Nanshan Ronin: Review 1. The perfect combination of history and poetry. "The Founding Ceremony" has gained a reputation for its grand subject matter, majestic momentum, unique structure, concise and profound images, and the creation of many flesh-and-blood leaders.

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Nanshan Ronin:

(5) Comments (Film and TV Reviews) 1. The perfect combination of history and poetry

- Comment on the ending art of the movie " The Founding Ceremony " by Chen Junji

"The Founding Ceremony" is known for its grand subject matter and majestic momentum , has a unique structure, is concise and profound, and has won a reputation for shaping the images of many flesh-and-blood leaders. The ending of the film is also quite unique: it uses the method of overprinting to weave together the colorful fireworks on the holiday night with the heroic struggle scenes of the founders of the Republic. It not only echoes the content of the film, but also summarizes the great struggle of those who were wronged. , and shows a glorious and magnificent prospect. It is evocative, leads to reverie, and inspires people to forge ahead, creating an artistic charm that has endless meaning even though the play is exhausted. This is a perfect combination of majestic historical facts and exciting poetry.

When discussing poetry, the ancients paid attention to "crested head, pig belly and leopard tail". That is to say, the ending of the poem should be "resounding", "like ringing a bell, with more than a clear sound." I think the ending of the film should also pay attention to the charm, leaving more room for the audience to remember. Unfortunately, good films like this are rare. Therefore, there are often scenes in theaters where the audience has already slapped their butts and said "goodbye" before the show is over, preventing the film from fully playing its due educational role. The ending of this kind of mediocre film is either too explicit and the audience has already guessed it, or it is too bland and tasteless, with nothing to "chew". The valuable thing about the ending of the film "The Founding Ceremony" is that it abandons the general ending method of past films with similar themes and seeks novelty and depth in the ordinary. Logically speaking, as a historical-themed film, in order to express the joy of liberation, the joy of festivals, and to express people's gratitude to the founders of the Republic, the film uses scenes of "crowds of people holding high flowers and cheering enthusiastically" and scenes of singing and dancing. It is understandable. . But I always feel that it is too superficial, lacks strength and depth, and lacks something that can touch people's heartstrings and make people memorable. However, "The Founding Ceremony" took a unique approach, selecting the warm and colorful scenes of fireworks during major festivals that are loved by the masses, and then overlaying them with scenes of the arduous struggles of the founders of the Republic. This bridged history and reality. It connects the heroic and tenacious struggle of the soldiers with the people's liberation, and even connects today and tomorrow. It makes the audience think more, deeper and further when appreciating the gorgeous fireworks of the festival. This ending is indeed a masterpiece, it is like a giant bell that has been struck. The bell has stopped, but the lingering sound lingers around for three days. Yes, at the end of "The Founding Ceremony", the territory left to the audience is indeed very broad, with broad imagination space for today, tomorrow and the future, as well as colorful reveries.

The artistic charm at the end of "The Founding Ceremony" comes from the director's serious sense of history and lofty sense of responsibility, as well as the artistic pursuit of "innovation". The director was excited by this great struggle in history, inspired by the progress of the times, full of confidence and longing for the future, and strongly pursued unique artistic expression. Therefore, they melted their profound thoughts into beautiful, moving and implicit movie scenes. This shows that a wonderful ending to a good film is not something that can be achieved just by a whim. It is the crystallization of the director's ideological realm and artistic pursuit.

Let us deeply appreciate this perfect combination of history and poetry, and let us always remember the interaction between the fireworks and the fighting scenes of the warriors!

(Attachment: The text of the certificate for winning the national mass film review essay.


Comrade Chen Junji

Your work "The Perfect Combination of History and Poetry" was held at the first China Film Festival organized by China Film Distribution and Exhibition Company and co-organized by China Film Critics Society Won the third prize in the National Mass Film Criticism and Essay Competition at the Film Festival. This certificate is issued to this certificate.

