58-year-old Meng Xianju receives a monthly pension of 6,800 yuan and lives a very comfortable life. However, she feels very bored with her wealthy old life and is even unwilling to attend gatherings with relatives and friends. Once when she attended a banquet at a relative's hous

58-year-old Meng Xianju receives a monthly pension of 6,800 yuan and lives a very comfortable life. However, she feels very bored with her wealthy old life and is even unwilling to attend gatherings with relatives and friends.

Once she attended a banquet at a relative's house, and her distant cousin advised her to find a suitable wife to spend a wonderful old age together. This was originally a good intention, but she mistook it for ridicule and ridicule, and the result was unhappy. And scattered.

Although her life was rich, she felt very inferior in her heart. Seeing others living in couples, but she was living a lonely life, she felt a little unbalanced in her heart, so she was determined to find a family that suited her. My wife searched for him thousands of times in the crowd, but that person was not in the dim light.

After many introductions from relatives and friends, although they met many times, the blind dates all chose to run away when they heard the three requests made by Aunt Meng. What kind of conditions made it difficult for her to find a soulmate in her later years? ?

Let us walk into Aunt Meng's life and listen to her heroic story.

Narrator: 58-year-old Aunt Meng

My name is Meng Xianju, I am 58 years old and I am from Qiqihar, Heilongjiang Province. Although I am a nearly 60-year-old woman, when I usually like to dress myself up, I have done almost all the beauty treatments that women do. , especially after having double eyelid surgery last year, I feel a few years younger, so I am full of confidence in myself.

Some people say that I am a self-admirer. Women all over the world love beauty, not to mention that I am not too old. I want to release the light of youth in me again and live my own wonderful life.

I live a comfortable and comfortable life, but I feel very empty inside. I feel extremely lonely especially in the dead of night. I am very reluctant to participate in gatherings with relatives and friends, not because I am alone. Look When I see other couples chatting and laughing, I feel really envious and jealous.

Then I came up with the idea of ​​​​finding a wife. I believe that with my own conditions and superior life, it is not difficult to find a man. Of course, I will not find a wife just for the sake of finding a wife. I must find a man who has all the advantages. The man who stays together serves as a companion for the rest of his life.

So I put forward three requirements for finding a remarriage wife.

No. 1; You must be able to accept my preference for playing cards and cannot restrict my freedom.

I am a senior poker player. I usually like to spend time on the mahjong court. This is also a way of leisure entertainment. I lose three hundred and two hundred. It's not a big deal, I just want to live a free and easy life soon.

My first marriage was because my husband couldn't accept my staying up late at night playing cards. He would either give me a cold shoulder or abuse me when I got home. He was a loser and couldn't make much money. He also controlled me so strictly and always expected me to stay alone. I can't stand being a caged bird at home.

What really led to the breakdown of our marriage was that when my mother was seriously ill, I only focused on playing cards and did not visit the hospital once. I did not return home until the day after my mother-in-law passed away. This made me very dissatisfied. After the anniversary, we divorced by agreement.

Without the control of men, my life is more free to play as I want. Although I gained temporary psychological satisfaction from playing cards, I felt lonely and lonely when I returned to my deserted home. I lived alone for more than ten years without finding anyone. A man who suits me can fall in love, but when it comes to marriage, they all run away. I don't understand that I am worse than other women, but God is not open to it, so I am even more obsessed with playing cards to relieve my inner feelings. of loneliness.

Now I feel unwell even if I don’t touch mahjong tiles for a day. Only when I sit freely at the card table can I feel more at ease. If I want to find a wife to remarry, he must be able to accept my hobby of playing cards and not interfere with my personal life. free.

Second; you must be able to accept my habit of smoking and drinking

Men can use smoking and drinking to relieve stress when they are upset. As a woman, there are also ways to relieve worries. I usually smoke without leaving my hand and can smoke two packs of cigarettes a day. I My drinking capacity is not very good either. I can drink half a catty of wine in one meal. Especially in winter, I feel itchy if I don’t drink half a catty of wine every day.

I have been single for so many years. Smoking and alcohol have become loyal partners in my life. I cannot leave them for a moment. Therefore, my first condition is to find a partner who drinks and smokes and has a like-minded wife to live with. Life is more interesting.

Even if I find a wife who doesn’t smoke or drink, she can’t object to my smoking and drinking. If I can’t accept my habit, I won’t be happy even if we barely live together.

Third; I have the final say on all the big and small things in life. To put it bluntly, I am the head of the family.

Let’s talk about the ugly things at the front, so as not to get involved in trivial matters after remarriage. If I remarry, I must have the final say in this family, salary card Turn it in and ask me for money. Men should be more careful. Looking at the money bag is equivalent to looking at the man's heart. Don't be like some old men who spend all day dancing ballroom dancing with their wives at home. , I can't stand this kind of man.

For those whose parents are still alive, I don’t want to be a virtuous daughter-in-law to serve the elderly. I also want to enjoy my own life. This must be explained in advance. If I need to honor my parents, the expenditure cannot exceed 500 yuan, and my parents do not have I wouldn’t consider a man with a retirement salary.

Although I have a lot of savings and retirement salary, they are reserved for me to provide for my retirement. If a man overly honors the elderly and how to maintain family life, I am not willing to live a hard life with a man.

Let alone living with my parents, I firmly refuse to accept it. If so, I would rather be single than live a miserable life.

Everyone has their own children. It is understandable to go home to visit their parents. Don’t even mention taking care of their grandchildren. If these are not stated in advance, it will be a sad life when the reality comes.

I made these three simple requests to remarry and find a wife, but in the past year of dating, I have met many wives that I like, but they all shook their heads and left after hearing my request, which made me very sad.

The three conditions I proposed couldn’t be simpler, but why haven’t I met a wife who is willing to accept me?


I believe that no man would be willing to accept such a blind date condition. She smokes, drinks, plays cards and is domineering. Aunt Meng’s three conditions can be summarized as follows: you must accept the like, cannot object, cannot refute, and must be right. I obeyed.

It’s no wonder that you have been single for many years and can’t find the other half of your life. Don’t overestimate yourself. You are just an ordinary woman. We will live a dependent life together. Your hobbies are simply men’s. Nightmare.

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