People who work on the most interesting and practical psychology every day and are proficient in psychology know that a person's mouth carries a person's luck and blessing, because the "mouth" can be both a manifestation of blessing and an outlet for luck. The so-called "mouth" r

The most interesting and practical psychology that we work on every day

Anyone who is proficient in psychology knows that a person’s mouth carries a person’s luck and blessing, because the “mouth” can be a manifestation of blessing or luck. exit.

The so-called "mouth" refers to our speaking skills and methods. Speaking skills are a way of thinking and a stereotype that has been established for many years.

If you want to become a woman with high emotional intelligence, you must know how to use your "mouth" to retain your blessings, handle interpersonal relationships well, and make your world view and outlook on life more systematic and consistent. Only then can you become a truly "blessed" woman , such people not only have a more appropriate way of thinking, but also have charm from the inside out.

So for human speech itself, as long as you speak, you have to make a sound. So the information conveyed by the sound is sometimes not just as simple as verbal information, but also contains the meaning of tone information.

The speed of speaking, the volume of speaking voice, and the level of intonation can very profoundly express a woman's inner activities.

If a woman speaks very loudly, women like this will usually be more proactive, and their ability to act and desire to dominate will be stronger. This type of women will put more emphasis on being self-centered and more confident, but relatively speaking It will also make you more self-righteous.

like to explain their own opinions from their own standpoint, and are less likely to adopt other people's opinions. When they have conflicts with others, this type of woman will be more aggressive.

Women in this category will usually be more successful in their careers, but they may have their own misfortunes in marriage.

If the sound produced by a woman's mouth is relatively small, except for irresistible physiological factors, it is because this woman will be more introverted and better at hiding her inner thoughts.

They will consider many things more when speaking, suppress their emotions, and will not always express all their thoughts and feelings, so this type of people will keep their own blessings in their hearts.

But you must know that in addition to the blessings destined by nature, a person also has the blessings he has accumulated. If he can express his heart more appropriately, this type of woman will be even more blessed.

In addition to speaking from the perspective of speech output, "face" can sometimes also be a way for us to peek into a person's heart and her blessings.

"Love to laugh" is not only a person's external performance, but also a person's psychological reaction, because women who like to laugh usually have less pressure and are good at using smiles to comfort them when facing suffering. Own.

When you get along with such a person, even if you are always immersed in depression, you can still be infected by her atmosphere. This is why we always think that women who love to laugh usually show that they are blessed. in appearance.

From a psychological point of view, "laughter" is not only the power of behavioral expression, but also the charm it conveys, which can directly hit people's hearts.

Psychologists once conducted research on smiling, found that 54% of depressed patients had a female friend who was willing to smile and listen, then the probability of their depression being cured would be relatively high . Therefore, a person's mentality is very important, and a woman's mouth is not only very important to herself, but also to the people around her.

From a philosophical point of view, the "mouth" is in charge of our diet, the way we socialize and speak, and it is the most important member of the facial features. It profoundly affects a woman's fortune and blessing.

A woman who knows how to speak, and knows how to use her "mouth" well, will know better what to say on what occasion, be able to act according to circumstances, use her own words to express her heart and show her smart and capable skills, and will be more able to impress others. Feel the spring breeze.

Because women who can talk are naturally very good social masters, they can find the best balance between their work and life, because in addition to "appearance", "speaking" is the most important thing for a person to express himself Method, even if you don’t have particularly good looks, as long as you have the ability to express yourself and speak well, you can naturally resolve many difficulties.

So smart women have thousands of words in their heads, but their "mouth" is their way to awaken these words, and it is the capital of their success. They know how to use their own thinking to use words, and avoid letting themselves talk too much. It is empty and meaningless. Let yourself be the active party in speaking.

Because you will find that women who really have their own status in social groups are usually people who are very good at expressing themselves and are very good at talking.

The "mouth" is where we accumulate blessings. If we say more good words and less bad words, blessings will naturally gather around us.

- The End -

author | Tommy Da

editor | Wan'an

first psychological writing team | A group of young people who like to look up at the stars

Reference: Jean Piaget Biographie. (2020, January 29).

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