The first China Film Festival

National Mass Film Criticism and Essay Competition Awards Committee [stamped]

Beijing, December 1989)

2. Rich and colorful portrait

— - Talking about the characteristics of Zhou Enlai's image in "Zhou Enlai"

After the historical blockbuster was screened across the country, it aroused a huge response, allowing people to once again experience their deep affection and deep love for the Prime Minister.It is quite appropriate that people praise the film as an "epic" work. "History" refers to truth; "poetry" refers to emotion. The director of the film worked hard on "true feelings" and used passionate "pen and ink" to vividly and touchingly reproduce the real and rich emotional world of Zhou Enlai, as a historical giant, during that historical period, making a person who was so noble , and the image of such an approachable prime minister lives vividly in front of people's eyes and is engraved in people's hearts, receiving a strong artistic effect.

In the production of historical films, it is easy to see the facts but not the people, it is difficult to see the people but not the people, and it is difficult to see the truth when it is true. At present, some historical films have been criticized by people, mostly because of this aspect. The success of "Zhou Enlai" is exactly the opposite of those mediocre works. It writes about events, but downplays the stories of that "right and wrong" era, and concentrates "pen and ink" on portraying the image of the Prime Minister who lived in these events, focusing on expressing his personality charm as a typical example of the era; it writes about people, but does not deduce them logically As for the character, let the character speak and act mechanically, but focus on expressing his tear-jerking true feelings. This is an approach that is well versed in the laws of art and has great artistic insight. Because "what touches people's hearts comes first from emotion" (Bai Juyi) and "art is emotion" (Rodin), that's why the directors of "Zhou Enlai" so passionately mobilized all artistic means and devoted all their efforts to reproduce the typical image of Zhou Enlai. of deep affection, and use it to move the audience.

"Zhou Enlai" is very unique in "writing" love. First of all, it "expresses" Zhou Enlai's love for the motherland, leadership, comrades, family, husband and wife, and old friends under that specific historical condition from multiple aspects, making every word and deed of Zhou Enlai, who was active in different aspects, full of emotion. With strong feelings, Zhou Enlai's emotional world appears so broad, so grand, and so colorful, making people feel that "everything in the world is full of love." Secondly, the expression of these emotions in the film is multi-layered: Sun Weishi was persecuted to death, the "Red Guards" and "rebels" made unreasonable troubles and sabotaged production, which was a "shooting" style; Lin

Nanshan Ronin :

Biao's defection was an expression of worry and indignation, but he was resolute and decisive; he felt guilty, regretful, indignant and saddened by the death of He Long; he had a long-standing friendship with Mao Zedong; he had infinite sympathy and concern for the people in the disaster area; My niece speaks with sincerity and sincerity... If the Prime Minister's emotions are praised as the mighty Yangtze River, then the film appropriately expresses its turbulent side and its long, sparkling side. Let the audience follow the passage of the camera to comprehensively and deeply understand the richness of Zhou Enlai's emotional world, who was both a great man and a mortal. It gives Zhou Enlai's emotions distinctive and prominent characteristics of the times and gives people a heavy and solid feeling. Thirdly, the film attaches great importance to "writing" feelings with emotion and rendering them emotionally: the tears in the eyes of the people in the disaster area of ​​Xingtai and the people of Yan'an, the tears inside and outside He Long's memorial service, the unstoppable crying of the prime minister's waitresses, Deng Yingchao's silent and painful kiss, especially the tearful scene of sending the Prime Minister off on the ten-mile long street, gradually pushed the emotional waves to the top. The film uses different levels of human "emotion" to highlight the prime minister's "emotion", killing two birds with one stone. It is both refined and subtle and has a profound aftertaste. Also, when showing Zhou Enlai's emotions, the film attaches great importance to sensibility and authenticity. "Love is precious," the expression of emotion has a material basis and is the product of a specific environment. The director attaches great importance to "writing" this specific environment so that the expression of emotions is natural and natural. For example, when attending He Long's memorial service, he said "I'm sorry for you", a pair of tear-filled eyes, twitching muscles on the face, and bowed seven times in a row. The expression of emotion was so delicate and real. Another example is the trip to Changsha. As soon as the Prime Minister sat down next to Mao Zedong, he asked: "How is the Chairman's health?" When he heard Mao Zedong say, "My legs are not tight," the Prime Minister immediately bent over and rolled up the Chairman's trouser legs, pressed them, and saw if there were any. There is no bloating, everything is done so naturally, believably, and humanely."All scenery language is a language of love" (Wang Guowei). The film uses a series of typical, perceptible and credible "scenery language" to create a great and ordinary image of flesh and blood. So touching, so believable. Zhou Enlai is a leader who is very familiar to the masses. The image of Zhou Enlai created in the film can be recognized by the masses, which is a strong proof of the great success of the film.

