Have you ever noticed that sometimes you seem to be very busy and surrounded by things that you think are important, but when you look back and think about what you have accomplished, it seems that there is nothing important that needs to be dealt with.

Have you ever noticed that sometimes you seem to be very busy and surrounded by things that you think are important, but when you look back and think about what you have accomplished, it seems that there is nothing important that needs to be dealt with. This is because we don’t know how to give up: what should be done and what can be given up. Don’t let some unimportant things distract your energy, disturb your mind, and hinder your progress.

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Lu Xun is a famous writer, thinker, revolutionary, and one of the founders of modern Chinese literature . He lived in an era when the Chinese nation was suffering from serious disasters and faced serious threats to life and death. Under such a background, he was still able to focus on literary creation and research throughout his life to awaken the people, criticize the old world, call for a new world, and build a new culture instead of Be content with the status quo and do nothing. In Lu Xun's works, we can see the persistence, decisiveness, aloofness, and integrity. These qualities are the embodiment of separation. Although we cannot become literary giants like him, we can regard him as Be a role model and be the best in your industry. This also tells us that no matter what time, only by "cutting off", having inner peace, and abandoning distracting thoughts, can we achieve great things.

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1. Control your emotions

People have feelings. It is inevitable that they will be emotionally affected by the people and things around them, and even lose control of their emotions. When people lose control of their emotions, they may Make some abnormal actions that harm your own or the interests of others, and may even cause some unbearable costs and irreparable losses.

Don’t be unhappy because of small things. Try to accept these things. For example, it has been raining for a long time in some southern areas, which affects travel. At this time, we will complain. Think about it from another angle. This is nature. We have no control over self-purification, so why should we have negative emotions because of something that happens naturally? Another example is stepping on a banana peel and falling down on the way to work. Thinking about it makes you angry, but it has already happened. The person who should be morally condemned is the person who threw the banana peel. There is no need for us to disturb our minds because of such people. , after complaining, just accept it calmly.

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As the famous "Festinger's Law" says: "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, and the other 90% is made up of what you think about it. It’s determined by how you react to what happens.” This means that except for 10% of the things in life that we cannot control, the remaining 90% are affected by our emotions. Our attitude towards things is to face small situations in life with a normal mind and learn to let go. We are the masters of our emotions.

2. Give up too many desires

Distractions in the heart are obstacles on the road to success. Many people want to do this and do that, resulting in nothing being done well. They have many desires in their hearts and are distracted by various external factors. Interference from things or people makes you unable to concentrate on completing one thing and accomplish nothing.

Lu Xun once said: "If a person can spend ten years focusing on one thing, then he will definitely become an expert in this field." It tells us that we must guard against arrogance and impetuosity, and only by concentrating on one thing can we do it well. , rather than focusing on one thing and losing another. Think about those masters. It is precisely because they have reached the ethereal state of the spiritual world that they can transcend the world.

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We might as well calm down and think about what we are doing and let go of some distracting thoughts. If we think too much, we will be upset. If the mind is upset, it will cause anxiety and affect our physical and mental health. Don’t think about so many things, focus on the things in front of you, make a little progress every day, and be a better version of yourself.

3. Don’t engage in unnecessary arguments

When encountering something, don’t always think about arguing with others about right and wrong. Just like the allusion “The sparrow knows the ambition of the swan”, different people have different ambitions and have different perceptions of things. If people really understand you, do we have to argue with them? We should learn not to care about these. Pointless arguments will only consume our energy and affect our emotions. Really smart people will not care too much about other people's thoughts. Only they know what they want to do and use reality. The most important thing is to take actions to dispel other people's prejudices against us. Don't make unnecessary remarks for people and things that are not worthy of them.

If we want to be a better version of ourselves, we must make a break and take control of our own lives, which is the greatest respect for ourselves.