As the saying goes, no party is complete without wine. Only after people reach middle age do they realize that not only are there many wine places, but there are also many rules on the wine table. Rule after rule restricts adults. They can no longer drink as much as they want lik

As the saying goes, there is no party without wine.

Only after middle age do people realize that not only are there more wine places, but there are also more rules at the wine table.

Adults are bound by rules and regulations. They can no longer drink as much as they want like they did when they were young. A few words of teasing between friends at the wine table will not affect the relationship between friends at all.

Nowadays, Adult dinner parties are basically linked to the word "profit". Accompanying leaders to dinner parties is to get a promotion and raise salary, and accompanying customers to dinner parties is to win orders and support the family.

I made a mistake in the last sentence at the dinner party, and maybe all the hard work and hard work I have put in for several months have been wasted. Therefore, there are many rules at the wine table, and you must not be careless. After all, there is no such thing as easy in the adult world.

The author recommends that middle-aged and elderly people, no matter who they drink with, should keep these "5 iron rules" in mind. There are many benefits to knowing in advance, so you might as well see how many you know.

Article 1: The host should arrive earlier than the guests

The person who invites people to dinner is called the "host", and the invited people are called "guests". Usually, whoever organizes the game has to arrive earlier, Book a room in advance, make preparations, and wait for the welcome .

This is not only a kind of etiquette, but also reflects the importance you attach to the wine party, so that the other party can feel that you are here with sincerity.

Being late is a taboo at the wine table. Neither the host nor the guests should be late.

Article 2: The first glass of wine should be raised together

The first glass of wine on the wine table means "opening the banquet". Usually, the host will take the initiative to raise the glass to show his identity, and at the same time, he will also welcome the arrival of the guests. grateful.

After finishing the speech, everyone will be invited to raise a glass and drink together. At this time, it is best to drink all the wine in the glass. . Even if the drinker is not good, you must show it appropriately, otherwise you will lose your etiquette.

Article 3: It’s okay to toast, but don’t force it.

I often hear someone say at the wine table, “I want to toast you with this glass of wine. I’ll drink it first.” Maybe you just want to toast, but in the other person’s eyes, this sentence There is a situation where is trying to catch up and put on the shelves.

Just think about it, when we toast, we usually toast to high-level people or highly respected people. Looking at it, it is estimated that more than half of the people at the wine table need to toast to them.

If everyone does this, is this wine to drink or not to drink?

If you don’t drink, there is always a feeling that you are not being given face, for fear that you will be embarrassed and unable to come to the stage; but if you drink, everyone comes over to toast, and you are already drunk before you even take two bites of food.

Article 4: Choose wine wisely and drink wine wisely

In the wine bureau, a bottle of good wine can be the icing on the cake, and can even be looked down upon by others.

For ordinary people, as long as the wine is pure grain wine and does not get after drinking, it is a good wine. Although those high-end wines are also good wines, the price is too high, and ordinary people rarely drink them.

After all, even Moutai costs less than 100 yuan, but Jun Zhongyuan’s Private Collection Liquor, which is also Daqu Kunsha Sauce Liquor (brewed by Zeng Chuanzheng, a disciple of Li Xingfa , the father of Maotai Xiang), has never been sold. Price increase.

In order to allow more people to drink affordable sauce wine, the winery has spent most of its funds on brewing for many years, using the highest quality red tassel sorghum as raw materials to make the finished wine more fragrant.

It will take at least 6 years of cellaring before it can be made into wine. After opening the bottle, the wine is overflowing with fragrance and refreshing. After a brief sip, it is fragrant on the lips and teeth. The aroma of sauce is prominent and enters the throat. The whole body is full of pleasure. After drinking, the fragrance remains long-lasting in the mouth and the aftertaste is endless. .

When drinking, no matter how good the wine is, you cannot drink more . Otherwise, if you lose your temper after drinking too much, you will be laughed at!

Article 5: Be virtuous and reciprocate after drinking.

Many people like to say some unpleasant things and do some annoying things after drinking. It is commonly known as "drinking crazy" . Such people are typical drunken people. Immoral behavior.

recommends that everyone try not to drink too much when drinking. Even if you drink too much occasionally, you should restrain your words and deeds.

In addition, in a human society, you must learn to reciprocate politely. After someone invites you to dinner, you should treat others in return and don't have the mentality of taking advantage.

is written at the end. When you are drinking at the wine table, what are the "hidden rules" of the wine table that you also realize? Additions are welcome.