If there is an afterlife, I want to be a man, but it is very difficult to be a woman. Although being a man is not easy, but on those days of the month, especially the first day, the pain is so unbearable that I really want to commit seppuku. Why does it hurt so much? This pain, e

If there is an afterlife, I want to be a man, but it is very difficult to be a woman.

Although it is not easy to be a man, on those few days of every month, especially the first day, the pain is really unbearable. I really want to commit seppuku. How can it be so painful? This pain, even if I tell a man , he couldn't understand it either.

Furthermore, it is giving birth to a child. Although my aunt will not be here for a few months and there will be no pain, it is another kind of torture.

The first thing is the changes in the body. The weight will increase, the belly will enlarge, stretch marks may appear, and the body may be out of shape and may not recover after childbirth.

Secondly, there will be polyuria during pregnancy, and there is also the possibility of high blood pressure during pregnancy, diabetes , and the mood is unstable during pregnancy. If you have a good husband, it is better to say something, but if you meet a husband who doesn't care about anything, then What a pain. And there is also the possibility of postpartum depression .

If you meet a scumbag and get pregnant with a child you don’t want and want to abort it, it will do a lot of harm to the woman’s body.

There are also many people who require women to be able to cook, run a household, work, and take care of children. Women are human beings, not robots.