Cyndi Wang, who became famous with "Love You" on the "Sister Lang" stage, has recently caused heated discussions because of her group's performance of "Stars Light Up". The original lyrics "The sky now is a dirty sky, stars can no longer be seen in the civilized sky" became "It i

2024/05/2222:55:33 entertainment 1471

Cover News Reporter Zhou Qin Xu Yuyang

Cyndi Wang, who became famous with "Love You" on the "Sister Lang" stage, recently sparked heated discussions because of her group's performance of "Stars Light Up". The original lyrics "The sky now is a dirty sky, stars can no longer be seen in the civilized sky" became "It is a clear sky, you can always see them".

On the evening of July 3, Zheng Zhihua, the songwriter and original singer of "Stars Light Up" expressed "shock, anger and regret". Is it infringement to modify the lyrics? Lawyer Yu Long from Beijing Weiheng (Chengdu) Law Firm believes that based on Zheng Zhihua’s personal Weibo and the song modifications that can be seen in "Lang Jie 3", they should fall within the scope of protection of the right of modification in copyright. If It is indeed without the permission of the creator and should be considered as infringement.

Cyndi Wang, who became famous with

Cyndi Wang's group performed "Stars Light Up"

Recently, in the third season of "Riding the Wind and Waves", Cyndi Wang's group, Cyndi Wang, Zhang Tianai, Gillian, Ah Sa, Wu Jinyan performed Zheng Zhihua's classic song "Stars Light Up" 》. The inspirational and desolate feeling in the original song was replaced with a rap and sweet girl group style. The lyrics that many people are familiar with in the original lyrics, "The sky now is a dirty sky, the stars are no longer visible in the civilized sky" have also been changed to "The sky now is a clear sky. , stars are always visible in the civilized sky."

"Stars Light Up" was written and composed by Zheng Zhihua. Zheng Zhihua said that he wrote this song in the car, and the starlight he saw in the car window was his inspiration for writing this song. It is inevitable that people will encounter times of discouragement, hesitation, and helplessness in their lives. Zheng Zhihua composed this song in the hope that it can encourage others. On the evening of the 3rd, Zheng Zhihua said on his personal Weibo, "I am shocked, angry and regretful that the lyrics of my classic song 'Stars Light' have been randomly changed."

Cyndi Wang, who became famous with

Zheng Zhihua's response on Weibo

And the modification of the lyrics , also triggered a lot of discussion. Some netizens said that changing a classic song that is popular on the streets and changing it beyond recognition is unacceptable to all fans who like the original song. Some netizens pointed out that in previous CCTV programs, the singer also sang an adapted version, saying that the lyrics adaptation had nothing to do with Zheng Zhihua. "The copyright of this song seems to be in Warner . What does it have to do with Teacher Zheng?" Of course? , there are also many people who support Zheng Zhihua, "No matter where the copyright is, it cannot change that the person is the original author. How can he be so overbearing that the original author is not qualified to comment on the adaptation? What does this have to do with copyright?"

cover news reporter contacted and interviewed Yu Long, a lawyer at Beijing Weiheng (Chengdu) Law Firm. Yu Long said that based on the content of Zheng Zhihua's personal Weibo and the modification of the song that can be seen in "Lang Jie 3", it should fall within the scope of protection of the right of modification in copyright. If it is true that the creator's permission has not been obtained, it should be Considered infringement.

Yu Long explained that the lyrics of a musical work can form a separate copyright, and the permission of the right holder should be obtained to modify and use the lyrics. For the adjustment of lyrics, it generally involves the right to modify, the right to protect the integrity of the work, and the right to adapt. The right of modification refers to the right to modify or authorize others to modify the work; protects the integrity of the work; refers to the right to protect the work from distortion and tampering; the right of adaptation refers to the right to change the work and create a new and original work. Generally speaking, when lyrics are deeply adapted, it can be understood that they fall within the protection scope of the adaptation right.

What needs to be clarified is that there are many rights under copyright, which are generally divided into copyright personal rights and copyright property rights , among which copyright property rights are transferable rights. For example, the right to modify and the right to protect the integrity of a work are moral rights. These two rights are statutory non-transferable rights and should be enjoyed directly by the author of the work (but the author's exercise of the aforementioned rights should also be subject to the relevant contracts signed by the author). Adaptation rights are copyright property rights and can be transferred.

Therefore, for the specific incident of "Stars Lighting", even if the program team has obtained the right to adapt the song according to law, when modifying the lyrics, the copyright owner's permission should be obtained. Because the right to modify lyrics is a personal right of copyright and is a non-transferable right.

However, Yu Long also explained that we should be cautious in the specific handling of this incident because network information is not the complete picture after all. Whether it really constitutes infringement should be judged based on the specific licensing situation of the "Stars Lighting" work.

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