Source: Overseas Network On the morning of July 3, the company's legal popularization public welfare micro-movie "Strictly Guard" was held at the Xingmao Lanxi Resort Hotel in Lu'an City, Anhui Province. It is understood that the movie mainly tells the story of Yuan Hongkui, a sh

2024/05/1911:20:33 entertainment 1705

Source: Overseas Network

html On the morning of July 3, the company's legal popularization public welfare micro-movie "Strictly Guard" was held at the Xingmao Lanxi Resort Hotel in Lu'an City, Anhui Province.

It is understood that the movie mainly tells the story of Yuan Hongkui, a shareholder of a listed company, who fell into a trick when negotiating with the major shareholder about continued cooperation. The major shareholder secretly sent a special operations team to the subsidiary to attack the official seal in order to snatch funds to relieve the group. After Yuan Hongkui discovered the clues, he led his employees to start a thrilling battle to defend the official seal.

producer Wu Weimin said that this film is based on real events, artistically processed, and integrated with elements of business war and espionage. The storyline can be said to be full of twists and turns and exciting. We hope that this legal public welfare micro-movie will serve as a warning to popularize the " company law ", enhance the public's awareness of the rule of law, and control company business risks.

It is reported that this public welfare film is jointly produced by Anhui Cool Art Network Media Co., Ltd., Xingmao Group, Aries Culture Media Co., Ltd., etc., and directed by Pan Runnan director. The film is mainly shot in Lu'an City, Anhui Province, where the real story takes place. It is expected to complete filming in mid-July and will participate in the 10th Asian Micro Film Festival in the second half of the year.

Source: Overseas Network On the morning of July 3, the company's legal popularization public welfare micro-movie

The picture shows the boot scene (text/picture An Ying)

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