"Zhou Enlai" does not have a complete storyline, it is just a combination of several life fragments, but it has produced a strong social effect. This is closely related to its ability to "write" true feelings with rich colors, which is very worthy of making a historical film. The director thought deeply.

(Published in "Gift Film Review Collection", won the first prize in the provincial film review essay competition and the second prize in the national film review essay competition.

Attached is the text of the "Certificate":

Comrade Chen Junji: Your work "The True Feelings in Rich Ink and Color" was released and screened in China Film This certificate was issued to the National Mass Film Critics Essay Competition Award Committee for winning the second prize in the National Mass Film Criticism Essay Competition organized by the company, China Film Critics Society, and Wenhui Film Times to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Party, Beijing, March 1992 (seal).

Nanshan Ronin:

3. Economical pen and ink, rich connotation

- Talking about the ending art of " Autumn Harvest Uprising "

Guangdong Chaozhou Hanshan Normal College Pu Ningyan

The ending of the film "Autumn Harvest Uprising" is very distinctive. , is rich in connotation and has profound symbolic meaning, which is worthy of people's careful consideration.

At the end of the film, there is a set of shots: On the morning of the rising sun, to the exciting sound of suona , a high-spirited Mao Zedong throws a ball. I dropped the crutches I had been leaning on since losing the battle, and strode towards the Jinggangshan in Luoxiao Mountains . What rich connotations does this ending contain, and what is its symbolic significance?

Let's take a look at this cane first. This cane was used by Mao Zedong when he lost the battle and the enemy was advancing step by step. This cane symbolizes the passiveness and beating caused by the interference of the left line. At that time, due to the wrong guidance of the left-leaning adventurist line, because the enemy was strong and we were weak, and because Mao Zedong was hampered by the officers of the insurrectionary troops, he was ridiculed as a "scholar who had never fought in a war." All this made him full of enthusiasm. The young Mao Zedong was struggling. However, in order to adhere to the correct line, get rid of the enemy's encirclement and interception, and preserve the revolutionary strength, Mao Zedong argued hard and rejected the erroneous idea of ​​ Commander Yu Sadu and others to attack Changsha, emphasizing that he could only stand firm and preserve his strength. Only by raising the red flag can we find a way out. Thanks to Mao Zedong's determined struggle and correct decision-making, the troops were finally reorganized in Sanwan. The reorganization brought a vitality to the troops and enabled the Chinese revolution to move forward on a bright road. Being able to throw the cane far away in a difficult situation has changed the situation of being passive and being beaten, and strides towards China's bright and victorious tomorrow.

This small action of throwing the cane symbolizes the end of the situation of being passive and being beaten. The Chinese revolution has begun to embark on a healthy and correct path. The action of swinging a cane vividly expresses the heroic spirit of a generation of great men. The directors used a new aesthetic vision to understand the historical behaviors of historical figures, and they selected them with unique insight. "Throwing the cane" is an action with extremely rich connotations and profound symbolic meaning as the end, so that people can be infected and inspired by Mao Zedong's confidence in the victory of the revolution, and excitedly remember the distant history and calmly remember the past. To think about today and the future.

The ending art of "Throwing the Cane" is successful. It is a summary of the old history of bloodshed and the beginning of a new history of victory. This vivid and symbolic action scene will remain in the minds of the audience for a long time.

