Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a "high sense"

2019/11/0520:40:10 entertainment 1990

You might think that many friends around


sing in ktv,

is already pretty good.

You may even wonder, what is the difference between

, those who sing well,

and professional singers? The difference between

is that

is basic and good-sounding,

is Advanced is good-sounding.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

The definition of high-level sense

It must be explained that in vocal music theory, there is no such a more grounded view of high-level sense. However, we often find this interesting vocabulary in various singing reviews. There are also some vocal fans who have distinguished "basic technology" and "advanced technology" in order to emphasize the difference in strength between different singers.

However, as a vaguely defined vocabulary, the sense of advancedness should never be the patent of vocal researchers. Audiences of different levels can develop what they think of as advanced according to their preferences for different sounds. sense.

However, we cannot ignore the status quo, that is, more and more professionals are beginning to use academic and technical indicators to identify what kind of sound is advanced and what kind of sound is not. Advanced. When something has aroused a certain specialized group effect, then it has value worth discussing.

Next, Jiangjiang will introduce to you the sense of high-level, which has nothing to do with personal feelings. It is only from a pure vocal point of view and a technical point of view, to explain the current vocal music research circle in this circle, which is defined in a general sense. A sense of luxury, what is it?

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

Rare or advanced

Rare sound, which is not the sound that ordinary people can sing. The core reason why few people can sing it lies in its difficulty. Yes, to put it simply, the more difficult the sound, the more advanced it is.

This also answers the question mentioned in the preface, "What is the difference between a friend who sings well around me and a professional singer?" The key point is that most of these friends who sing well have a better sense of music than ordinary people, have a more precise pitch and rhythm, and can make a certain degree of control based on their own understanding of the song. It is quite rare for ordinary people to sing without making mistakes in pitch and rhythm, not to mention weight control. Generally speaking, the volume is kept at one frequency and there is no fluctuation at all. The result of this is of course plain, no Devotion, as if reading a text.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

Compared with the common problems of singing Xiaobai, friends who sing well around me can control the severity of the sound relatively well. Once the comparison is made, of course it can be immediately revealed different. However, compared to professional singers, only the pitch and rhythm are correct, and the intensity of the voice is regularly controlled. This kind of operation is really too pediatric and too simple. There is one of the most intuitive differences, whether the high pitch can be held.

No matter how some friends despise the high pitch, Jiangjiang must tell everyone that in the road of vocal learning, high pitch is the core and most fundamental technical problem. Friends who have not learned to sing, it is difficult to sing C5 or F5. After singing these unattainable high notes, we must also consider its concentration and transparency. In other words, a singer who can sing in the high range with both concentration and transparency, his voice meets the requirements of high-level sense.

These are ordinary friends who sing nicely around me, who can't meet the voice requirements. These friends are very smart. They know how wide the sound range they can control. So if you pay attention to their selections, you will find that they can basically only hover in the natural sound zone.Turn to falsetto, or use chest voice to top it up slightly. However, even if it is just the interpretation of the natural sound zone, the voice performance of these friends can hardly be called advanced. Having said that, we need to continue to talk about the high-level presentation of natural sound areas.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a


The high-level sense of the natural sound area is presented

The treble is indeed very important and very core, but it does not mean that the treble is all the sense of high-level. For a powerful singer, as long as he shows the natural sound zone, he can make the knowledgeable people feel his profound technical background. It is not even necessary to sing the high notes. It is completely dependent on the difficult and complex technical nature of the natural sound zone, so that we will never It is suspected that he has the ability to sing high notes.

There are not many singers, including singers, who can meet this requirement. For most powerful singers, the sense of high-level sound in the voice usually needs to be reached. The treble area can be fully reflected. As for the sound presentation of the natural sound area, it is actually not much different from the friends who sing well around you.

Even so, the natural sound area must have a more advanced presentation. In this way, we have to return to the concentration and permeability of the treble area described above. Have you ever thought that concentration and permeability should never be unique indicators of the treble area, natural sound The area can also meet these requirements.

