The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular "Sister Lang 3". When "Sweetheart Leader" Cyndi Wang sang, she changed the line "The sky is dirty now. The stars are in the civilized sky again." "I can't even see it" was changed to "The sky is clear now and the stars a

2024/05/2106:39:32 entertainment 1166

7 has only been a few days, and there has been a lot of action in the entertainment industry. It seems that this is destined to be an extraordinary month.

1: The lyrics of Zheng Zhihua’s classic song " Stars Light " have been tampered with.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Famous singer Zheng Zhihua posted an article saying that the lyrics of the classic song "Stars Light" he composed had been randomly changed.

The program that modified its lyrics is the recently popular "Sister Lang 3". When "Sweetheart Leader" Cyndi Wang sang, she changed the line "The sky is dirty now, the stars are in the civilized sky" "The sky is no longer visible" was changed to "The sky is clear now and stars are always visible in the civilized sky."

As expected, this popular classic song was originally a classic in the memory of many people born in the 80s and 90s. Coupled with Cyndi Wang's wonderful performance, it won the highest score in the audience.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Zheng Zhihua was very angry. He used three words: "shock, anger, and regret" to express his feelings.

Some netizens said that after the lyrics were revised, the original charm was completely lost. The meaning expressed by

is completely different from the original meaning.

There is a word called "different people", and when used in this song, it means "different people".

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Of course, everyone has different opinions, especially the understanding of songs.

Some people also think that the revised lyrics are more in line with the current atmosphere.

Some people think that Zheng Zhihua's sudden voice at this time is suspected of gaining popularity.

netizens said that Zheng Zhihua didn’t say anything earlier or later, and he jumped out at this time just to make himself famous.

2: One of the "Four Great Talents in Hong Kong", Ni Kuang passed away.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Ni Kuang, together with Jin Yong, Huang Zhan, Cai Lam, are known as the four great talents in Hong Kong.

Ni Kuang wrote quite a lot in his life, especially his "Wesley Series" and "Yuan Zhenxia Series", which were very popular in the last century.

Ni Kuang's works have been adapted and put on the big screen many times. Chow Yun-fat , Xu Guanjie , Andy Lau have all participated in "Wesley".

And the movie script "Fist of Fury" he wrote for kung fu superstar Bruce Lee is even more talked about.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

The friendship between Ni Kuang and Jin Yong is envied by many people. It is reported that Jin Yong once asked Ni Kuang to ghostwrite his masterpiece "The Eight Parts of the Dragon".

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Ni Kuang's son Ni Zhen , Ni Zhen's wife is the "Jade Girl Leader" Zhou Huimin .

Zhou Huimin is beautiful and sweet, but unfortunately the relationship story between her and Ni Zhen is like a bloody TV series.

3: Gymnast Zhang Hongtao was banned for posting nude photos.

Zhang Hongtao never expected that a photo he uploaded would cause such a huge controversy on the Internet.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Although Zhang Hongtao claims to have coded, such a naked image is really indecent.

Zhang Hongtao issued an explanation afterwards.

The program that revised its lyrics is the recently popular

Some netizens think it is understandable to show off your figure and muscles.

Some netizens think the scale is too large and unacceptable.

Zhang Hongtao's account has been banned due to being too controversial.

A seemingly ordinary weekend, but so many impressive things happened.

I have to say that sometimes the entertainment industry is like sea water.

The tide ebbs and flows, and it seems that there is never a peaceful time.

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