(attached) letter of recommendation.Comrade editor

: Hello! I read the "Controversy" article at the end of "Autumn Harvest Uprising" in the first issue of your magazine, which was very inspiring, but I feel that there are some unsatisfactory aspects in it. Now I have a short and concise article "Economic Writing, Rich Connotation" , I feel that the discussion is more pertinent, so I take the liberty to recommend it to you. Please give me your advice.

Chen Junji of Guangdong Chaozhou Senior High School

(originally published in "Chaozhou Film and Television Education", and later published in Guizhou "Film Review" Issue 4, 1994)

4. The towering statue of "the soul of the nation"

- Talking about " Jiang Zhuying "The deep meaning of artistic image

The movie "Jiang Zhuying" has no bizarre and tortuous storyline, no exciting pictures, and no cheap sensationalism. However, it has achieved success and produced a great sensational effect. "Men don't shed tears easily", but several men watching the movie with me were secretly wiping away tears. This is the best evaluation of the film. The film sees greatness in ordinary places, expresses true feelings in subtle places, is profound in simple places, and shows charm in simple places. It successfully depicts Jiang Zhuying's artistic image and leaves us with an unforgettable "soul of the nation" " relief.

Lu Xun said in the article "Have the Chinese People Lost Their Self-Confidence?" "Since ancient times, we have had people who work hard, people who work hard, people who pray for the people, people who sacrifice their lives to seek the law... This is the backbone of China. "The history of China's civilization for thousands of years is the history of the struggles of countless people who "worked hard", "worked hard", "begged for the people" and "sacrificed their lives for the law." It is precisely because of their indomitable struggle and sacrifice that thousands of years of development of Chinese civilization have been achieved. Therefore, they are the "backbone of China" and the "soul of our nation." In the new historical period, Jiang Zhuying carried forward the excellent traditions of the Chinese nation with his short life, and the brilliance of the "soul of the nation" shone brightly on him. The film uses unique expression techniques to capture the audience's hearts with bad news from the beginning, and then uses flashbacks and other techniques to show Jiang Zhuying's character from multiple aspects and angles.

Working hard is the foundation of Jiang Zhuying's character and the outstanding expression of the national spirit in him. He worked hard day and night, running around everywhere. He was sick but had no time to go to the hospital. Eventually, he was overworked, his condition worsened and he died young. It can be said that he died of exhaustion. Focusing only on contribution and not on remuneration is another manifestation of his touching and outstanding character. As an optician with outstanding contributions, he lives in a small room, wearing only a pair of shorts and sweating profusely on a hot day, but he does not complain and works tirelessly on research. Even when he used his talents to win a compensation of 150,000 US dollars from a foreign businessman for a certain unit, they wanted to repay him, but he took no money and sneaked home to eat a "box lunch" with his wife. Meticulousness, integrity and selflessness fully demonstrated Jiang Zhuying's extremely valuable personality as a true scientist. He did not agree to sign his own name on Sima Sen's paper and did not take credit for others; he asked the young vegetable vendor to correct typos at the vegetable stall; he defended the woman with her child who could not get on the bus and helped her solve the problem of taking the bus. When it comes to car problems, it’s the subtleties that reveal the spirit. Deep patriotism is really the core of Jiang Zhuying's character. It is the spiritual pillar that enables him to overcome difficulties and illnesses and overcome ups and downs. It is a red thread that runs through the film. For the development of optical science in his motherland, he spent all the money he saved from going abroad to purchase instruments for the public, but he did not buy anything back for himself and his family. He advised Sima Sen, a successful student, not to settle abroad and to never forget to serve the motherland. He persistently insisted not to be a "migratory bird" and to devote himself wholeheartedly to the cause of revitalizing the motherland.

