In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the "famous CCTV mouthpiece", went to the hospital because she coughed up blood. When the doctor asked her about the specific symptoms, she was mentally prepared that it might be lung cancer. At this time, she was just 42 years old, and she was older and

2024/06/1812:39:32 entertainment 1539

In 2015, "CCTV celebrity" Zhang Quanling went to the hospital because of coughing up blood. When the doctor asked her about her specific symptoms, she was mentally prepared that it might be lung cancer. At this time, she was just 42 years old and had children. , this sudden bad news almost caused Zhang Quanling to collapse.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Her 60-year-old husband said to Zhang Quanling: "Resign, I will support you!", which filled her heart with warmth. For the sake of good health and to be able to continue to be with her family, Zhang Quanling chose to resign to fight the disease.

However, God seemed to have played a huge joke on Zhang Quanling. Not long after she resigned, her physical examination report came out. The report showed that it was just ordinary pneumonia, not lung cancer at all.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

It is a happy news that she does not have lung cancer, but Zhang Quanling is still a little disappointed when her job is gone, but she did not expect that it was a blessing in disguise, and she earned 120 million by investing in the creation of comics by a young man born in the 1980s.

Let’s start with Zhang Quanling’s 9-year-old son Chenchen. Chenchen has always been a naughty child. Although his academic performance is good, he doesn’t like reading at all. Let him sit at the desk and read for a while. My son is reading, it’s like there are thorns on his butt and he can’t sit still.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Once, Zhang Quanling found that her son always mentioned a person named "Er Bastard". At first, she thought that calling him such an inappropriate name must not be a good person, but after reading his comic works with her son, she suddenly felt I was deeply attracted.

Zhang Quanling immediately found the "second bastard" Chen Lei, a young man born in the 1980s in Shanghai. Although he had little money, he was very talented. The two hit it off and immediately decided that Zhang Quanling would invest and Chen Lei would be responsible for the creation. The two started a business together.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Soon Zhang Quanling gave all his savings of 1.47 million to Chen Lei, asking him to resign and concentrate on creation. Chen Lei quit his job with a monthly salary of 5,000 and founded a comic studio, but the ideal was very full and the reality was very skinny, 147 Ten thousand sounds like a lot, but it is just a drop in the bucket for starting a business.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

In order to continue this project, Zhang Quanling used his 18 years of hosting career to find connections everywhere, and finally found angel investor Xu Xiaoping, and attracted 15 million investment for "second bastard" Chen Lei.

Two years later, Chen Lei published the first "Half-hour Comic History of China" under the pen name "Er Huanzi". Because of its novel and interesting content, it became an instant hit on the entire Internet. It was sold out in less than 7 hours online. There are even long queues in offline bookstores. As the saying goes, it’s hard to find a book, and I’m afraid that’s why it’s such a grand occasion.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

"Second Bastard" Chen Lei received 12 million yuan in royalties from this book alone, ranking fifth on the rich list of writers that year. Zhang Quanling also received 120 million yuan in return for this investment.

Now, when Zhang Quanling recalls her resignation due to a misdiagnosis, she still feels that everything was arranged by her own secret. She left the job that everyone envied, but she shines in the investment circle. As expected, gold will still shine even if she changes places.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Chen Lei's "Half-hour Comic History of China" is based on history. It is not only interesting, but also helps people reduce stress and quickly memorize historical knowledge. This is a novel way of learning. Boring history instantly becomes vivid and lovely with Chen Lei's brush, which greatly increases children's interest in history.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

What is even more admirable is that although this set of books is funny, there is no "joking". It can be said to be a great respect for history. After the creation was completed, Chen Lei specially invited experts to review it to ensure that every page could withstand scrutiny. In the words of "Chen Lei", "My book has 15 million fans, and I don't dare to mislead others!"

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Children not only need to understand history from primary school, but adults also need to understand history. "A Half-Hour Comic History of China" is a comic suitable for friends of all ages. You know, forgetting history is tantamount to betrayal. Taking history as a mirror, carrying forward history and inheriting culture are what each of us should do.

gives "Half-hour Comic History of China" and its series as gifts to children, which means giving knowledge and happiness.

In 2015, Zhang Quanling, the

Click the link below to take home a complete set of 7 volumes of "Half-hour Comic History of China" Volumes 1-5 and "Half-Hour Comic World History" Volumes 1+2, so that children can learn history in happiness.

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