Most people ignore the use of compression technology when singing in the natural sound area. It’s no wonder that after all, the existence of compression technology has a more direct meaning to help us break through the treble area. In fact, compression technology can also brighten our natural sound area, and obtain the same concentrated and thorough metal sound quality as the high-pitched area. Take the "Good Voice of China 2019" tutor show as an example, when singing "The Descendants of the Dragon" Li Ronghao’s natural voice zone is not compressed, and he sings entirely with precise intonation rhythm and reasonable weight control. We will not think that he sings badly, but when Wang Leehom’s natural voice zone is immediately revealed , We can immediately feel that Li Ronghao is dark, Wang Leehom is bright; Li Ronghao is scattered, and Wang Leehom is concentrated. To put it more popularly, Leehom Wang’s voice is a full circle louder than Li Ronghao. This is because , Leehom Wang’s natural sound zone has excellent compressed sound quality. Therefore, Leehom Wang’s natural sound zone is of course an advanced model.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

Need someone to accompany Leehom Wang-Ten The use of

compression technology in the natural sound zone represents the level of "concentration". The level of "transparency", then It is the resonance position. When most singers sing in the natural sound zone, in addition to not compressing and diverging the sound, the resonance position is also generally located in the mouth, throat, and even chest cavity. Therefore, the high-frequency sound is extremely lacking and the sound is divergent. Dark, stuffy, not soft, lack of elasticity Sex. This is caused by our usual speaking habits. If we can actively develop the space of the head cavity in the natural sound zone, that is, the high-position space, then the corresponding sense of vastness and clarity will immediately make our voice present and become more advanced. Li Jian is an outstanding representative of this type of singing. His natural voice zone is present, the high position is abundant, and it is accompanied by changes in intensity and weakness that are more complicated than changes in lightness and weight (one is volume control, and the other is resonance control. ), even if he does not sing high notes, it is difficult to conceal his gorgeous singing skills.

Of course, whether Leehom Wang or Lee Jian, the two singers’ natural voice zones have both compression and high position. The only difference is that Leehom Wang is more focused on compression, and Lee Jian is even more. Focus on high positions. From this comparison, we can also draw a conclusion that advanced sound must meet the requirements of compression and high position, that is, the coordination of concentration and transparency. This requirement applies not only to the natural sound area, but also to the high sound area.

Those voices full of high-level sense

According to the detailed discussion above, I believe you already know that high-level sense is nothing more than the coordination between compression technology and high-position technology. Lead outThe result. However, it is really not easy to be able to keep the natural sound zone and the high pitch zone in such a coordinated result. Next, Jiangjiang will share with you a few top singers who can maintain a high sense of sound from beginning to end, and give them an appreciation. I hope that everyone can feel the endless charm of vocal music from these advanced sounds.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

In this song, Adam always keeps his voice at a very high head cavity position, no matter the natural sound zone or the high pitch zone. The fulcrum is stable and deep, so although the vocal position is extremely high and the timbre is extremely fine, there is no sign of the throat rising too much.
is also attached to the wide space brought by the high position. Adam Lambert can make very light and weak processing in the sound form, and such processing will not be affected by the change of the sound range. Was destroyed. Ordinary singers, facing this song, can only sing softly in the main part of the song (perhaps air leakage), and there is no way to cross the nasal passages to reach the head cavity, not to mention the subsequent voice changes. The volume must be kept constant in the zone, squeezing, pulling, and sudden changes in tone and volume are inevitable. And Adam Lambert, from high to low, from low to high, always maintains a sense of unity and silky feel, and I have to feel that this is the most advanced sound presentation.

The interpretation of this song, Jiangjiang suggests that you can find the scene again, because the high pitch of the chorus part is seamlessly converted from the head sound to the powerful connection technology of the mixed sound, the CD version does not appear well .

Sam Smith is a singer that Jiangjiang likes very much. In fact, he doesn't have much strong Belting performance. What's great is his excellent control of sound balance. A mouth is the oral resonance that is shrouded in a high position. Compared with Adam, Sam Smith's oral resonance is more positive. As there is no laziness in the head, Sam Smith's voice is not only pure oral resonance. The disadvantage is that besides lightness, it has a wider sound field.

Whether it is the perfect combination between oral resonance and head cavity resonance, or the smooth and smooth transition from low to high, it demonstrates the most advanced voice that Sam Smith can release as a singer.

Singing skills revealed: what kind of voice has a

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