Nanshan Ronin:

He even chanted these two words before his death, which fully demonstrated his deep love for the motherland and would remain with him until his death. Chongqing. Jiang Zhuying's image is different from the nerdy science and technology figures in ordinary movies and TV shows. He has many emotions and desires and is a person with rich emotions. In addition to his love for the motherland, he also has a strong love for father and son, love between husband and wife, love between son and daughter, love between comrades, and love between teachers and students. Affection. The director of the film very cleverly integrated these rich emotions into every shot, creating a heart-stirring artistic charm. Therefore, this is a film that touches people with emotion and wins with emotion.The expression of love is very real, profound, thought-provoking and thought-provoking due to the ingenious conception of the director and the unpretentious and sincere and implicit performances of the male and female protagonists. The beginning and end of the film are echoed by the "relief head", which has a very profound meaning. Yes, "Jiang Zhuying" is a towering statue of our "soul of the nation". He is an "outstanding representative of intellectuals" (Nie Rongzhen said) and a monument in the minds of the people across the country. No matter how the economic tide impacts or how people's value orientation changes, in front of the statue of "Chiang Zhuying", everyone should ask themselves, how should the word "人" be written, and how should they position themselves?

( Chaozhou "Film and Television Education")

5. Talking about Wang Shuangling's "Infatuation"

Chen Junji

The latest feature film " Smile in Candlelight " produced by Shanghai Film Studio has successfully created the "holding in hand" The touching image of primary school teacher Wang Shuangling, who came with a heart and left without a blade of grass, stirred the heartstrings of hundreds of millions of viewers. The main reason why Wang Shuangling's artistic image is touching is that the director concentrated on portraying her "infatuation" that is a thousand times more valuable than gold - "infatuation" for education and "infatuation" for those lovely children. . You heard her say: "I love my students, I can't leave them, no!" Isn't this the simple yet touching revelation of her "infatuation"?

Because of her "madness", she actually forgot her birthday, and even took on a new class without recovering from a serious illness; because of her "madness", when her student Li Xiaopeng's parents were imprisoned, she resolutely shouldered the burden of taking care of Li Xiaopeng; Because of her "madness", she tried her best and worked tirelessly to help Lu Ming, who broke his leg in an accident, face life bravely. "Crazy" has "crazy" energy. In order not to disappoint her children, she even went on an outing with them even though she was sick. As a result, she suffered a heart attack and slept next to the big red "heart" on the cliff stone carvings. This is the director's finishing touch and a profound touch. Wang Shuangling's "infatuation" is not a random fabrication by the director. It is a visual summary of the ordinary and noble qualities of the vast number of outstanding teachers on the educational front who are willing to work hard and work selflessly. In real life, there are many excellent teachers with the spirit of Wang Shuangling. Li Weiming, a senior teacher at Jining No. 1 Middle School in Shandong Province, suffered a heart attack. In order to "cannot bear to let more than 60 students wait in vain," he dragged his heavy steps onto the podium. , ended up falling on the podium and never woke up ("Guangming Daily" 1992.6.2 second page), this is so similar to Wang Shuangling! Shanghai special teacher Yu Yi, who is well-known in the teaching world, has worked hard in the teaching world for 40 years. Recently, she said with passion: "If the lost years can come back and the youthful years can be spent again, then I will still have nothing to do with it. Do not hesitate to choose the noble and sacred profession of teaching." ((( People's Education " 1992. 4. P37) This is not only "crazy", but also "crazy" to the extent that "the clothes are getting wider and you will never regret it." Famous in Guangdong Province. The education expert Ding Youkuan recently said: "I am 63 years old this year. I have formulated a five-year plan for myself... I will devote myself to education until I die." That's it.

At present, the economic tide is impacting the education sector. Some teachers have left the teaching profession due to low wages and poor remuneration. Faced with this severe situation, many knowledgeable people are deeply worried about the future fate of their motherland. The loud cry of "paying attention to education and improving teachers' treatment" is a deafening call, which must be solved without delay.

However, it cannot be denied that the development of education is bound to be restricted by certain economic conditions, and the "poor" state of the education sector will not continue. It may be solved in the short term. In view of this, it is very timely and necessary to advocate learning from Wang Shuangling's spirit and being "infatuated" with education. "Film and Television Education" (Third Edition, November 15, 1993) Editor's Note:

Chen Junji is a Chinese teacher at Chaozhou Senior High School. In addition to "preaching, teaching, and solving doubts," he is enthusiastic about film and television criticism. His film criticism has profound ideological analysis and artistic analysis. Detailed, words come from the heart, simple and vivid.In the 1989 National Film Criticism Essay Contest, his article "The Perfect Unity of History and Poetry - A Comment on the Art of the Ending of 'The Founding Ceremony'" won the third prize; in 1991, he won the third prize for "Reporting the True Feelings with Heavy Ink and Color - A Comment on "Zhou Enlai"" "The Shaping of Zhou Enlai's Image" won the second prize in the National Film Critics Essay Competition.

