Introduction: In people's minds, parents have worked hard to raise their children; in turn, children should do their best to support their parents and obey their parents' will. As the saying goes, parents raise their children when they are young, and children raise their parents


In people's minds, parents have worked hard to raise their children; in turn, children should do their best to support their parents and obey their parents' will. As the saying goes, parents raise their children when they are young, and children raise their parents when they grow old. It is an act of gratitude and an act of kindness.

However, no matter how grateful and kind-hearted people are, they will inevitably have selfish motives. Just like parents who want to raise children for old age, children also hope that their rewards will be understood and recognized. A 69-year-old aunt lamented that only when she got older did she realize that no matter how filial her children are, they also like "sensible" old people.

69-year-old Aunt Tian


My name is Tian Xiurong, I am a retired teacher and I have a pair of twin sons. The eldest son joined a factory after graduating from technical secondary school; the second son finished college and started working outside. They are very filial and come back whenever they have time. In addition to buying food and drinks, they also give me some pocket money.

Later, when I retired and had some free time, I often went to my eldest son’s house to help take care of the children. The reason for doing this is firstly because my eldest son got married early, and secondly because we live in the same city and it is very convenient to go back and forth.

But not long after, the second son also got married and had a child, and he wanted me to help there. This is a bit troublesome. They are all my own sons. Who should I help?

Seeing that I was in trouble, the eldest son felt a little sorry and told me not to think too much and just go to the second son’s house. As for this, the couple can find a solution.


I lived in my second son’s house for three years. During this period, my eldest son and daughter-in-law took care of all the courtesy and worldliness between relatives and friends in my hometown. Afterwards, they never complained or made any demands, so I didn't take it to heart.

During the Spring Festival of that year, my younger brother came over to pay New Year's greetings and quietly said to me: "Boss, the eldest brother and his wife, are both honest and honest children. They have helped you share so many things. Can't you be partial and let others suffer?"

I disapproved. He replied, "I don't have time. Shouldn't they do that? Do they need to be rewarded?"

The younger brother immediately stared and said loudly: "Luckily you are my sister. If you were my sister, I would definitely scold you." . You look after the second son, and you feel relieved that everything is blamed on the boss? But if the boss contributes money and effort, and doesn’t say anything, do parents have to understand their children’s feelings? You can’t bully honest people.”

Although I am still a little unconvinced, after thinking about it carefully, I feel that his words are not unreasonable.


That day, I informed my eldest son to come over and drink with his uncle. But he hesitated and said that he had something to do and couldn't get away. The next day, my granddaughter told me that the eldest daughter-in-law had a fight with her eldest son and accused him of being a loser.

From my granddaughter’s mouth, I heard the dissatisfaction of the eldest daughter-in-law and the helplessness of the eldest son. It seems that my brother is right, what I take for granted has affected their lives.

After some consideration, I went to the mall to buy a gold necklace and gave it to my eldest daughter-in-law during the Lantern Festival. I then wanted to give them some money to supplement the family income, but was rejected.

The couple were very happy when they made glutinous rice balls together in the evening. The eldest son said to the eldest daughter-in-law with a playful smile: "Are you satisfied this time?"

Through this incident, I finally understood that no matter how filial children are, they also like "sensible" old people.

is written at the end:

Parents raise their children, and children should be filial to their parents. This is a traditional concept that people recognize. But in real life, in addition to family affection, understanding, respect and affirmation between parents and children cannot be ignored.

Children should be grateful and filial to their parents, and parents should also face up to their relationship with their children. They should not take anything for granted. They should understand their children's mood and know that when their children are older, they have their own ideas. In the face of filial piety, do Only by "reciprocity" can we get along harmoniously.

Truly "sensible" parents will keep an appropriate distance from their children, distinguish between "yours" and "mine", and understand what should be done and what should not be done.

Message after the article:

Thank you for your reading and support, and I wish you health and happiness!

Author: Yi Diaolu, a cheerful and joking emotional narrator who is willing to accompany his teachers and friends to taste and chat about life.