Some love starts with passion but loses to time; some love starts with dullness but can gain eternity. On the road to finding love, we stumble; after finding happiness, we are cautious. Because people's hearts will change and time will inevitably bring changes, it is not easy to

Some love starts with passion but loses to time; some love starts with dullness but can gain eternity.

On the road to finding love, we stumble; after finding happiness, we are cautious.

Because people's hearts will change and time will inevitably bring about variables, it is not easy to carry out true love to the end.

Although women seem to be weak, their city and structure often determine the development of a relationship.

In love, there are things to do and things not to do. Women with foresight often know the "three don'ts".

1. Don’t pass on all the pressure to your partner

To judge a man’s love, you don’t judge a man’s love by what he says, but by how much actual action he takes.

takes the pressure for you, gives you money to spend, and always protects you. Such a man is worth trusting for the rest of his life.

But if you put all the responsibilities on your partner, or even unduly shift the pressure from your family of origin, it will definitely overdraw his patience.

Women are entitled to enjoy care, but if they are lazy and have no responsibility at all, they will become "parasites" in their relationships.

can send great relief by providing warmth at the right time and occasionally taking some responsibility while asking for it.

All long-term relationships must be maintained by both parties. A truly far-sighted woman does not necessarily have to bear financial pressure, but she will definitely hold up an umbrella for her lover's heart.

2. Don’t complain to outsiders about your lover’s shortcomings and shortcomings

Talking to others and finding someone to chat with is a way for us to resolve our worries and release negative emotions.

For girls, it is a great blessing in life to have two or three friends who can talk to them about anything and respond at any time.

But smart people know that no matter how close the relationship is, there are some things that cannot be said to outsiders.

You can complain and occasionally tell your girlfriends about the grievances in your relationship, but you must also know how to restrain yourself.

If you frequently criticize your lover, tell others about your partner's shortcomings, or even make fun of them publicly, you will not only lose face and status, but you may also become a laughing stock.

You will face wrong persuasion, be swayed by negative emotions, and invisibly damage the image of your lover, pushing the relationship into the abyss.

Thinking before speaking is an advanced cultivation and an important skill for us to maintain our relationships.

3. Don’t get too close to other people of the opposite sex.

A long-term and stable relationship often has many qualities. Staying loyal is the basic condition for maintaining trust.

A woman who is too playful will make her partner feel uneasy, while a sociable woman will also bring a sense of crisis to her lover.

There are many factors that force a relationship to break up, but the most likely thing that makes a person give up is a change of heart and betrayal.

You can ask your partner to stay on their own terms, but you should also lead by example and reject all ambiguity.

Only by keeping a distance from the opposite sex and not blending into too chaotic a circle can you stick to the original purity.

Although men don't say it, their desire to control and conquer love is extremely strong. Only by following his fancy and maintaining self-discipline can you always capture his heart.

By adhering to the "Three Don'ts", you will win respect and protect love invisibly. Of course, the best way to manage a relationship is to keep improving, because good and outstanding people are more qualified to control their own lives.

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