Nanshan Ronin:

An issue worth noting: We must pay attention to the revolutionary and traditional education of young students

. There is a plot in the film: Duoduo, Ding Xiaoliang, and Lan Lan came to the home of Hu Dake, who had fought bloody battles for the Republic, and Hu told them about to resist U.S. aggression and aid Korea, but the children did not understand what "American imperialism" was and what it meant. It is "Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea." Hu Dake couldn't help but sigh with confusion: "Revolutionary traditional education is not fashionable now!" Hu Dake really hit the mark and hit the mark of the current political and ideological education in primary and secondary schools. Indeed, anyone who knows a little bit about the actual situation of education knows that in recent years, the work of providing solid and effective revolutionary traditional education to primary and secondary school students based on national conditions has been greatly neglected. This cannot but cause great concern to knowledgeable people. It cannot be denied that "Beyond the Red Wall" still has shortcomings in reflecting the breadth and depth of educational issues, but its flaws cannot be concealed. It is still a good film that reflects current educational issues.

(Guangzhou "Shi Dao" magazine 92.12)

8. The inspiration of "tragedy"

Chen Junji

One of the tragedies: A 5-year-old girl in Zhenjiang, Jiangsu, watched the modern children's myth TV series "Little Dragon Man" , because he envied the superb flying skills of the "Little Dragon Man". So one day at noon, while my parents were taking a lunch break, I secretly climbed onto the balcony. Imitate the "Little Dragon Man" and "fly" from the sixth floor to his death. ("Xinhua Daily")

Tragedy No. 2: Four students in the fourth grade of Xixian Mining Bureau Children's School in Henan Province watched the Taiwanese TV series "The Legend of White Snake ". I want to imitate Xu Xian in the movie and go to the "underworld" to have fun. They took the poison collectively, causing 2 people to die. , " China Education News "

Tragedy Three: Miao Yuehong, a girl from No. 1 Middle School in Xinxiang County, Henan Province, has been addicted to the video hall for a long time, and learned from the TV videos the tricks of kidnapping children and writing threatening letters to extort money, and then defrauded them. A 4 and a half year old girl. Later, because the girl was crying, she was afraid that the incident would be exposed, so she covered the girl to death and buried her under the bed in the dormitory. Miao Yuehong was later sentenced to death with a two-year suspended sentence by the Xinxiang Intermediate People's Court. ("Film and Television Education")

These are just a few typical examples picked up from the newspapers at hand. In real life, there are countless other examples of young children being influenced by films and television to embark on a criminal path or lead to various other tragedies. . This cannot help but cause people of insight to think deeply.

film and television is deeply favored by teenagers for its realistic images, entertainment and unique expression techniques, and has become an inseparable part of their daily lives. It contributes to the formation and development of teenagers' ideological and moral character, and their healthy growth. The promotion of giants is indispensable. This is the mainstream aspect and must be fully affirmed. But at the same time, we must also see the fact that "tragedy" exists, see the negative effects of film and television, and get inspiration from it. In this way, effective guidance can be adopted to maximize strengths and avoid weaknesses, and better play the positive role of film and television. This is very necessary for the prosperity of the film industry, the healthy growth of young people and children, and the construction of spiritual civilization.

