With the popularity of "Meng Hua Lu", an early interview with Liu Yifei has once again circulated on the Internet. It was originally a "nonsense talk", but Lang Lang's father responded on his own: It was indeed true, but he did not agree.

2024/05/2717:35:33 entertainment 1020

With the popularity of

Gina can easily defeat Liu Yifei not by capturing Lang Lang 's heart, but by getting rid of Lang Lang's "paranoid" father.

With the popularity of

With the popularity of " Meng Hua Lu ", an early interview with Liu Yifei once again circulated on the Internet.

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This interview was regarded by netizens as " The Queen Speaks ". It could make the aloof Liu Yifei publicly "defeat people" in front of the media. Perhaps only Lang Lang's father could do it.

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In 2006, a piece of news about "Liu Yifei chasing Lang Lang" quietly became popular on the Internet. It was originally a "nonsense talk", but Lang Lang's father responded on his own: was indeed true, but he did not agree to .

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Finally, he did not forget to add: It would be good for Lang Lang to find a royal princess, but his old friend Prince Charles has no daughter.

This implicit statement is nothing more than an insinuation that Liu Yifei’s status is not noble enough and she is not worthy of Lang Lang. This led to the "Sister Tianxian" personally attacking people.

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No one can refuse Liu Yifei, only Father Lang can. No one can beat Liu Yifei, only Gina can.

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Lang Lang’s father’s severity and paranoia were mentioned as early as in Lang Lang’s autobiography. When he recalled his experience at that time, he only used the word "terrible" to describe it.

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Back then, Lang’s father gave up his promising future and accompanied his son to study in Beijing. But before Lang Lang could show his talents, he was rejected by the professor at the Conservatory of Music, and was even advised to return to his hometown early.

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But before Lang Lang burst into tears, Lang Lang's father took the lead in becoming "mentally insane". He even gave his son three choices: the first was to go back to his hometown, the second was to jump off a building, and the third was to take medicine.

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After this incident, Lang Lang was also forced to suffer greatly under pressure. Fortunately, his efforts were not in vain, and he became a world-renowned piano master. However, having such a paranoid father meant that he was destined to have no control over his own feelings.

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Before marrying Gina, Lang Lang also had a girlfriend who he had been in love with for four years - Gong Xinliang .

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Faced with the "royal" request from Lang Lang's father and the "graduate student" request from Lang Lang's mother, this 18th-tier actress who was born in a technical secondary school obviously cannot get into the eyes of Lang Lang's parents.

As her boyfriend, Lang Lang has never disclosed Gong Xinliang’s identity. It wasn't until photos of the two passionately kissing on the street were exposed that the four-year underground relationship came to light.

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Lang's father, who learned the news from the media, was naturally very angry. He bluntly said that he did not know Gong Xinliang, and if Lang Lang had a daughter If a friend doesn't tell his parents, then he is not his son.

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Sure enough, under pressure from his father, "daddy boy" Lang Lang decisively chose to break up with his girlfriend of four years. But this is no wonder Gong Xinliang, who makes Lang's father not even look down on the "fairy sister", but only looks at Gina who comes from a well-known family?

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In the past, Xiangtai personally selected his daughter-in-law, and later, Gina "captured" her father-in-law and entered the Lang family gate.

In 2019, Lang Lang, who had been vacant for a long time, directly announced the end of his single life through a Weibo post.

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Gina’s name also entered people’s field of vision for the first time. She was born in 1994, which is twelve years younger than Lang Lang, who was born in 1982.

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Although not as famous as Lang Lang, Gina, who has been called the " piano prodigy " since she was a child, has won various piano awards around the world in her teens.

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In 2010, Lang Lang held a concert in Berlin . Gina, who was only 16 years old, also came to the scene. Looking at the sparkling piano master on the stage, wandering in the ocean of music, she was still a young girl with a spring in her heart, and He regards Lang Lang as his "idol".

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Later, due to fate, the adult Gina met her "idol" again, and Lang Lang was also attracted by the beautiful, youthful and beautiful girl in front of him.

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Soon, the two held a wedding at the Shangri-La Hotel in the center of Paris, France, and then held a dinner in the War Gallery of the Palace of Versailles.

