Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word "Feng Gong" has repeatedly appeared on the hot search list. First there was the "sarcasm of the national football team" controversy, and then there was the scene where he was riding a tricycle on the street and saying

2024/06/0413:50:32 entertainment 1066

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama.

Recently, the words " Feng Gong " have repeatedly appeared on the hot search list.

First there was the "sarcasm of the national football team" controversy, and then there was the scene where he was riding a tricycle on the street and saying hello, with the familiar opening remarks of the Spring Festival Gala: "I miss you so much!"

made netizens really happy.

Some time ago, Teacher Feng Gong was on the hot search list again. He recorded a support video. He sang briskly bamboo board and spoke warmly. Netizens liked it one after another.

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

In recent years, Teacher Feng Gong has posted short videos from time to time to amuse everyone, and he has gained nearly 20 million fans without realizing it.

Some videos also captured the situation at his home, and his "mansion" was exposed.

What surprised netizens is that he, who has a prominent family background and a "big boss" with such a high status in the world, does not have a luxurious home, but is very simple.

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

The old stains on the door were so conspicuous that some netizens left a message saying:

"Teacher, please decorate such a good house."

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

Teacher Feng Gong is engaged in literature and art, but his yard is not pavilion-type. But a big vegetable garden!

Friends usually come to visit us, not to listen to the rain by leaning on the railing, but to pick melons and eat fruits.

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

Teacher Feng Gong can be described as a "big star" who is well-known in the streets, but he never seems to think of himself this way. Wandering around the streets wearing a vest is his daily routine.

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

Every time I watch Mr. Feng Gong’s videos, I feel very cordial and at the same time I can’t help but sigh: People live to the extreme with simplicity and restraint.

There is no need to pursue luxury, nor do you need to accumulate too many material things. Living a simple life is enough to be happy.

With a piece of land, a few vegetable gardens, watching a flower bloom, sipping a cup of tea, and looking at the sky with clear clouds and gentle wind, you can live the rest of your life calmly and calmly.

01 People, the simpler they are, the more noble they are

There is an interesting story in Peking University :

One year at the beginning of the school year, a newly admitted student was running around with his luggage and couldn't find it. Sweating profusely, he suddenly saw an old man and asked the old man to help him look after his luggage while he went to go through the enrollment procedures.

Half a day later, the student came back from completing the formalities, and the old man was still there, with the scorching sun on his head, helping him look after his luggage.

At the opening ceremony three days later, the boy was surprised to find that the old man on that day turned out to be the famous Chinese studies master Ji Xianlin .

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

Peking University In the eyes of teachers and students, Ji Xianlin was too simple to be like a brilliant master. He wore a Chinese tunic suit for decades. He always studied in a down-to-earth manner and lived an ordinary life.

Ji Xianlin has repeatedly resigned from the three titles of "Master of Chinese Studies", "Leader in Academic Circles" and "National Treasure". He said:

"The lifting of three laurels gave me freedom. The foam on my body was washed away. , revealed his true face, and everyone was happy. "

The nobler the spirit, the simpler and plainer the life.

Some people like to hold things up, and some people like to be looked up to, but getting along with the world at eye level is the best way to get along.

Living simply is the best way to live.

02 A person should have a little sincerity. When Chen Daoming was filming "Fortress Besieged", he had the opportunity to visit Mr. Qian Zhongshu. Afterwards, he couldn't help but sigh:

Suddenly he found himself very pitiful.Mr. Qian and his family, do you know what is the only thing that responds?

There is no video recorder, no TV, no phone, and the only thing that rings is the medicine pot.

You can smell the fragrance of books in his home, feel quiet in their home, and see calmness and authenticity.

When Mr. Qian Zhongshu was still teaching, there was almost no furniture at home except a table and a sofa with white cloth cushion.

Even the only two "chairs" are replaced by two wooden boxes.

Life is like water and desire is like sugar. The more sugar, the sweeter the water is. It becomes bitter when it is too sweet.

Ordinariness is the most enduring, and tranquility can go a long way. Only when material desires are reduced can the mind feel at ease.

People who understand and live clearly, choose to live a simple and simple life, not because they do not want to make progress, but because they return to the original detachment and realize that "the best taste in the world is pure joy".

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

03 Life is not simple, try to live it as simple as possible

I helped my friend move some time ago and found that there was a lot of debris accumulated in the house where she had lived for less than half a year.

She loves shopping. When she buys things, she feels that she can use everything, but when she gets home, those things can only be piled in the corner to collect dust.

I want to throw it away, but it is useless to keep it. As time went by, there were too many clutter in the house, and I was too lazy to sort them out.

This is also a portrayal of many modern people.

Nowadays, there are more material things and more temptations. There are a dazzling array of products in supermarkets and intricate interpersonal relationships that need to be managed and managed. How can people not be tired after carrying a heavy load for a long time?

I like a story very much:

Several students encouraged Socrates to go to the lively market.

They said: "There are countless new things in the market. If you go there, you will definitely come home with a full load."

The next day, the students asked Socrates to talk about the harvest from the market.

Socrates said: "My biggest gain from this trip is that I discovered that there are so many things in this world that I don't need."

"There is nothing in the first place, so where is the dust", filtering out the impurities of life Only by returning to simplicity can we taste the true taste of life.

Mr. Zhu Guangqian said: "The first thing in life is life."

In a complicated world, living simply is the best way to survive.

Hello everyone, my name is Zhao Erni Mama. Recently, the word

Prosperity is fleeting after all, and the most ordinary life is often closest to happiness.

Nan Huaijin said: "Three thousand years of reading history is nothing more than fame and wealth; ninety thousand miles of enlightenment, finally ending up in poetry and wine."

When life returns to its original nature, you will find that the most important thing in life is incomparable tranquility.

No matter how busy the world is, I am quiet and simple, side by side with the important people, and counting the years.

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