So, what inspiration does "tragedy" give us? First of all, it enlightens us that we must pay attention to film and television criticism. A lot of things tell us that film and television have fragrant flowers and poisonous weeds; there are essences and dross. Due to the limitations of life experience and ideological cultivation, a considerable number of teenagers and children often cannot distinguish between beauty and ugliness, good and bad, good and evil, and are confused in the face of the complicated world. Some people may even fall into a quagmire or trap under the "subtle" influence. The fact of "tragedy" strongly proves that it can help the majority of young children (mainly primary and secondary school students) "understand" movies and television. Distinguish fake purchases from fake ones, fragrant flowers from poisonous weeds, distinguish the essence from the dross. And absorb healthy and beneficial things from them, and be vigilant and resist harmful things. This is urgent and extremely important work.Practice in many places has proven that it is a good method to educate primary and secondary school students about film and television in the form of "film and television reviews". As early as March 1991. When Vice-President of the State Education Commission Wang Renliu Bin inspected Chaozhou Senior High School, he solemnly wrote an inscription for the school stating that "it has good experience in regularizing film and television reviews." The State Education Commission also held a work conference on film and television education for primary and secondary schools in Beijing. It affirmed the advanced experience of film and television reviews in various places, which shows that the relevant central leadership departments attach great importance to the work of film and television reviews in primary and secondary schools.

However, there are still many primary and secondary schools that do not really pay attention to film and television review work. They only focus on form and do not pay attention to actual results. They lack serious organization work for students to watch film and television programs, and they lack necessary organizational guidance for students to comment. The "Film and TV Review" they organize is satisfied with students being able to hand in several articles. The fact is that many students did not watch the film and television programs that were required to be watched in groups; many of the review articles they submitted were rewritten and compiled from relevant articles in newspapers and periodicals.

This approach, of course, cannot truly achieve the purpose of film and television education. Therefore, to truly play the positive role of film and television reviews, we also need to have a correct understanding, pay attention to it from leaders, implement measures, pay attention to practical results, and not follow formalities or go through the motions.

Secondly, the forms must be diverse and effective. Students are exposed to a lot of movies and TV shows, but only a handful of them are organized by schools to watch collectively. Therefore, it is not enough for film and television education to just write a few "film and television reviews". It can be done in combination with Chinese classes, extracurricular activity classes, or class meetings and daily conversations with students. As long as the connection is appropriate and natural, it will have a positive effect. In this way, it not only brings "living water" to the teaching of various subjects, but also has the characteristics of pertinence and image, which can arouse students' interest and achieve good teaching results. In the form of education,

adopts flexible and diverse methods according to the different situations of film and television films, as well as the different grades and ages of students. For example, senior grades can use more "commentary" forms, while lower grades can use the form of retelling story content, talking about feelings, singing interludes, etc. Teachers can also give lectures and ask questions for students to think, discuss, and answer. In short, if different methods are adopted according to the specific situation, students will be more willing to accept it and the educational effect will be better. However, the current widespread practice of requiring writing of "comments" without taking reality into account is difficult to achieve a good educational effect.

Once again, students must be properly taught

Nanshan Ronin:

film and television knowledge. This is very beneficial to improving students' ability to analyze, appreciate and comment, thereby further improving the effect of film and television education. In particular, some stunt shots in movies and TV shows have a strong appeal to students, and even make it difficult for some young and ignorant students to distinguish between real and fake scenes, so they imitate them, resulting in amazing "tragedy". I think that if the Jiangsu girl and the four primary school students in Henan mentioned above could have their parents or teachers explain to them the principles of shooting stunts in time after watching TV, and point out that some plots in the film are unreal, If you believe, tragedy may be avoided.

With the deepening of reform and opening up, market economy is introduced into the field of film and television production, film and television production will become more prosperous, and the impact of film and television films on primary and secondary school students will also be greater and greater. While we call on artists to use artistic conscience to produce more and better spiritual food for primary and secondary school students, we should further improve our understanding of the importance of film and television education, and take practical and effective measures to raise the film and television education work in primary and secondary schools to A new level. This is an urgent need for the construction of spiritual civilization, an urgent need for the advancement of the times and social progress, and it is the unshirkable responsibility of every educator.

(Guangzhou "Teacher's Way", June 1995) -

Nanshan Ronin: Review 1. The perfect combination of history and poetry.

Nanshan Ronin: Review 1. The perfect combination of history and poetry.

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