He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration.

2024/05/2202:27:33 entertainment 1845

Peng Dehuai was a proletarian revolutionist and militarist who made great contributions to the founding of the Chinese nation. He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration.

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

For such an indomitable big man, , future generations will naturally respect and admire him. Many actors in the entertainment industry also want to portray the image of Marshal Peng Dehuai.. Dong Yong and Ding Yongdai these two powerful actors have played Peng Dehuai in different film and television works, but their self-experience and the feeling given to the audience are very different.

1. Dong Yong: Inheriting the power of idols through my performance

In Dong Yong's more than 30 years of acting, he has created many classic characters, such as: the criminal police team in " Black Hole " Deputy captain Wang Ming; Jiang Han in "Serious Case Group Six"; Peng Dashu in "The Family Tree", etc., and won many awards . Most of the roles he played were tough guy images .

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

In the 2016 historical TV series " Marshal Peng Dehuai" , he once again played the tough guy Peng Dehuai. At the same time, this was also a huge challenge for him , because the character he played this time was a historical figure. There are real heroes of in .

In order to play this role well, he not only limited to the script , but also found other film and television works and books. Understand Peng Dehuai's life, understand Peng Dehuai's emotions for the country, and better complete Peng Dehuai's image. In an exclusive interview, Dong Yong talked about his feelings about playing the role of Marshal Peng Dehuai:

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

He said that in the process of shaping this image, was under great pressure, and he was afraid that he would not be able to play the Peng Dehuai in the audience's heart. He said that there is no fixed form of performance. Rather than pursuing a similar appearance to Marshal Peng Dehuai, he hopes to truly get a glimpse into the character's heart and perform his "soul". What Dong Yong really wants is to convey the spiritual power of his idol to everyone through his performance, and shape the correct outlook on youth.

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

2. Ding Yongdai: Performing the real Peng Dehuai

It is not only the above-mentioned Dong Yong who has played Peng Dehuai, but also Ding Yongdai. Ding Yongdai can also be called an old artist, and his acting skills are recognized as superb. In 2020, he participated in the major revolutionary historical TV series "Crossing the Yalu River" as Peng Dehuai. However, with the image of Peng Dehuai played by Dong Yong in front of him, the pressure on him to play this character will be even greater.

His understanding of Peng Dehuai and Dong Yong not only have many similarities , but also have many differences in details. In Dong Yong's eyes, Peng Dehuai is a great hero, a big shot, someone who is respected by everyone but unattainable; but Ding Yongdai is different. He thinks that although Peng Dehuai is in front of his country, he is saving the people from dire straits. A great hero, but he is also an ordinary person in life.

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

He has the joys and sorrows of ordinary people. He will be angry and sad, and he wants to be with his family and share family happiness . These various emotions and different aspects constitute a complete and vivid image of Peng Dehuai. Therefore, Ding Yongdai believes that the real Peng Dehuai should be created and his true temperament should be performed.

The process of playing Peng Dehuai was also very difficult. Ding Yongdai said that in order to restore the real historical scenes, sometimes he would travel to two or three venues in a day. He had just arrived in Mudanjiang from Beijing in the morning, and the director had already started to arrange the scenes in the afternoon. The Battle of Shangganling was filmed on location. It can be said that the whole process was compact, busy, and very arduous.

In order for to restore the role of , the night before each shooting, Ding Yongdai will go through the next day's scene in his mind, or will act it out in front of the mirror, will look at his own shortcomings, Then I thought about the role over and over again, worked out a performance plan that I thought was the best for , and went to discuss it with the director and the opponent actor the next day.

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

Sure enough, in "Crossing the Yalu River", Marshal Peng Dehuai played by Ding Yongdai is a character who combines the feelings of family and country and the love of children. After the TV series was broadcast, his role as Peng Dehuai won the audience's attention. Recognized, is very popular and also conveys Peng Dehuai’s spirit to people. This may be the true meaning of as an actor !

In an exclusive interview with Ding Yongdai, the reporter asked him how he felt about playing Peng Dehuai this time. He said that a big man like Peng Dehuai with flesh and blood is a challenge that many people want to challenge. I am very lucky to be able to portray such a character. also tried his best to do his best during the performance. I am still very grateful to the audience for their recognition and support of .

He was brave and resourceful, and won numerous victories in large and small wars. After the founding of New China, he was awarded the rank of Marshal of the People's Republic of China. He is a great hero worthy of admiration. - DayDayNews

All in all, Dong Yong and Ding Yongdai are both very good actors . The Marshal Peng Dehuai they played has their own strengths and weaknesses, they are almost the same , but they both performed the image of a loyal and courageous general and conveyed Peng Dehuai's patriotism spirit. , spread positive energy. This is the idol that the young generation needs to worship. Ding Yongdai said, "Back then, countless young people crossed the Yalu River and defended the country with their own lives. I hope that through this drama, everyone can resonates with more patriotic .

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