"Lang Jie 3" is already halfway through its schedule, and the once noisy popularity has gradually disappeared, but it just gives us time to look for "memories" in it. On the stage of "Jade", Sit Kai-chi, who even played "Xiao Wei" without being demonic, turned out to be able to s

2024/05/2501:16:33 entertainment 1357

"Lang Jie 3" is already halfway through the schedule, and the excitement that was once noisy is gradually disappearing, but it just gives us time to look for "memories" in it.

On the stage of "Jade", it turns out that Sit Kai-chi, who doesn't even sound demonic when she plays "Xiao Wei", can show off her ghosts.

She collaborated with Liu Lian on "Dream Man", which was also one of the few stages she appeared in this season.

The costumes and stage are gorgeous:

The purple fur coat is from MIMI PLANGE, and Sit Kai-chi wears it with chopsticks and hairpins to make her face look more charming.

said that she didn’t know much about Liu Lian before the game, but she and her new friends interpreted this Faye Wong famous song so realistically that it made even you and me in front of the screen feel the flow of emotion.

In contrast, it is the Fiona who evoked the HK Phil complex in you and me with her song "This Life and This Life" when she debuted.

For our parents' generation, the memory of this song is "Golden Branches and Jade Leaves" in 1994, Leslie Cheung playing the piano and singing it.

The golden age of Hong Kong entertainment, just like the Valentino embroidered dress she wore during the performance, was once gorgeous and grand, making it unforgettable for you and me, but it has been difficult to replicate since then.

Many media use the term "Hong Kong's last girl" to refer to Fiona Sit, because it was her girlhood that experienced the last boom of Hong Kong entertainment in the early 2000s.

That was the era of the Hong Kong Philharmonic when there were many "kings and queens". It was a past worth recalling.

In that era, the year-end awards were a life-and-death battle, and everyone who won the grand prize burst into tears or made a "declaration of life."

Therefore, the media was famously powerful at that time: songs had to be promoted on TV, and the playback rate was directly linked to year-end awards. There was also an industry spectacle where several major record companies fell out with TVB and singers were unable to appear on the program.

But looking at it from another perspective, once young people with star dreams are discovered, they can lead to a colorful new world with strong support.

Fiona Sit also entered the entertainment industry because she was spotted by a talent scout as a part-time model.

After the elders who were senior executives at Huaxing introduced her to Warner , the company's plan for this sweet girl in 2003 was: should first arouse the appetite of the whole city.

first filmed a set of trailers for Sit Kai-ki and put them into a Hong Kong bus commercial, but did not reveal her name. The press release only said: mysterious babyface girl.

The person who photographed her first album is CK Chen Jinqiang, the designated photographer for the Academy Awards annual magazine. The main focus is on the taste of peach: the biting fingers, the pink skirt and the little bear in her arms are all obvious.

used "Madonna's Kiss" and " Chilo Reeves Reply " to create a touching impression, singing the youthful throbbing into the heart of chasing stars - "Knowing that we are separated by space, I will still put my love into the envelope every day." . "

Isn't it just something little girls do to love their idols without hesitation?

html swept the Newcomer Awards at all major award shows at the end of 2000, and became the first "lucky girl" in history to receive top ten songs as a newcomer.

Sit Kai-chi, who came on stage to receive the award, could not hide her excitement. She asked the host if she remembered that she said she was afraid that she would pounce on her, "Now I'm here."

Some people concluded that Hong Kong lyricists in the early 2000s were all partial. , gave the word "brave" to Miriam Yang, gave Fiona the sweet thoughts.

The 12 o'clock "pumpkin carriage" in the fairy tale "Cinderella" belongs to Fiona Sit, and it was she who refused to believe that her beloved cat died and sang "Little Black and Me".

Even the misguided but persistent love that knows "But boys like you only love the same kind?" must be counteracted by Fiona's sweetness - "Together you smile and talk about drama and fashion, even if you miss happiness." Not bitter.

is childish, romantic, sweet, and boldly sings a girl's heart without having experienced anything in the world. Together, she became Sit Kai-chi in the last golden age of the Hong Kong Philharmonic.

Regardless of whether they are European, American, Japanese, Korean or Taiwanese music circles, the "boy killers" of the same period must be able to sing and dance. However, the unique environment of the Hong Kong Philharmonic gave this title to Sit Kai-chi, who quietly "sings about youth".

Fiona Sit became famous and made Warner Records make an exception by spending seven figures to create a personal photo album for her.

The filming took place in Kansai, Japan, and the team brought ten boxes of clothes.

Afterwards, the Hong Kong media criticized her for "valuing her flesh like gold", but with this girlish standard, she was able to publish a photo album in Hong Kong at that time, which also proved her "real popularity".

The "boy killers" of that era could be called "transformations" even by tanning their skin and cutting their hair to play the role of a policewoman.

Yes, this is a Hong Kong specialty that is still alive. To sing and perform, you must act.

TVB not only invited her to star in "The Ambition of the School Police", which gathered popular young actors such as Chen Jianfeng and Wu Zhuoxi , but also set the English name of the heroine Ma Ailin to Fiona.

