"Twelve Monkeys" Poster 4, Top Ten Science Fiction Films 1. "Inception" USA·UK·2010 Reason for recommendation: Who can guarantee that reality is not a dream? Does reality exist in dreams, or are we stuck in reality? 2. "Interstellar" United States·UK·Canada·2014 Reason for recomm

2024/05/2121:56:32 entertainment 1971

"Twelve Monkeys" poster

4. Top Ten Science Fiction Films

1, " Inception " USA·UK·2010

Reason for recommendation: Who can guarantee that reality is not a dream? Does reality exist in dreams, or are we stuck in reality?

2, " Interstellar " United States · United Kingdom · Canada · 2014 Reason for recommendation of

: Some people say that if you want to rate this movie, it must be the top of the top.

3, "Star Wars Series" United States·1977 Reason for recommendation of

: Created a movie myth.

4, "Hackers from Different Dimensions (The Thirteenth Floor)" United States·Germany·1999 Recommended reason for

: It is more sophisticated in conception than The Matrix.

5, "Superman" United States·UK·Canada·Switzerland·1978 Reason for recommendation by

: As a representative of comic science fiction movies, let’s classify it as science fiction!

6, " Terminator (1, 2)" United States·UK·1984 Recommended reason for

: Who said that science fiction movies must have huge special effects? A classic among sci-fi movie classics.

7, "Twelve Monkeys" USA·1995 Reason for recommendation by

: Thought-provoking science fiction movies are rare, and you may not be able to understand them after watching them once. All your piety and wisdom will not restore it, and all your tears will not change it.

8, "The Matrix Series" United States·1999 Reason for recommendation by

: It triggered thinking about reality and future network development, and formed a hacker culture.

9, " Avatar " United States·2009 Reason for recommendation of

: was shot using 3D technology and cost a total of US$500 million to produce and distribute. It is the most expensive work in the history of movies. James

S Cameron works wonders.

10, " Time and Space Contact " United States·1997 Reason for recommendation by

: A masterpiece that explores the issue of extraterrestrial civilization in a more serious way.

The United States is a powerhouse in science fiction movies, and there are many excellent works, such as " Ready Player One ", which is the originator of the popular metaverse concept, " Gattaca ", which describes the genetic problems of people in the future society, and " Gattaca ", which is based on serious scientific and The famously prophetic "2001: A Space Odyssey" and so on.

5. Top Ten Horror Films

1, "The Grudge" Japan·2002

Reason for recommendation: The representative of Japanese horror, extremely evil!

2, " Death is coming (1, 2)" United States·Canada·2000 Recommended reason for

: Ranked second entirely because of its greater reputation! The concept is clever and the scenes are stunning.

3, " orphan resentment " United States·Canada·Germany·France·2009 Reason for recommendation of

: The resentment is too heavy.

4, " The Exorcist " USA · 1973

Recommended reason: The originator of American horror films, with gloomy images and shrill sound effects, it really makes you shiver when you watch it at night!

5, " fatal ID" United States·2003 Recommended reason for

: Don't be frightened into division!

6, " anatomy of (1, 2)" Germany·2000 Recommended reason for

: Representative of European horror films.

7, " hell " Hong Kong, China · Singapore · 2002

Reason for recommendation: Representative of Hong Kong-style horror films, with horror and emotion.

8, " Midnight Bell " Japan · 1998

Recommended reason: A masterpiece of Eastern horror films, but many people commented that it is not very scary, and it is over-the-top.

9, " horror cruise " UK·Australia·2009 Reason for recommendation of

: Let you know what it means to be beyond redemption.

10, "The Living Corpse" USA·2004 Recommended reason for

: rare bloody black humor !

Compared to drama and science fiction movies, horror movies have not been particularly good in recent years.

"Terror Cruise" poster

6. Top Ten Thrillers

1, "The Hole" France·Italy·1960

Reason for recommendation: The originator of the prison escape genre, classify it as a thriller. After all, there is no light in the darkness, right? Not scary?

2, " Silence of the Lambs " United States·1991 Reason for recommendation of

: There is actually an Oscar-winning thriller!

3, "The Seven Deadly Sins of " United States·1995 Recommended reason for

: The style is dark and makes people want to escape from time to time! Exquisite performance!

4, " The Shining " UK·USA·1980

Reason for recommendation: You can enjoy the extraordinary acting skills of Jack Nicholson .

5, " The Sixth Sense " United States·1999 Reason for recommendation of

: a masterpiece of this type of film! ! The ending is wonderful!

6, " Sleepy Hollow " United States·Germany·1999 Reason for recommendation of

: Tim Burton's thriller and horror masterpiece, heads rolling!

7, "Panic Recipe (1, 2)" Canada · United States · 1997 Reason for recommendation by

: An incredible work by a Canadian director! ! !

8, " The Invisible Guest " Spain·2016 Reason for recommendation by

: An extremely brain-burning thriller.

9, " Shutter Island " United States·2010

Recommended reason: is a suspense thriller that explores the spirit and behavior, Xiao Li's acting skills are very good .

10, " Train to Busan " South Korea·2016 Recommended reason for

: Under the crisis, we see what we look like.

"Train to Busan" stills

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