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There were a large number of guests present that day, and most of them were rich or noble. The British royal family Prince Michael , Jay Chou Quinlivan and his wife, John Legend and so on were all among them.

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Such a scene and grandeur, not even the wedding of the century between Huang Jiaozhu and Angelababy, could match.

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Compared to the two's luxurious wedding, netizens are more interested in knowing how Gina passed the Lang family standard of "Strict as selecting a concubine" .

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seems to have told us the answer in the variety show " Happy Trio ". In the show, Gina will always say "rainbow fart" to her husband Lang Lang.

When the two of them were enjoying the cool air together in the courtyard, even though Lang Lang was only wearing shorts and crossing his legs, Gina immediately praised him for his "long legs."

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Not only that, the two often staged "sweet crits", and Gina was also dubbed " Koala " by netizens.

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Even the husband and wife Zhang Guoli who were accustomed to seeing on the market were so disappointed by the young couple's "intimacy".

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Moreover, Gina dotes on Lang Lang in life. Although she is thin, rushes to do housework in order to protect her husband's "hands".

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And under Lang Lang's accumulated "influence", Gina has completely become a "Northeastern daughter-in-law" from a Korean-German.

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Moreover, Gina’s accent is becoming more and more “localized”.

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Even the real name of Gina Alice became Ji Fengzhi.

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Father Lang once said: The first criterion for choosing a daughter-in-law is to be obedient.

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Compared to Liu Yifei, who has very personal ideas, Gina, who is obedient, sensible and "obsessed" with Lang Lang, is naturally the "heart's desire" of the Lang family.

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However, this first choice daughter-in-law has gone further and further down the road of "overturning".

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Compared to her ability to give solo piano recitals at the age of eight, Gina feels that her waist, which is comparable to her head circumference, is her biggest talking point.

When Lang Lang took Gina to customize a cheongsam, she would repeatedly tell the boss to cut the waist smaller.

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Every time she appeared on the show, Gina wished she could carry a meter stick with her to show off her slim waist at any time, as if her 53-centimeter waist was the only way to introduce herself.

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Even Shen Teng couldn't help but complain: How many ribs have you got?

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When the audience began to feel fatigued, Gina began to perform the drama of " backhand touching her belly button".

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As a pianist, being on the show does not depend on his ability, but on marketing his "slim waist".

In fact, for the sake of popularity, this is not too much. What Gina did next really ruined the favor of passers-by.

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Like many celebrity Internet celebrities, Gina also started her own e-commerce live broadcast after gaining popularity. However, compared to other conscientious anchors, she really has no culture to speak of. When introduced a hair dryer, she directly said the illiterate sentence "You can feel the concentration of negative ions and is very high."

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In the video teaching secrets on slimming waist, netizens clicked on it and discovered that it was the promotion of an unknown enzyme .

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Enzyme weight loss has long been proven to be unreliable, but Gina " knowingly committed ", and her behavior was also understood by netizens as "just bad money."

and her comment area was also "hacked" by angry netizen .

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And after marketing her slim waist, Gina also released a "big move". She made a lot of publicity when she was pregnant. Even with a seven-month "pregnant belly", her waist was as slender as a girl's.

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This wave of selling "anxiety" has indeed brought Gina's popularity to the bottom. Before the angry netizens could fight back, People's Daily took the lead and criticized her by name.

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bluntly stated that it was an aesthetic prejudice against pregnant women, and also warned netizens not to be tricked by the so-called "perfect pregnant woman" .

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Just as things were getting more intense, Lang Lang did not forget to excuse his wife Gina during the interview. I hope everyone will shift their attention to her original talents instead of just staring at her waist.

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Although on the surface he is "loving his wife", Lang Lang's words are actually blaming the public. Naturally, netizens did not buy this argument, and said that they were clearly marketing their bodies, but in the end they had to blame others .

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In January this year, Gina gave birth to her child successfully. Her slightly "bloated" figure during pregnancy has returned to its original state, but now it is not so easy to sell body anxiety.

What do you think of Gina, the "Northeastern daughter-in-law"?

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