 14 years younger than him. The two had a lovely daughter after marriage.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

However, this marriage ultimately failed to withstand the test of time. When they divorced, Geng Weihua tried his best to save her, but to no avail, and was heartbroken for a time.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

Over the years, he slowly came out of his emotional pain, depended on his daughter, lived in an exquisite mansion, and his life was getting better and better. Looking through Geng Weihua’s social media platforms, we can see that no matter where he appears, he never forgets to sing loudly.

On July 15th, singer Geng Weihua shared his recent life situation. He was seen standing in a high-speed train car and singing loudly, acting like a free spirit. As a well-known singer, Geng Weihua has extremely high artistic talent. He has appeared on the Spring Festival Gala sta - DayDayNews

Having said that, loving music is a good thing, but you do have to pay attention to the occasion. I still wish Geng Weihua and his daughter a happy life!

#vocalistgengweihua#, #causecontroversy#, #vociferoussinging#

Author: Lizi


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