When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word "emotion". After all, people are like fireworks, and what makes these fireworks sublimated is none other than emotion. But what words come to mind when you think of Marilyn Monroe? Sexy? pretty? Or fam

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When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word "emotion". After all, people are like fireworks, and what makes these fireworks sublimated is none other than emotion.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

But if you mention Marilyn Monroe , what words will come to your mind? sexy? pretty? Or fame? I am afraid that people who really know her are more willing to put the word "tragedy" on her.

Yes, Monroe's life was a tragedy. From the moment she was born, her life was destined to be spent in search: Looking for maternal love, looking for father, looking for love, looking for children...

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Monroe's Because of her mental problems, her mother was unable to give her complete maternal love, and she couldn't even determine who her biological father was.

For a long time, or throughout her entire 36-year-old life, Monroe struggled with this issue.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

But having a father is not the most important thing. Monroe had a hard time as a child. She kept switching between orphanages and foster homes. When she was 16 years old, she had changed foster homes 11 times. .

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Of course, it was also during this period that she had a brief reunion with her mother. Unfortunately, before she had time to enjoy the warmth brought by maternal love, she ended everything in a hurry.

However, Monroe, who returned to the foster care life, no longer felt much shock. This is the habit. No matter how big the trauma is, as long as it is repeated several times, she will soon develop immunity.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

The reason why God gave human beings such abilities is probably because life is too hard. If you can't adapt, it can only mean being eliminated, right?

During the days when Monroe was in foster care, she learned to read people's faces, learn to please and flatter. But this does not seem to be able to save her, because the girl's weak material is destined to cause some harm to her.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

16 years old, the same age as Hua, but for Monroe, it is a competition with fate: The family she is fostering is about to move. In order not to return to the orphanage again, Monroe chose to get married.

Her first husband can be said to be both Monroe's foster family and her lover. Only by marrying the boy who is 5 years older than her can she truly have a family and no longer return to the orphanage.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Monroe chose to get married. It can be seen from this choice that she longed for the warmth of family in her heart, which had already had a psychological shadow on the orphanage.

The reason why Monroe always wanted a child was because she hoped to have a normal family , with loving parents and a normal parent-child relationship.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Unfortunately, her childhood life circumstances made her a mentally displaced person. That was her original sin and the shackles that could not be redeemed throughout her life.

So some people call Monroe a "lovelorn orphan", which is a very vivid metaphor.

Monroe lasted for 4 years in her first marriage.

During this period, it was impossible for her to have children, firstly because she was too young, and secondly because she later chose to work as a magazine model or act.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

In 1946, after her divorce, Monroe began to appear in some films. Although they were just soy sauce scenes, she dreamed of becoming a big star one day and the person who controls her destiny.

Soon, Monroe did not hesitate to sell the cool photos to "Playboy" for the first edition cover.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

From this time on, Monroe's image was fixed : sexy.

Yes, before the nude photos were taken, people saw Monroe as a pure and a bit silly girl. But after the nude photos were on the cover, she turned into a sexy stunner with blurred eyes, bright red lips, and short blond hair.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

This did not affect Monroe's encounter with love at all. In 1954, she entered into marriage with baseball star Joe DiMaggio.However, she didn't expect that her decision would make the company very dissatisfied, and she was even almost frozen out.

Fortunately, DiMaggio is a knowledgeable star, and he loves Monroe deeply, so he gave her an idea to go to Japan with him to discuss business and spend their honeymoon.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Unintentionally, in Japan, Monroe got an opportunity to perform at a Korean garrison base. It was this unintentional performance that made Monroe a household name in the United States and an actress who was pushed to the forefront. After

, Monroe naturally became popular. But at this time DiMaggio was frustrated. He didn't want Monroe to be so unrestrained and popular, and he didn't even want to see Monroe dress up too sexy in the film.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Such trivial matters made the young and energetic Monroe intolerable. As a result, she unilaterally filed a divorce request with DiMaggio . For this reason, the marriage ended short-lived.

In fact, looking back at Monroe's short life, DiMaggio may really be the man who loves her the most and the man who can give her the warm family life she wants.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Unfortunately, Monroe was unable to trust anyone, let alone truly entrust herself to anyone.

This caused Monroe to miss the opportunity to settle down and enter a normal family life. Perhaps, until the day she died, she did not realize the cost of her failed marriage.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

After the divorce, Monroe quickly began her third marriage, Arthur Miller, a playwright. His world was actually very different from Monroe's, but he fit in with Monroe's aesthetics.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Regarding this point, we probably have to start with Monroe’s yearning for culture.

Many people think that Monroe had a difficult life since childhood and was a person who didn't like to study. But in fact, she dislikes her uneducated self. Therefore, after having the conditions, she is always in an environment where she is reading and increasing her knowledge.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

However, Monroe like this is not recognized by Arthur. She is not the same person. Being too humble will only make herself even more despised.

Even if Monroe paid divorce alimony, bought a car, and gave gifts to Arthur, she still couldn't get the warmth she wanted in this marriage.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Up to this time, Monroe had experienced multiple miscarriages. Someone asked: Why didn’t she leave a child? According to the information, she loves children very much.

Indeed, Monroe loved children. However, no matter how much she liked children, she could not change her "destiny" : In her third marriage, Monroe was diagnosed with endometriosis .

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

For this reason, Monroe suffered from ectopic pregnancy and four miscarriages.

The reasons for this are likely to be caused by her personal constitution and frequent abortions. Records show that Monroe had a total of 7 abortions during her lifetime.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Of course, the reason for such a result is inseparable from Monroe's real life.

She could have had a normal child during her marriage, but due to her rising career, she had to choose abortion even if she had a child.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Including later after her divorce in 1961, there were rumors that Monroe had had a child with Robert Kennedy , and she could only choose to have an abortion because she could not give birth to it.

During such frequent abortion operations, the harm to the body can be imagined. Probably because of this reality, Monroe was unable to have a child of her own until her death.

When it comes to female celebrities, it seems that people can't avoid the word

Judging from the above experiences, Monroe is indeed a tragic figure, but this can only be regarded as being doomed from birth, especially her mental deficiencies, which made it impossible for her to get out of her own way of doing things and thinking. and other problems, and cannot handle the emotional problems well. Therefore, Monroe's short life was really too sad, but she really had no ability to change it.

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