She comes from a well-off family and is easy to empathize with . She likes Li Baiqiao, whom she trained with, so she insists on being nice to him no matter how hot or cold she is... Looking back, Fiona in and out of the movie turns out to be somewhat similar.

Director Er Dongsheng also said that he likes unpolished actors and hopes to attract more young people to enter the theater, so when filming " Precocious ", he boldly recruited "female idol" Sit Kai-chi to play the leading role.

Fiona Sit said she envied the role of "Ruonan", "But I can't do it, I'm not her."

But the character’s desperate drive for love was something that Sit Kai-chi also had.

This big-screen debut earned her double nominations for the Newcomer Award at the Academy Awards and Best Actress at the Changchun Film Festival. This was unexpected for her, but it also indirectly proved her outstanding acting talent.

was already 24 years old when she was "electrically shocked" for the first time, but she was able to interpret the innocence and confusion of high school girls. The director felt that this was a sign of Sit Kai-chi's talent. But some people boil it down to: "She has a baby face."

Netizens are envious of Sit Kai-chi's appearance and feel that she is old enough to stand up to time. However, she confessed in a recent interview that she didn't really like her face in the past.

We can't decide whether having a baby face is an advantage or a burden. What's even more annoying is that at that time, both the media and the public felt that a girl idol with infinite stars in her eyes and childishness should not have emotions.

Even if the paparazzi are chasing after her every day, even if love is not going well and there are all kinds of pain, even if her father is in debt and takes her mother to court for divorce... Fiona Sit's album still has to be called "Smile".

So Sit Kai-chi followed in the footsteps of Sammi Cheng , unable to get out of the quagmire of depression .

Everyone has heard the story of how she begged for death late at night and was saved by her friend Fang Datong . However, Sit Kai-chi, who had a record date, could not take a break like Sammi Cheng did.

The song is about to be released, even if the mood at the time was already as sad as "Murong Xue".

"It's not me who appears in the blue waves of the mountains and rivers/ The bubbles float on the river behind you/one after another..."

can also draw, and her graffiti shows that she is in an emotional black hole.

When she was seriously ill, the media criticized her for losing her love for music, and even considered "August Girl" to be "Fiki Sit's worst job since her debut."

Fiona Sit wanted to transform, and she adopted the look of a lioness, and also showed off her long legs in a red skirt:

But the relaxed and mature style of the release of the ban has no more discussion than the "August Girl" EP, only Gordon Netizens are continuing their malicious photos.

Times have changed, and the HK Phil’s budget, talent and audience are also constantly narrowing.

That’s why we have to come out.

’s mood of reconciliation with himself turned into the only slow song on the album, "Better me".

's Mandarin interpretation has little publicity, but it is a classic that people cannot avoid when taking stock of Fiona Sit.

After that, she said goodbye to her old club Warner and joined the new company Sun Entertainment, which also coincided with her tenth anniversary in the industry. For

's new album "tenacious", Sit Kai-chi took over the song selection, arrangement, production, styling and overall visual design. She finally had the creative leadership.

For the fast song "Contagious" of the same name from the album, she performed all the choreography, costumes and overall concept in person.

Bra-top style is similar to Anita Mui 's 1987 "Flaming Lips", but the situation the Hong Kong Philharmonic was in at that time was completely different.

You can't find the "advancedness" and "charm" that belonged to the Hong Kong Philharmonic in those years in the picture, but instead it reveals an embarrassing sense of outdatedness.

Yes, time flies, things change and people change. It’s time to say goodbye to this tiny place.

After that, Fiona Sit gradually shifted the focus of her work to the mainland, and she also broadened her career path - founded a fashion brand.

In "Sister Lang 3", except for Valentino, who debuted for the first time, and the performance styles arranged by the show team, Sit Kai-chi wore almost all her own clothes.

Sit Kai-chi also gave this sleeveless top to Liu Lian. It was only when she looked at the back that she realized it was "unique".

I still remember when Yi Gong was rehearsing, the whole Internet was lamenting that Xue Kaiqi's expression of wiping tears on her face was so endearing.

In fact, that seemingly ordinary tank top is also very "scheming".

It can be seen that most of her brands are "basic" with a sense of design, but they are the same as her current life and career status - they are by no means boring.

After returning to the mainstream through "Sister Lang 3", she was also invited to participate in the Hong Kong handover 5th anniversary cloud song party. However, Sit Kai-chi boldly chose a new Mandarin song " Lost Genius " that she had never sung live.

"I don't wait for anyone to save me. I get up when I hit the bottom and move forward. I am the girl I want to be."

After going through the high mountains and low valleys, her mentality and vision have broadened.

When we talk about the so-called "good condition" of female celebrities, apart from the technologies that can be discerned day after tomorrow, it must be the charm that radiates from the inside out.

When she participated in a competition show before, the judges marveled at Sit Kai-chi's status: "At the age of 40, she can still play a high school student."

But she came from the prosperity, experienced the ups and downs of her career, walked out of her comfort zone, and lost her baby fat She is reminding us:

What can truly maintain youth is not the so-called "girlishness", but the heart that is still free and fresh and beating like a girl.



Sit Kai-chi, who has experienced the highs and lows of the Hong Kong Le.

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